WAMT....what annoyed me today!

It's a philosophical rather than aesthetic thing for me.

I'm weird that way and I'm disrupting this thread. Sorry.

As you were.
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It's a philosophical rather than aesthetic thing for me.

I'm weird that way and I'm disrupting this thread. Sorry.

As you were.

Isn't disruption what we crave and aim for on this forum?

I think so, otherwise why does it happen so often :D
Around here its 199.9 on the motorway.

I never got that, I was always led to believe you can't sell anything, that you can't pay for in one unit.
You don't see spuds for example 15.5p per lb.
You used to and then the 1/2p was discontinued ... the rest is history.

!99.99 ? That IS high..wow.

An interesfting read for you re that point about 99p. In the article it recounts a study in France that showed that a Pizza priced at 8 euros had a sales increase of 15% when reduced to 7.99. As they say in the US.." Go figure". :D

My personal take on it is people see the 7 and that's not too bad..8 seems a bit expensive..Dunno.

I passed a Shell station on Wednesday that was quite some distance from the motorway and unleaded was £198.9 and diesel £187.9, there were plenty customers in at the pumps too, only a couple miles distant are alternatives I know are cheaper.
!99.99 ? That IS high..wow.

An interesfting read for you re that point about 99p. In the article it recounts a study in France that showed that a Pizza priced at 8 euros had a sales increase of 15% when reduced to 7.99. As they say in the US.." Go figure". :D

My personal take on it is people see the 7 and that's not too bad..8 seems a bit expensive..Dunno.

Still whole pennies/cents though rather than the 0.9p.
Still whole pennies/cents though rather than the 0.9p.

That's true but it wasn't the point I was making. My point was , re petrol prices the 'sleight of hand' . People in a particular location would say, for example.." At the Shell garage it's 189p but at Morrisons it's 184p "

Neither is correct. As they all do it re the point 99p it doesn't make any difference when comparing prices,though. For me it's the principle.
!99.99 ? That IS high..wow.
I didn't say that ;)
My point was its 199.9 and that point 9 is NOT legal tender,
so your Pizza analogy is invalid ;)
Currency exchange rates are done to a similar level (1/100th of a cent etc.) https://www.postoffice.co.uk/foreign-currency
Ok but that still doesn't explain why they can price something at a value you cannot buy, retail, 1 whole item.
You don't see sports direct selling trainers at £40 and 99.9P
Or Tesco's a bag of spuds at 99.09p
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I didn't say that ;)
My point was its 199.9 and that point 9 is NOT legal tender,
so your Pizza analogy is invalid ;)

I've had a look at this and it was originally brought in by retailers to stop cashiers stealing 1p. most people would think it isn't worth stealing 1p but I recall a bank clerk who,at the end of each day, 'harvested' ,by a computer programme, 1p from every account and was eventually caught. I vaguely recall it was because a customer kept a track of his/her account down to the last penny. If the customer did that at close of business each day..there are many obsessives in this world..and from from one day to the next was down 1p and he/she made a complaint it would have been investigated. All assumption on my part,of course.

The Pizza research result showed that it works in generating sales so my question to you re you claiming it not being a valid comparison..which it may well not be if you give a different reason why petrol stations do it, is just that..why do petrol stations do it ? I hope you respond because I'm finding this quite interesting.
I've had a look at this and it was originally brought in by retailers to stop cashiers stealing 1p.
Another Woooooooooooooooosh!
the amount in question is 0.9p not 9p or 99p or 1p but a decimal that is not legal tender ..
As people are totally missing the point and offering an answer to a question that I never posed, I'm bored with this now.
Moving on ..

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Another Woooooooooooooooosh!
the amount in question is 0.9p not 9p or 99p or 1p but a decimal that is not legal tender ..
As people are totally missing the point and offering an answer to a question that I never posed, I'm bored with this now.
Moving on ..

Yes..I know it's a decimal not legal. It's a pity you're opting out because you didn't address my question as to why it's done.

Edit. Just realised why you said it wasn't legal tender. My example of the 1p the bank clerk stole. Fair comment. Just leaves the 'why ?" question.

..and again.. lol. That petrol price eg.189.9. As the point 9 isn't legal tender are we actually paying 190 ? It's a bit of an enigma to me.

Got to turn in. Wacked out.:)
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you didn't address my question as to why it's done.
I know all about the 1p argument. but 1p is legal tender

You are not addressing my question as to why can they price something with a price that is not legal tender,
rather trying to deflect the question, with something totally irrelevant to the point I was making

Yes..I know it's a decimal not legal. It's a pity you're opting out because you didn't address my question as to why it's done.

Edit. Just realised why you said it wasn't legal tender. My example of the 1p the bank clerk stole. Fair comment. Just leaves the 'why ?" question.

..and again.. lol. That petrol price eg.189.9. As the point 9 isn't legal tender are we actually paying 190 ? It's a bit of an enigma to me.

Got to turn in. Wacked out.:)

Apologies, clicked 'like' by mistake, meant for Cobra.
And if something is really good, you can unlike it, just to like it again :D

This makes me think of Jexi the phone being plugged in to recharge, and unplugged and plugged and unplugged...
Or letting the cat in, just so it can go out again. :giggle:

The Jexi charging scene is a weird sex scene between our protagonist and his deranged smartphone virtual assistant.

I recommend the movie Jexi, it's incredibly rude but IMO very funny.
I know all about the 1p argument. but 1p is legal tender

You are not addressing my question as to why can they price something with a price that is not legal tender,
rather trying to deflect the question, with something totally irrelevant to the point I was making


If you could just bear with me. As you see I don't just don't put a 'like' because I can't be bothered to get something sorted for myself or make clear what I've said. My interest is genuine. What I definitely don't do, and you must be aware by now ,is to fail to address a question put to me by trying to deflect it. I'm very aware of that tactic often used in the Politics thread. I read a response and I think..'you're not answering his/her question..using the deflection technique.."

Here we go...In my post 12,010 ..ie..yesterday at 9.27pm. I 'd realised the pump price was ..eg..189.9p not as I'd originally put 99p. and carried on with 99p. So I'm on board with you there. It's point 9p which,in practice , doesn't exist..not valid,as you say.At the end of my post I asked if you knew why they would do that forgetting that you'd already addressed the 'why' question with this in your post..11,977..last Wednesday 10.35pm when you said....." I never got that" after I mentioned it as something else re the price that annoyed me.

So.....we don't know. At the risk of causing you more grief ...:) I thought of this. Up front you need only look at the 189p.the price example I've used. If the garage further on has it at 188..,obviously the garage further on is 1p/Lt cheaper. Straightforward.

Now to the point 9 of a p. Buy one litre and it's invalid but buy 40lts and that's 36p. Could this be the reason ? . Margins on petrol are very tight. It doesn't answer the question of why they can add a non-existent,invalid value ie. point 9 and, in the context of trading standards but obviously they can.

Hope this clarifies it and,as I say, the crossed wires were wholly down to me.
Buy one litre and it's invalid but buy 40lts and that's 36p
I believe the minimum dispense is 5 l ( a fuel can full for a lawn mower etc.)
Buy that and the amount XXX.09 still leaves 0.45p
still not a legal tendered amount.
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Just my tuppence worth. I can't remember the last time I went to a petrol station to put in x number of litres of fuel I normally put in a monetary amount or just fill the tank depending on what I will be doing that week now while I have no proof of this it would not surprise me if I was not the only one who does it this way. I have no idea why petrol stations display price at ***.9, probably somewhere in the distant past one of the companies started it as a marketing ploy to undercut their rivals albeit by only 0.1 of a penny and the rest just followed suit.
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Just my tuppence worth. I can't remember the last time I went to a petrol station to put in x number of litres of fuel I normally put in a monetary amount or just fill the tank depending on what I will be doing that week now while I have no proof of this it would not surprise me if I was not the only one how does it this way. I have no idea why petrol stations display price at ***.9, probably somewhere in the distant past one of the companies started it as a marketing ploy to undercut their rivals albeit by only 0.1 of a penny and the rest just followed suit.
I agree....I almost always fill the tank and don't watch the volume going in.

Although the exception would be if I am running close to empty and the next petrol station is a tad too expensive I will do a splash & dash and put say 10 or 15 litres in and then fill the tank later with a saving in mind.
I agree....I almost always fill the tank and don't watch the volume going in.

Although the exception would be if I am running close to empty and the next petrol station is a tad too expensive I will do a splash & dash and put say 10 or 15 litres in and then fill the tank later with a saving in mind.
With the degree of difference we have locally I fully understand that. Throughout all of this, the local Tesco has been a good 3-4p less per litre. When filling a 60l tank, that can make a difference.

They really are taking the p*** now. Their lock-in rip-off is getting worse and worse. I’m really amazed people hold them in such regard.

The latest is “Stage Manager” which allows you to display a desktop UI (albeit quite crippled) on a separate display when using your iPad. All very well you might think. A proper second display at last. But no….it only works with an M1-chipped iPad. It won’t work with any earlier ones even very recent iPad Pros that cost more than many high-spec laptops.

People need to realise that this is purely a way to get people to upgrade their barely used iPads for new ones to get this feature. They could make it work perfectly well with older spec iPads. Jeez - Samsung have had a far more flexible desktop UI called DEX on their phones for years now. My old Samsung Note 10 runs DEX beautifully on any HDMI display. This sort of thing doesn’t need an M1 chip.

Stage Manager could even work on an iPhone if they wanted it to. But no, that would mean people would buy fewer iPads.

Apple could even make MacOS work on an iPad if you plug it into an external display, but of course they won’t as it would cannibalise sales of Macbooks.

It really is a complete p***-take. Stage Manager is not exciting, is less capable than others like DEX, and is just an upgrade driver. Makes me sick. Yet so many people will be taken in by it and think “woo its Apple and shiny, let me buy more of their stuff” without realising what is going on.

They really are taking the p*** now. Their lock-in rip-off is getting worse and worse. I’m really amazed people hold them in such regard.

The latest is “Stage Manager” which allows you to display a desktop UI (albeit quite crippled) on a separate display when using your iPad. All very well you might think. A proper second display at last. But no….it only works with an M1-chipped iPad. It won’t work with any earlier ones even very recent iPad Pros that cost more than many high-spec laptops.

People need to realise that this is purely a way to get people to upgrade their barely used iPads for new ones to get this feature. They could make it work perfectly well with older spec iPads. Jeez - Samsung have had a far more flexible desktop UI called DEX on their phones for years now. My old Samsung Note 10 runs DEX beautifully on any HDMI display. This sort of thing doesn’t need an M1 chip.

Stage Manager could even work on an iPhone if they wanted it to. But no, that would mean people would buy fewer iPads.

Apple could even make MacOS work on an iPad if you plug it into an external display, but of course they won’t as it would cannibalise sales of Macbooks.

It really is a complete p***-take. Stage Manager is not exciting, is less capable than others like DEX, and is just an upgrade driver. Makes me sick. Yet so many people will be taken in by it and think “woo its Apple and shiny, let me buy more of their stuff” without realising what is going on.
Mrs F has got an iPad Air with an M1 chip and downloaded the Nebo app for £6.99 which she's very happy with but she wanted to download the MacOS version onto her Macbook. Nope, the app is for devices with the M1 chip only!
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People need to realise that this is purely a way to get people to upgrade their barely used iPads for new ones to get this feature.
It may be
... or it may just be a bungled development
... or it may be exactly what their market research told them the customers want.

None of us can possibly know, if we aren't sitting in at their management meetings.

They really are taking the p*** now. Their lock-in rip-off is getting worse and worse. I’m really amazed people hold them in such regard.

The latest is “Stage Manager” which allows you to display a desktop UI (albeit quite crippled) on a separate display when using your iPad. All very well you might think. A proper second display at last. But no….it only works with an M1-chipped iPad. It won’t work with any earlier ones even very recent iPad Pros that cost more than many high-spec laptops.

People need to realise that this is purely a way to get people to upgrade their barely used iPads for new ones to get this feature. They could make it work perfectly well with older spec iPads. Jeez - Samsung have had a far more flexible desktop UI called DEX on their phones for years now. My old Samsung Note 10 runs DEX beautifully on any HDMI display. This sort of thing doesn’t need an M1 chip.

Stage Manager could even work on an iPhone if they wanted it to. But no, that would mean people would buy fewer iPads.

Apple could even make MacOS work on an iPad if you plug it into an external display, but of course they won’t as it would cannibalise sales of Macbooks.

It really is a complete p***-take. Stage Manager is not exciting, is less capable than others like DEX, and is just an upgrade driver. Makes me sick. Yet so many people will be taken in by it and think “woo its Apple and shiny, let me buy more of their stuff” without realising what is going on.

I suggest you stop buying Apple stuff if it upsets you so much.
do you have any opinion on Apple’s tactics?
I know that was aimed at Richard but from my point of view,
from what I've seen, over the years, its generally, mostly, an underhand way of getting people to upgrade.
I've never owned an iProduct and never will.
Just my tuppence worth. I can't remember the last time I went to a petrol station to put in x number of litres of fuel I normally put in a monetary amount or just fill the tank depending on what I will be doing that week now while I have no proof of this it would not surprise me if I was not the only one who does it this way. I have no idea why petrol stations display price at ***.9, probably somewhere in the distant past one of the companies started it as a marketing ploy to undercut their rivals albeit by only 0.1 of a penny and the rest just followed suit.

Your tuppence worth is very welcome rather than your 2.9pence worth :D

It's no doubt become obvious that when I get into something that needs persistance to find a result I don't give up...:D...until I really do hit a brick wall and the brick wall looks like the article in the last link below.

I found out that in August last year a petition to Parliament to have the practice stopped was rejected on the grounds that it's not something the government can change.


..and this https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/da...ave-given-1m-to-boris-johnsons-conservatives/

I also found this about getting an answer and ,as you see,the author says it was very difficult and then said it was impossible.

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Just upgraded the wife’s iPad to a new model, battery very poor in her old mini now, found the receipt for it in the box, March 2014, don’t think we are their target buyers.
Just upgraded the wife’s iPad to a new model, battery very poor in her old mini now, found the receipt for it in the box, March 2014, don’t think we are their target buyers.

I’m still using my iPad 2 from 2011. The Home button is a bit erratic b(but there’s worksrounds) and it’s slow but otherwise functional. Some current 3rd party software still works. I’m only using it as a security camera display and a clock for another time zone but it’s on constantly. Its been lent out to various friends and family to try out over the years.

OTOH I’ve bought a fair few others, new & used for myself and others and have just bought a new iPad Air 5 (M1).

My TV is an iPad (only watch the news).

I went from iPhone SE to 7Plus to iPhone 11 and my Mac is a Lare 2012 Mini with 27” Thunderbolt Display. (bought used for cheap).

So am I the target buyer?

Apple is a hardware manufacturer and that’s the focus of their business even though they are making lots of money from other stuff now.

The comparison is always with Android but it’s ”apples & oranges” as Google hardly qualifies as a hardware manufacturer, the product they are selling is “you”.
I also found this about getting an answer and ,as you see,the author says it was very difficult and then said it was impossible.
Ah so it was the american's fault all along, and yet their gallon is smaller than ours.

As an aside, out and about earlier a BP garage had unleaded at 187.09 and diesel at 187.09
The first time I've bought fuel in quite awhile TBH, but I still paid an outrageous 176.09 for sans plomb.
First time I've ever filled more than 20 quid in a bike tank today! That was super unleaded rather than the possibility of E10 so a bit more expensive than the crappy stuff but shouldn't give the problems that E10 does.

WAMT was the richard edward who refused to reverse 10 yards into a gateway so I had to paddle backwards close to 100 yards on the bike. His child now knows a couple of new words...