The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

At work, a blonde notices her that cubicle mate has a thermos.
She asks him what it's for, and he responds, "It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold."
The blonde immediately buys one.
The next day, she goes to work and proudly displays it.
Her cube mate asks, "What do you have in it?"
The blonde says, "Soup and ice cream."
Frankie Boyle
Ensure that everyone in Waitrose keeps two metres distance from you by carrying an Aldi bag
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That's spooky! I was outside in the shade, reading and listening to MP3s and guess what played earlier...
One day St Peter was quietly going business booking everyone in, He was joined by JC. morning said JC Morning said, Peter.
Very busy today Pete. No, very quiet was the reply. How long have you been in this job asks JC? Just about 2000 years, Peter said. Never missed a day. You've never had a day off in 2000 years JC says. No, not one. I'll tell what Pete you have a week or two off I'll watch the gate. So off he trots for a well-earned break.
One day as he was working the gate, in the distance he saw a very old man, the man could hardly walk. He was almost bent double only able to stand with his stick.
Morning said JC, Morning the old man said. Can I have your name so I can book you in? The old man says, hang on I don't know if I want to come in yet. I don't know what you mean said JC, everyone wants to come in here. With all due respect, I will not enter until I have found my son. I have been searching for him for years. My eyes are now dim, I don't know if I'll find him.
If you can give me a little detail about your son I may be able to help. Well the old man said, he was not a normal child, he wasn't born like other children. He called me Father but I really wasn't his true Father. With this JCs ears pricked up. Tell me more. He had holes in his hands and feet. At this time JC was getting very interested. JCs mind was racing is this my earthly father.
Anything else JC said well The last time I saw him he was just hanging there. This was the final straw for JC. he threw his arms around the old man's neck, It's Me you are looking for.
The old man with tears flooding down his face embraced JC and said. OH, Pinocchio.