TPF Slimathon

not looked, scared...
another 3lb loss for me this week making 24lbs in total

20st 7 lbs to 18st 11 lbs
InaGlo said:
No change for me Im afraid ... Im going lto have to ay off the Green & Blacks, the custard tarts & the Cadbury praline Flake's this week.
Also thinking of getting myself one of those Orbitrek (sp*) things that they sell on the shopping channels ... anyone use/have any advice regarding one of those things?

Can't say I have, is it some kind of cross trainer?
I have reached a plateau..... still eating the same "nothingness" all day, and the weight is now static :crying: I can hardly eat any it looks like more walking is required! I will have the thinnest dog in the village!! :D
Janice, if you don't eat enopugh, your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to the stored fat... maybe you need to start eating more?
That's what I needed to hear..................where's the peanut butter? LOL :D :D
just to jump back a page regarding the whole using weights means bulking up not losing weight. The Current scientific view point is the more lean muscle mass you have the higher you metabolism needs to be to keep you going and so the more calories you burn just by being alive which is y bodybuilders etc need to eat loads to maintain their physique. I'm not saying we should all look like arnie in the terminator but a little extra muscle here and there will help the fat go away. You may not get lighter but what r u more worried about what the scale says or if your belly's flatter?

Another point of contention is the you can only loose wieght by doing long bouts of cardio there are some studies the sugest that whats known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) ie the run for 90 sec walk for 60 sec or some variation thereof is more benifical than a long slow jog because it carries on working after you finish training personally I find it more interesting as well which means I'm more likely to do it :)
the above is also my excuse why I'm heavier now than a few weeks ago .... its muscles not cookies I tell ya

Edit I've forgotten twice now to say Braeden is doing great keep it up mate
Gemok said:
just to jump back a page regarding the whole using weights means bulking up not losing weight. The Current scientific view point is the more lean muscle mass you have the higher you metabolism needs to be to keep you going and so the more calories you burn just by being alive which is y bodybuilders etc need to eat loads to maintain their physique. I'm not saying we should all look like arnie in the terminator but a little extra muscle here and there will help the fat go away. You may not get lighter but what r u more worried about what the scale says or if your belly's flatter?

Another point of contention is the you can only loose wieght by doing long bouts of cardio there are some studies the sugest that whats known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) ie the run for 90 sec walk for 60 sec or some variation thereof is more benifical than a long slow jog because it carries on working after you finish training personally I find it more interesting as well which means I'm more likely to do it :)

Thats exactly my understanding as taught to me by my personal trainer...
The HIIT is what I'm doing too, although I do find it hard sometimes.

It does mean that I can get the cardio stuff done and over with, rather than boriingly slog on for hours on end
oh and the other thing alot of people misunderstand is "low fat" foods aren't the solution to dieting. As "Low Fat" dosen't mean low calories, if some exagerated hypothetical food has 1g fat but 2000 calories eating it isn't going to help you if your goal lose weight. As your body is more than capable of turning calories into fat all on its own.

Like wise eating not enough will hinder results as well. Initially starving yourself will shed the pounds but as minimeeze mentioned your body will enter starvation mode meaning it'll slow the metabolism down so you'll use less energy through out the day. If you're feeling run down and slugish you may not be eating enough and your body is trying to save energy by slowing everything down, it not clever enough to know that another meal is coming. do a rough guess of your calorie intake per day if its less than 1200/1500, its too low as a rough guide it obviously changes person to person. This is why lots of people loose wieght then pile it on and them some afterwards the body is slow to come out of starvation mode so when people go from eating virtually nothing to eating normally its still conserving energy so can store the excess the food provides on your hips bum and tum.

The body does similar things with water don't drink enough and it'll put a hose pipe ban on ya no non vital uses of H2O. It's going to take a fair few decades of having an abudance of food for our genetics to forget the bad days of famine in the western world.

All the above coments are as I understand things I've no qualifications in nutrition of the mechanics of the human digestive system. If you know I'm wrong about something put me right please :)
Gemok said:
Edit I've forgotten twice now to say Braeden is doing great keep it up mate

Thank you (y)

I don't know whether I have said what I have been doing but just in case here it is:

1) I have cut out fizzy drinks altogether.

Previously I would drink between 2 and 4 litres of Dr Pepper/Coke/Fanta or whatever the machine supplied when I got there. I now drink water (bottled and chilled of course) in place of the "pop" I was drinking before, so not only do I cut the sugar/calorie intake - I save money as well!

2) I have severely cut down on snacks - but not altogether as I don't think I could ever do that.

Previously I would have approx 2 packs of crisps a day or one may be substituted by a chocolate bar of some description from the snack machine at work. Now I take fruit to work as often as possible although I do still have crisps occasionally with my lunch but I avoid the high fat/calorie crisps (the ones I really like :crying:) and go for things like walkers french fries or similar. At home I mainly have a savoury tooth as opposed to sweet but again my main problem was snacking - a sandwich here and there and the like. Now I eat my lunch and evening meal and if I am still hungry I will have either fruit or cereal where possible on a night. I still don't make time for breakfast though which I know I should.

3) reduced portion sizes

Previously I would have overly large portions, for example if I had pie chips and peas, I would have 2 pies - now I would have one (if I had actually had any pies since then which I haven't). I used to get hungry all the time when I first started, but now I find it is far less frequent than before and it's actually getting easier to eat less.

and lastly

4) I have changed departments at work

Initially this was a temporary change but it could well be permanent. My contracted job is at a desk all day with very little physical activity and usually lots of coffee and or coke etc, and above all it was boring - I tend to snack when I am bored.

Now I am working in the high value component store which involves being stood up for around 6 hours per day but also involves quite a lot of lifting and carrying which has increased my excercise a hundredfold.

All of the above has contributed to my weight loss, and now quite a few people both at work and amongst my friends are commenting that they can tell that I have lost weight which is a huge boost to my confidence.

Sorry for the huge post - I didn't intend for anything like the size it has turned out to be.
Braeden :clap: on not only your success, but also on such a good post :)

You sound just like me.

I was 22 stone in August 2004, due to a bout of depression (comfort eating, not going out etc etc). I was always big, but ballooned the extra 5 stone.
Anyway, I did pretty much everything that you described there. Made small changes, which when all added up made a HUGE difference.

I got down to 16st 7, however, I'm now back up to 18 7 and my old eating habits have returned (giving in to things, having a HUGE appetite, and snacking all the time, plus eating late etc etc).

Slowly but surely I am working on it, and posts like yours are an inspiration (y) So waffle on with huge posts :)

Gemok, you've hit the nail on the head there. I think everything you said, I've also been taught in the past.
The key to sustained weight loss, is slow and steady. You didn't put it on overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight.

The starvation thing is so true too, the body, for all its clever stuff, can actually be quite thick sometimes :nuts:.
The first thing I did when I started losing weight a couple of years ago, was have something to eat in the morning....When you wake up your body hasn't had any food for over 10 hours, so eating something, even if its just a piece of fruit, kickstarts your metabolism...You're then burning calories efficiently until lunch......whereas if you didnt eat any breakfast, then you would be storing calories and putting weight on until lunchtime....bit of a no brainer when you think about it really :D

Both of you, thanks for the posts (y)
Yes, thank you everyone....some very interesting stuff there.
My weight gain was from depression also. Its a vicious circle, you put on weight because you're depressed, then because you're fat you dont go out but pig-out on snacks and watch TV......and get even fatter!

It was the initial habit-change that was difficult, from eating 2 bags of crisps and loads of kitkats of an an apple!
But the body is a creature of habit....and after about a week I had no urges to eat crisps or chocolate or cakes at all.

I have a bowl of Special K & red berries for breakfast, a crab-paste and cucumber sandwich with no butter for lunch and a normal dinner at night, but smaller than before. (when I say normal....not a fry up or anything..... just meat and veg.) In the evening I may have another bowl of Special K or maybe an apple.

My clothes feel miles better already....although I have another 1.5 stone to lose.

My husband bought a new set of scales at the weekend. They show us as being half a stone heavier than the old ones!!! :eek:

But like you said,. the actual weight doesnt matter, but how much you have actually LOST. and how better you look and feel.

I feel much brighter and happier now too,,, I think the junk food makes you dull and bored.

Good Luck everyone...keep persevering.....I you can too! :) :) :)
Just like to say well done you guys that are losing the weight and sticking at it.

I can't really imagine what it is like as I am one of those that can eat as much & what as I want without affecting my weight......and the only exercise I get these days is hiking and in the bedroom;)

Well done you lot and keep it up!
I started cycling to work today. It's 8 miles in London, and I managed to get lost trying to follow a cycle route I downloaded. It took me over an hour rather than the 40 minutes I expected. The interesting thing is that I wore a heart rate monitor and I burned 650 calories, include the journey home and that'll be 1300 burned in aday...
SW4peter said:
I started cycling to work today. It's 8 miles in London, and I managed to get lost trying to follow a cycle route I downloaded. It took me over an hour rather than the 40 minutes I expected. The interesting thing is that I wore a heart rate monitor and I burned 650 calories, include the journey home and that'll be 1300 burned in aday...

Excellent mate, that's what I do! You'll start getting quite competative with yourself on the commute PB (Personal Best)! :D
Some interesting reading here people!

On a slightly different note.....

I have an 18yr old pseudo step-daughter who's currently piling on the pounds. I know she is storing up trouble for the future but am at a complete loss as to what to do help.

Being teenager and compounded by the fact that I'm not her dad, I feel that anything I say will fall on deaf ears or worse, result in the usual 'I'm doing the opposite to what you say' reaction. We don't eat together as a family as she is mostly at her b/f's house and I don't live with her mother full-time yet.

Any suggestions parents/dieters?
Hmm it's a tough one.

Are you close to her at all? In that do you have the right kind of relationship where you would be able to sit her down and say "Listen, I love you no matter what, but I'm really concerned with your health. It's not about you being fat or what you look like. I'm worried you're heading for really bad health problems later on in life, and you're young enough to do something about it now before its too late.

Maybe suggest a healthy eating plan? Get rid of all the crap around the house, so she can't snack on anything. Make it the norm around the house that fruit is the only available snack, and all meals that she *does* have at your house, are healthy ones. (OK, her house, but you see what I mean).
When you say piling on the pounds, how bad? Is she just getting a bit chubby, or is she REALLY eating alot?

It could also be that she's depressed or unhappy for whatever reason, and that she's comfort eating. Like I say, if you have the right sort of relationship to enable you to, then sit down with her and have a heart to heart. Reassure her that you and her mum love her and you are simply concerned about her welfare. If it's approached with care, rather than control in mind, then she will most likely react positively.

If you find you get nowhere, pop on over to I'm a moderator over there and there are literally 1000's of parents over there, alot with kids the same age who have tackled exactly the same problem. (y)

(My eldest is 7 so I'm only going of what I would do :))
As has been said before, weight control is a balance of food in and effort out.

So, is she getting enough exercise? If you're serious about becoming part of her life (by becoming part of her mum's life) then how about a shared activity? This has the advantage of helping you two bond as well as increasing her fitness.

Also, maybe also help you increase yours? Maybe that's how to suggest it, as in, I'm thinking of doing some exercise cos' I'm unfit, how about you come along and give me some encouragement to make sure I don't slack off? A good one for this is you run whilst she cycles.

I would be incredibly careful what you say. If I know anything about teenage girls (I had two sisters and a stepfather) she will not thank you for the advice, and it could create a huge amount on tension.

I would concentrate on making her happy, comfortable and confident in herself. Pay her lots of compliments and don't suggest there is anything wrong with how she looks. If anything speak to her mother and see if she wants to talk to her.

I hope you don't mind me throwing in my two penneth...
Cheers for the feedback guys.

I'm not that close to her alas. As she's been brought up entirely by her mum until I came on the scene 2 years or so ago, she's as fiercely independant as her mum so tends to take most things with a pinch of salt unless it comes from her ma.

I had a bit of a chat with kell about it this afternoon, and she agrees that something needs to be done, so kell is gonna try and steer her in the right direction, this may involve limiting the amount of time she spends with her boyfriend as it's only since she's been seeing him the problem has arisen. His mother and two sisters also fall into the 'obese' category alas. That will be the final straw though as it's just gonna create conflict. For the moment it's gonna be hugs and support and lead by example.


I may have to join the gym.
Gandhi said:
this may involve limiting the amount of time she spends with her boyfriend as it's only since she's been seeing him the problem has arisen.
Just a thought but, do you know if is she taking the contraceptive pill?
Both my sisters put on weight very fast when they began taking the pill in their late teens.
Isn't that balanced out by the extra exercise that encourages? :D
So peeops... how are we all doing?
I've been very good, even got my bod down to the gym twice this week :D Total weight loss to date is 10lb - about another 7lb to go and I'll be one happy bunny ;)
Well I weighed myself this morning, and I'm 18st 5, which is a 2lb loss.

BUT, I've been going for the heavier weights at the gym and lower reps, which means bulking up. So hopefully things should fit a little less wobbly , but the weight wont drop as quick as it could.
So peeops... how are we all doing?
I've been very good, even got my bod down to the gym twice this week :D Total weight loss to date is 10lb - about another 7lb to go and I'll be one happy bunny ;)

we'll need full length images to confirm the loss though ;)
we'll need full length images to confirm the loss though ;)

You blooming perv DF ... you'll use any excuse to see Min full frontal! :eek:

No change for me, I have to admit I havent really tried too hard. :thumbsdown:
The exercise machine I was going to get fell by the wayside in preference to photography gear, so it serves me right really.

I'm both shocked and saddened by that remark :crying:

Images don't have to be frontal :D

My mass has been pretty much consistant throughout this whole thread.....I don't think the marshmallow and haribo diet is working for me.
Hey guys. As I'm new here I just found this. Well I used to be in the US Army and while never skinny I was fit. But after my son I have just poured on the pounds and now am considered "obese". I've started with Paul McKenna and I also have my own hypnotist. I've been changing my habits slowly and at week 3 I've gone down one size. I don't weight myself as at my weight that is just discouraging but I think the support ofsomething like this could only help! So hopefully you will be happy to have me along.

You are more than welcome Renee. Well done on shedding a dress size already :clap:
Paul McKenna. I went through his book and audio CD and found it great.

The only problem I had was sticking to it...but when I was 'doing' it, it was good, it actually worked in reducing portion sizes etc
a slow 2 weeks for me ( I didn't weigh myself last week as I was on holiday)

only 2lb loss but still 26lb in total.

Back into it this week though for a proper weight loss i hope
I tried Paul McKenna....but when he tried to stop you craving something you love (like chocolate) it didnt work....cos I couldnt decide what to use, as I love everything!!! :D

Ive lost 17lb in total since we started this.

Ive had 3 people notice Ive lost weight.
My jeans are baggy, 2 holes tighter on my belt, my tshirts fit better...

Its certainly a wonderful feeling...and I feel 100% better in myself (which is also probably from eating better foods and less junk). (might be able to come off the Prozac soon (y) )

SO glad I started doing this. And for our ya doin, Boon? ;)
Wow Janice, that's great :clap: I feel great having lost just 10lb, so I bet you must be feeling amazing!
big congrats to both Janice and minimeeze (y) :clap:
I am, but I have a long way to go yet - another 74lb in total...

I think when I'm half way there i'll be a little happier.
That's fantastic for you three (two girls and Braeden).

Have you all got any tips, how you've been coping? What you've been doing? Any meal ideas? etc