*URGENT* STOLEN GOODS please help! (serials added that I have)

I feel for you...
On a similar but happier note, my Brother's KTM road-bike was stolen recently - chained-up right under a CCTV camera in Vauxhall - he informed the police of this and recieved a 'ho-hum' response...
"Does Sir realise how many motorcycles are stolen in Greater London every day...?"

Until...three weeks later, he saw on the evening news some CCTV footage of a smash-and-grab on a jeweller's shop in London...the rider of the getaway-bike was on his KTM!

Back down to the police station...
Steve: "err remember me? I told you that there was a CCTV camera pointed at my bike when it was stolen - have you reviewed that footage yet?"
Plod: "No..."
Steve: "Well that bike was used in that diamond robbery yesterday - I recognised my bike..."
Plod: "oo...hang on..." calls Flying Squad (oh yes, The Sweeney still deal with armed and aggravated robberies in London).

Not only did the thieves not wear masks when stealing Steve's KTM, but the detectives recognised them as they had 'form'...
Round to their house they go and hey-ho - there's Steve's KTM parked in the back-yard!

The idiots had kept it!!!

All the jewellery was recovered to which Steve is now claiming part of the posted reward and he got his bike back with only minor cosmetic damage (new lock, fuel cap, couple of scratches etc all covered under the insurance policy).

The point being: don't just rely on the Police - do your own digging - the car will be easier to trace and may lead to the recovery of the camera kit...

That reminds me of when my car was stolen, the police couldn't find it, but I discovered that three other people had had their car stolen from the same carpark within a couple of weeks - and we'd all bought our cars from the same local car auction :cautious:

I informed the police but the didn't seem all that interested, so I went for a look about the local council schemes and lo and behold, there was my car - parked in full view of a Police CCTV, where apparantly it had been even since being nicked.....
Most sorry to hear about the break-in - just fortunate you didnt wake up to be honest.

From the overall tone in the responses here, there is a big 'AYE' for a spot of summary-justice - this speaks volumes about how decent hardworking folk feel about gutter-dwellers like this lot.
That's gutting. I really feel for you mate. I know 4 people this year who've had gear nicked either from their house or their car whilst out on shoots and this is really forcing me to consider taking out photography insurance. Anyone got any recommendations for good a good camera gear insurer ?
Sad for you, I hope you can find some kind of happiness at the end of all this.

I had my entire guitar collection ( 5 gibsons, gretsch, martin etc etc) stolen along with other stuff, the sad thing was that it turned out to be someone I knew very well that had done it, I found out by mistake and it was long after the incident with no proof.

I hope the same is not waiting for you as it hurts.
My heart goes out to you both. This is really bad. as mentioned, it sounds like they knew exactly what they were taking!

good luck and hope you get a good outcome and they get caught!
how about posting on a ST forum with images and details of the car?

Wouldn't be the first time a car forum have helped track a stolen motor :)
I've got my contents insurance with Tesco and thought I would give them a ring about insuring my camera gear and they wanted £40 a year extra to cover £4k worth of kit away from the home and single items under 2k don't need to be specified.

They just said keep as much documentation and proof of purchase as possible as I asked about 2nd hand stuff etc. Going to do an inventory, take some photos and record all the serials and keep a copy at home and maybe at work or online somewhere. It also covers other possesions although apparently bicycles are seperate.
Although I dont have a link, i seem to recall a website that you type in your serial and it traces it via exif through flickr.

Might get you in the right direction, your likely to find someone posting pics for a d700.
Ouch. That's a lot of gear to lose.
the D70 IR camera I would imagine is going to surface somewhere as its not your everyday off the shelf item
Absolutely. They're very rare. Find one of them for sale somewhere and you've probably found the whole lot.

Though even if you do track the equipment down, knowing what to do next can be difficult. I had a lens stolen last year. It was only a Canon 10-22 and they're quite common, but one turned up on eBay a week later and certain circumstantial evidence made me absolutely 100% sure this was my lens. But could I get the police to take an interest? No.
How about posting some details and reg number of the Focus, someone may spot it???
Burglary is a horrible crime, and one that I really wish the courts would take more seriously.


If only the courts realised most burglaries are at the end of the chain of crimes involving drug use and these crimes should be taken more seriously and the lowlife locked away, never mind all this softly softly approach and given a slap on the wrist then sent out to plan how to get their next fix!!

Rant over.
So sorry to hear what's happened. I hope it gets sorted out for you both.

I wish you luck with recovering your stuff. Burglary is a horrible crime, and one that I really wish the courts would take more seriously.

I think that's why people get so angry - you know the theives are unlikely to get caught, or if they do, the courts won't take it seriously. The injustice and unfairness makes honest people furious.

Very sad to hear of this but I feel there will be more of it to come due to the current financial climate.

I'll keep my ear to the ground in my area as I know some of our locals scrotes use Birmingham for their 'out of town shopping'
Sounds like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted but the best deterrent is a good alarm system, thieves will always go for the easiest property to break into and will usually avoid one that has a visible alarm box.

But for the determined thief there are ways around an alarm system, that is why despite having our property alarmed I hide any expensive gear, most thieves want to be in and out quickly with their swag so hiding it is a further protection.

It is a sickening feeling and one we have been lucky enough so far not to have experienced, we did come close to it one afternoon when we came back to find a broken door panel but they must have been disturbed and that was when we had the alarm fitted.
This theft could have turned out really nasty if they had been disturbed, so please take comfort in the fact that they were not.
What a fec*ing disgrace! Really sorry to hear that - they need shooting the thieving little cretins!!! Will keep my eyes peeled as I am on the lookout for some of the stuff they stole from you!! Gutting - hope your insurance gives you the cash or gets you the gear back!! That is a lot of quality gear there :(!!!
Not a nice thing to happen, I think heads on poles as a warning to others is a way forward (albeit a touch medieval).

D70 IR - Does it look any different from a normal D70? If not I can imagine that some poor punter will buy it thinking it's a normal D70 and be quite annoyed that it gives strange results.
Absolutely gutted for you my friends hope you and Nic are ok or as well as can be under the circumstances.
Hopefully the insurance will cover your stolen items but the burglary and invasion of your home and personal space will only pass with time.
Take care both of you and you have my contact numbers.
If you need to contact me day or night please feel free to call me.

Such a traumatic experience, at least nobody was injured. Makes you lose faith in humanity. Must admit I rarely lock the doors, maybe I should.