*The Official Eclipse Photo Thread*

Coastal West Dorset from my garden. Being a wildlife photographer it had to include some.

^ Canon 100-400mm L IS II on 7D Mark II on tripod. More info on Flickr [click image].
This is all I managed. From my phone at full zoom from the car park at work!
Heres my effort. I forgot my tripod and filter but being 12 floors up at work we have decent UV protectors on the windows. So we opened a window slightly so we had a double filter and I managed a few shots on my coolpix L830.
DSCN0710 by Dudley-Bug, on Flickr
Handheld with no filters, nearly forgot to remove my UV filter until I saw the flares on the first few..........

...........no eyes hurt or sensors fried though!

This is a composite of two shots I took as with the original shot the distance was too far between the group of people and the sun so closed it up and enlarged. Bit of artistic license. Going to work on a better version over next week and see what it can be turned into.

The weather certainly made it interesting!

Eclipse sequence by T_J_P, on Flickr
That is an interesting sequence - i guess every 10 minutes or so?
I remember seeing the "pac man" like stage as the cloud was very thick and the sun was so dim it could be viewed normally, but the cloud cover then got thinner so far to bright to view, but I tried the "pinhole" card viewing at about 9.27am when all the staff at work came out into the car park to "view" the eclipse.
Here's my effort, never done anything like this before!. You lucky people with cloud cover - down here in cornwall we only had a little haze and I had to use welder's glass which gave an all-mighty green tint so I resorted to B+W. I added an image of how well the welders glass works too...

Some amazing shots in this thread!
The eclipse was pretty good here in Oxford.

A friend who works next door brought his telescope to work and I had a solar filter on my camera. Loads of people came to look at the gear and see the pictures we had. We gladly obliged and let them see it in safety on the live screen of the camera or with the special glasses we had.

I ended up with a nice series.


There was a little sunspot to the top left.

which was gradually eaten!


And then looked a bit like an eye on a big pacman looking to eat something in return :)

Really can't believe the weather behaved, these were taken whist showing my daughters school of 90ish the live image via eos utility, I kept taking pictures as they were watching clouded right over after the most cover and the final bottom right shot came as a little spot in the cloud opened up.

eclipse montage by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Amazing stuff guys (y)
A few breaks in the cloud up near Sheffield and I got these with a little Canon SX 520 HS
I just set it on "A" for "A"h well lets see what happens :D

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It's good to see that some of you have got little dark sun spots in their shots, I have it on some of mine and just though it was dirt or something!
I've got it showing too on a couple, I thought it was sensor dirt, or a dead pixel.
I didn't realise that it was supposed to be there either :D
Shot at 400mm with 2 x Ten stop ND filters on. I wasn't able to get there at the start as I had to take my son to school so it had already started. then clouds started rolling in.


A composit.

That is an interesting sequence - i guess every 10 minutes or so?
I remember seeing the "pac man" like stage as the cloud was very thick and the sun was so dim it could be viewed normally, but the cloud cover then got thinner so far to bright to view, but I tried the "pinhole" card viewing at about 9.27am when all the staff at work came out into the car park to "view" the eclipse.

Thanks Adrian, I took a lot more shots but chose the best 16 for the sequence!
A second picture from me. In my back garden in coastal West Dorset, hence the Seagull and because I usually only photograph wildlife....

^ Canon 100-400mm L IS II on 7D Mark II on tripod but no filters - Just shot RAW and colour vibrancy tweaked. More info on Flickr [click the image].

The different photographic approaches to the same subject in this thread is very interesting - It seems to be either images which are excellent scientific records or are evocative atmospheric pictures.
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Nice pic Timmy G, especially the sunlight on half the moon. ;)
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