Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

Simple and superb Ruth (y) mono and the graininess works really well and perfect for the theme
Another great interpretion this week congratulations...:clap:

It's a little soft but I think it works all the better for it...

I'm liking this one...(y)
Thanks Guys

Heres the redo from surprize (Yes i know i am a day late), I stuck with the same iamge more or less but incressed the DoF to improve the sharpness :)

Well done with the reshoot Ruth, really liked the Identity image too, I think that works really well.
Great idea for the identity image! and brilliantly shot too! i think it has a kind of emotional edge too it. almost spooky. did you have to wait until the patients were asleep then creep round the ward? :LOL: :LOL: definetly commend you on the B&W! wouldn't have the same impact in colour i don't think ;) (y)
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Great idea for the identity image! and brilliantly shot too! i think it has a kind of emotional edge too it. almost spooky. did you have to wait until the patients were asleep then creep round the ward? :LOL: :LOL: definetly commend you on the B&W! wouldn't have the same impact in colour i don't think ;) (y)

Thanks but i er, em er, I have a confession to make

i stole a name band and put it on my boy friends arm :nuts:
Not allowed to take patients pics without tons of forms :rules:
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Thanks but i er, em er, I have a confession to make
i stole a name band and put it on my boy friends arm :nuts:

So, now we know why he's clutching the sheets!! ;) ;) :woot:
Thanks Jean

I brought 2, ate one and used the toy then took the picture and ate the other one :D

I did manage the Theme for this week and a reshoot but only just in time with the theme and a little late for the reshoot and i have to admit it was making me nervous :eek:
Well done for getting two shots in this week (y)

I love the starkness of the Identity image, the mono conversion really suits it and the feeling it conveys for me is of anxiety, grabbing the sheet as though he is scared of what's coming next. And with your 'confession' shows good judgement in the posing of the shot :clap::clap::clap:

I like the reshoot too (y)
Or in this case Wise old owl


Tbh i'm not 100% happy with it but as i have no better ideas it will have todo.

Things i have learn't

1. Making inanimate objects have character is not that easy
2. Lighting is not always about correct exposure
3. When ever i do my 52 the house ends up a mess
4. I must get my creative side from my late Grandfather who carved the Owl by hand.
Coudn't figure it out at first, then it hit me, doh!! I like your interpretation for what is the hardest theme yet IMO. Well Done. I'm still looking for inspiration!! :LOL:
Its good Ruth! I like that you haven't shown us the obvious owl face :)

And that book looks heavy going too :D!

Owl is nice and sharp and the lighting looks good...why did you choose B&W out of interest?

And that is a lovely carving - your granddad was a talented man!(y)

Meets the brief nicely :clap:
Aagh, Ruth, you haven't changed your thread header to week 10 :LOL:

I try not to look at anyone's picture until I've done mine. But, thankfully, it's not the same idea I've got :D

A great interpretation, love the detail, DoF, b&w conversion and the lighting. What more can I say? Well done :clap::clap: again!
That's a really good interpretation of the theme, Ruth. I'd thought of owls (probably everybody else has too!) but it never crossed my mind to use a carving or ornament. Well done. :)

Then making the picture into a story by having the owl read what is clearly a 'serious' book - perfect. :clap::clap::clap:

I love your lessons and can particularly identify with #1 and 3. How can taking one small photo lead to such chaos in 5 rooms :bang:

Love it. I too thought of owls, I even thought of taking a drive up to one of the pubs outside of town called the wise old owl and shooting the sign (wasn't getting desperate honest :D). With you on lessons 1 and 2, and sometimes 3
Ahhhhh the wise old owl, a very good idea..... so good I used the same one.

Very nice shot and well executed. I agree with your choice of B&W for this shot as it's the content rather than the colour that's important. My only gripe would be the areas of blown highlights either side of the owl due to the backlighting. Very well done!! :clap:
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Just caught up, I like your identity shot, a good interpretation of the theme.

Wisdom was hard wasn't it, again I think you've done well, a clever interpretation.(y)
Great interpretation of the theme. I'm sure you weren't the only one to think of an owl but it's the first I've seen this week (but I've only just started looking through them this week - so there may be 100's to come :LOL:). I think you've captured it brilliantly (y) I know all too well how difficult it is to capture inanimate objects and give them life (there is a clever word for that in literature studies but I'm not clever enough to know it :()

P.S. I think you are right the creativity probably does flow from your grandfather, that owl is great
So relationships not so difficult this week and it being mothers day i have dedicated this to my Mum.

This is why the relationship with my mum is so good:
She knows just what to say and when to say it.
She knows when to leave me alone and when i want company.
She has supported me through the good times and the bad.
She let me and my Mates hang out in the house as teenagers.
She is a kind and generous soul.
She taught me lots of things including self respect and that with effort you can achieve anything in life.
She brings the family together for fun and makes sure everybody has a good time.
She is a fantastic cook.
She can make up bed time stories and knows a wealth of silly songs.
She accepts my faults and loves me unconditionally as i do her.
She will only kill me a little bit for doing this;)

Mum don't ever change.

So anyway here she is My Mum


Things I have learnt this week
1. Trying to get a good portrait of your mum without her knowing why isn't easy.
2. The sun is never where you want it.
Fantastic, I was listening to a BBC Radio 4 program (the best radio station in the world IMO) this week and they had a bit about artists who "captured" their mothers, and there isn't many of you so (y) for that.

The only thing that is bit distracting is the sun glasses, I can't see those all important eyes.

As tomorrow (20 mins away) is mothers day let her know you want to photograph her and tell her why - I am sure she'll appreciate it and oblige (y)
She accepts my faults and loves me unconditionally as i do her.

Unconditional love, the only love thats worthy of the name,

Good protrait, Well done.

Thanks :)

Fantastic, I was listening to a BBC Radio 4 program (the best radio station in the world IMO) this week and they had a bit about artists who "captured" their mothers, and there isn't many of you so (y) for that.

The only thing that is bit distracting is the sun glasses, I can't see those all important eyes.

As tomorrow (20 mins away) is mothers day let her know you want to photograph her and tell her why - I am sure she'll appreciate it and oblige (y)

There her reactolight glassess not shades. I cant get over there today as im working. so it will have to stand.
I emailed a link of this weeks post to my mum today. This is the reply she sent me.

dear toothie, thank you for my surprise it made me and amy cry.It was lovley could you now go back and tell everyone i am in the middle of dental treatment thats why my teeth look like that lum mum and don't you ever change xxxxxx
i can certanly say she is a fantastic cook! and she also knows how to be a decent shirt or two!

and why didnt you just ask her? she would have let you take her photo after messing about for 1/2hr
i can certanly say she is a fantastic cook! and she also knows how to be a decent shirt or two!

and why didnt you just ask her? she would have let you take her photo after messing about for 1/2hr

beacuse i wanted it to be a surprise for today!
Ruth a lovely, natural and obviously heartfelt shot :)

Good words, great portrait - well done you! :clap:
Thanks KIM and John.

I took loads of shots this had the best combination of lighting, expression and BG :)
Ruth, it's a fabulous contribution to this week's theme. You are an extremely lucky girl to have such a great mum - but I'm quite sure she feels the same way about you. The photo is fine - especially as it was an undercover job, and I'm sure she was thrilled with the surprise. :clap:

btw - I think she looks a lovely, happy, cheerful and loving lady. :love:

Ruth, it's a fabulous contribution to this week's theme. You are an extremely lucky girl to have such a great mum - but I'm quite sure she feels the same way about you. The photo is fine - especially as it was an undercover job, and I'm sure she was thrilled with the surprise. :clap:

btw - I think she looks a lovely, happy, cheerful and loving lady. :love:


Thanks Jean - apparently it made her and my sister cry so i feel a bit bad it being mothers day and all;)
First the Wisdom shot...great interretation...and thats a great carving's something I tried and it's a real skill that required practise...(y)

Relatationships...sounds like you have a great relationship with your mother and you have done a lovely portrait or her...(y)
and I bet she's as proud of you as you are of her...:clap: