WAMT....what annoyed me today!

My better half said we should go for a walk :)

But suggested ... I leave the camera at home :oops: :$

I think "we" have to be careful as it is easy to make it all about our hobby. I've been very guilty of this in the past but to balance things out just a bit there are times when I don't take a camera with me and Mrs WW then sees a scene she wants photographing, maybe with her in it, and then looks appalled and says unbelievably and accusingly "You didn't bring a camera?"

This is why I've cut down on the use of manual lenses, so I can take the shot quicker, and why I've started to take smaller cameras out with me that I can fit in a pocket or small bag and use quickly instead of my quite compact by some standards Sony A7.
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I think "we" have to be careful as it is easy to make it all about our hobby. I've been very guilty of this in the past but to balance things out just a bit there are times when I don't take a camera with me and Mrs WW then sees a scene she wants photographing, maybe with her in it, and then looks appalled and says unbelievably and accusingly "You didn't bring a camera?"

This is why I've cut down on the use of manual lenses, so I can take the shot quicker, and why I've started to take smaller cameras out with me that I can fit in a pocket or small bag and use quickly instead of my quite compact by some standards Sony A7.
My partner is a happy snapper, she likes it, but I get carried away if I spot wildlife ;) been told I don't talk much with a camera either :LOL:
It's all just a light hearted thing :)

I should try a smaller set up to walk around with :)
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My partner is a happy snapper, she likes it, but I get carried away if I spot wildlife ;) been told I don't talk much with a camera either :LOL:
It's all just a light hearted thing :)

I should try a smaller set up to walk around with :)

I have some MFT cameras and there are times when there's no significant drop in image quality over FF and they're so much faster in operation than my comparatively sluggish FF Sony A7 so for the days when the light is nice a very compact GM5 and 20mm F1.7 or GX80/GX9 are much more partner experience friendly :D
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I have some MFT cameras and there are times when there's no significant drop in image quality over FF and they're so much faster in operation than my comparatively sluggish Ff Sony A7 so for the days when the light is nice a very compact GM5 and 20mm F1.7 or GX80/GX9 are much more partner experience friendly :D
I brought a much bigger bag to 'hide' the camera in .. just incase I see something ;) :p:LOL::LOL:
My partner is a happy snapper, she likes it, but I get carried away if I spot wildlife ;) been told I don't talk much with a camera either :LOL:
It's all just a light hearted thing :)

I should try a smaller set up to walk around with :)
my bold

One of the better excuses for GAS I've seen
My partner is a happy snapper, she likes it, but I get carried away if I spot wildlife ;) been told I don't talk much with a camera either :LOL:
It's all just a light hearted thing :)

I should try a smaller set up to walk around with :)

my bold

One of the better excuses for GAS I've seen

The Panasonic GM5 plus a compact prime like the 20mm f1.7 or 14m f2.5 can be just about hidden in a hand as you walk about but sadly they're hard to find, relatively expensive and have a seemingly common significant issue so finding a good one could be a challenge.
The Panasonic GM5 plus a compact prime like the 20mm f1.7 or 14m f2.5 can be just about hidden in a hand as you walk about but sadly they're hard to find, relatively expensive and have a seemingly common significant issue so finding a good one could be a challenge.
Cheers Alan, I'll take a look .. can I leave you to explain to Em why I'm looking at yet another camera?? ;):LOL::LOL:
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WAMT :- The car sales garage that had just taken the slack out of the handbrake cable to get a test pass. They should have removed the wheels, adjusted the in drum shoes and then, taken out the cable slack. The result was that the in hub shoes had slipped out of the retaining clip due to excess movement and were moving where they shouldn't. To get the drum off was then a proper mare. Now all back and adjusted properly with new discs, pads and sundries as required. Technicians??? Certainly not mechanics! I would have been fired! Short cuts? Death by a thousand cuts would be preferable IMHO.
I'm, genuinely very annoyed this morning. Parked opposite our house earlier was a shed of a vehicle..a large white transit van. It was there for a while. My gut feeling was the police would be interested. I had to go out to see the registration number ..walking up the road 25m and back so as not to alert the driver. Did he see me ? I don't know but within 5 minutes he drove off.

I went online and checked for MOT and tax. The MOT expired in 2017 and the vel in 2018. It wouldn't surprise me if the driver was known to police or even wanted for whatever reason. The best I could do was to submit an online report to the Gloucester police. There's a portal for that purpose. They also have a FB page for areas of the city .

If anyone is ever in this position you can check the validity of the MOT and tax. here...

For insurance it's the Motor Insurance Data Base but that can take a few weeks and is run by insurance companies and,I think, only applies when an accident is involved. I'd put a wager on that the van would not have been insured either.

I had a similar experience weeks ago and called 101..can't call 999 for this and I was in a queue..the usual.."We are experiencing a high level of demand...etc. It's so frustrating . This is a good example of the results of cuts amounting to the loss of 20,000 police officers .In 2010..the year Labour lost power, there were 172,000 officers in England and Wales.In 2016..two years after the Tories took power under David Cameron having beaten Gordon Brown, there'd been a loss of 20,000 officers and 3500 staff. That would include civilians in the control room taking calls hence the long wait on the line these days.

Chn4 report "In March 2010, the total number of police officers in England and Wales was 143,734. By March 2016, that figure had fallen to 124,066"

I put in a similar online report a couple of months ago and got a reply telling me that the vehicle..another shed of a transit van ..had been involved in an incident in the Tuffley area a few days before. People are reluctant to report these incidents so I mentioned the online check re MOT and tax so that would give a good reason to call in on 101. If the waiting is too long and/or a vehicle has gone or was just passing, then go to plan B an online report. It's really worth doing this. A sighting could tie up with all sorts .
One problem with Jeremy Corbyn is that even a broken clock is right twice a day but at other times we have his... er... more problematic issues and character traits to deal with and any Labour party with anyone like him near the top at election time is going to lead to a Conservative government. That's something that his fans and excusers and enablers have to accept. That and the EHRC report.
I had a similar experience weeks ago and called 101..can't call 999 for this and I was in a queue..the usual.."We are experiencing a high level of demand...etc. It's so frustrating . This is a good example of the results of cuts amounting to the loss of 20,000 police officers .In 2010..the year Labour lost power, there were 172,000 officers in England and Wales.In 2016..two years after the Tories took power under David Cameron having beaten Gordon Brown, there'd been a loss of 20,000 officers and 3500 staff. That would include civilians in the control room taking calls hence the long wait on the line these days.

I think a Chat line would be better all round for this, they can be triage by”common questions and and I guess oprators can handle several enquiries at once. Or a web for ditto.

This is a general problem. I just today booked a GP appointment online but there was something odd in the confirmation implying it was only for flu vaccs. I don’t phone if I can help it (bad hearing and interminable queues) so I emailed them to appropriate address given for such. Some time later I get a phone call I think saying the appointment is ok at either 10;15 or 10:50 (I can’t hear the difference, Indian accent to compound the problem). This after they had to wait for some time while I found, switched on my Bluetooth headphone!

Why oh why™ do they not think that if I email them, with an advertised possible 2 day delay, do they not think there could be a reason. And they are keeping people in the phone queue while trying to get me to understand them!!!
Taking in parcels for neighbours - yes, I am once again getting a little ticked off about this. Said neighbour has regular deliveries and I am often in the house, so take them in. Said neighbour now seems reluctant to knock on my door to receive deliveries, perhaps thinking that I am part of the delivery chain - the final link in the delivery service maybe.
At what point do I now refuse to take in deliveries for him? The previous neighbours were a complete PITA over this, even accusing me of holding on to a delivery for them which had been delivered over the road.
Where do some folks get this sense of entitlement from?
I bought something off ebay for £19+change and free delivery. It doesn't work so I contacted the seller who said he'll be happy to send out another and I don't have to return the original but he'll charge me £6. Er... he'll charge me £6 for what? So I initiated a return through ebay, he'll get his faulty one back and I'll buy another from someone else as there's plenty for sale from other sellers. Another £6? The cheek!
Taking in parcels for neighbours - yes, I am once again getting a little ticked off about this. Said neighbour has regular deliveries and I am often in the house, so take them in. Said neighbour now seems reluctant to knock on my door to receive deliveries, perhaps thinking that I am part of the delivery chain - the final link in the delivery service maybe.
At what point do I now refuse to take in deliveries for him? The previous neighbours were a complete PITA over this, even accusing me of holding on to a delivery for them which had been delivered over the road.
Where do some folks get this sense of entitlement from?

We had the same. I started refusing to accept unless the driver said he'd put a note through the door stating where the parcel was and if he has I just leave it in the hall until they come and pick it up. So far they've come and collected everything.
This is reminiscent of offenders who have committed serious crimes avoiding deportation, in one case I recall, because , he had a right to stay here with his cat (2011). Another who successfully argued for a right to family life here. Human Rights Act.

Here's the latest and the taxpayer funded the appeal through legal aid. I see his barrister has been granted anonymity.

These examples were addressed by government last year.

Where do some folks get this sense of entitlement from?
Talking of entitlement,
I do take in the occasional parcel for close neighbours, who also reciprocate.
Several months ago, I took a parcel for someone I didn't know, a few doors down and on the opposite side of the road.

I said I'd take it, as long as you put a note through the door.

The following day, I still had the parcel!
I waited until there was a car on their drive, knocked, and said I believe this is yours?
The looked at the address and without a word, shut the door.

You are most welcome I said loudly, as the door shut.
We had the same. I started refusing to accept unless the driver said he'd put a note through the door stating where the parcel was and if he has I just leave it in the hall until they come and pick it up. So far they've come and collected everything.

I thought that delivery drivers always push a note through the door stating which house the parcel has been left with.
I thought that delivery drivers always push a note through the door stating which house the parcel has been left with.

That might be the policy but in my experience they don't always do it. When I've asked them to I've watched them then do it.
The looked at the address and without a word, shut the door.
I'd be annoyed by that too.

We often take in parcels for the neighbours, being at home while they're out working and are always thanked politely and have a brief chat. Politeness is never wasted if you want others to do favours for you.
I'd be annoyed by that too.

We often take in parcels for the neighbours, being at home while they're out working and are always thanked politely and have a brief chat. Politeness is never wasted if you want others to do favours for you.

I agree on politeness as the postie is just doing his job but a polite refusal is ok as it gets difficult when you have problem neighbours.

For example the postmen tried to leave a parcel for me with a neighbour and their daughter said "We don't take parcels for THEM." Well, her parents certainly do accept parcels for me and that little comment went well for her as postie reported back and we no longer accept parcels for HER.
Talking of entitlement,
I do take in the occasional parcel for close neighbours, who also reciprocate.
Several months ago, I took a parcel for someone I didn't know, a few doors down and on the opposite side of the road.

I said I'd take it, as long as you put a note through the door.

The following day, I still had the parcel!
I waited until there was a car on their drive, knocked, and said I believe this is yours?
The looked at the address and without a word, shut the door.

You are most welcome I said loudly, as the door shut.

I don't see that as entitlement but just plain rudeness and ignorance. No doubt you won't be accepting any more parcels for that address.
Talking of entitlement,
I do take in the occasional parcel for close neighbours, who also reciprocate.
Several months ago, I took a parcel for someone I didn't know, a few doors down and on the opposite side of the road.

I said I'd take it, as long as you put a note through the door.

The following day, I still had the parcel!
I waited until there was a car on their drive, knocked, and said I believe this is yours?
The looked at the address and without a word, shut the door.

You are most welcome I said loudly, as the door shut.

Wow! There is an old Northern saying - "There is nowt so queer as folk"
That last expression "There is nowt so queer as folk" describes my next door neighbours down to a "T"

At the beginning of the pandemic they told me to email them a list of any shopping that I needed doing. They are a permanent household of 3 Adults with occasional other children visiting for over a week at a time ! We have a 6+ft fence between us as they like their privacy !! We have a joint runway/entrance at the bottom of our gardens leading to 2 garages - mine and theirs. Who put a padlock on the gates ? OH and it took me almost 6 months to get a ket for said lock.

Truly - there's nowt so queer as folks
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That last expression "There is nowt so queer as folk" describes my next door neighbours down to a "T"

At the beginning of the pandemic they told me to email them a list of any shopping that I needed doing. They are a permanent household of 3 Adults with occasional other children visiting for over a week at a time ! We have a 6+ft fence between us as they like their privacy !! We have a joint runway/entrance at the bottom of our gardens leading to 2 garages - mine and theirs. Who put a padlock on the gates ? OH and it took me almost 6 months to get a ket for said lock.

Truly - there's nowt so queer as folks
I would of politely asked for a key if it was not forthcoming I would just of used my universal padlock opener. 1656424826662.png
Taking in parcels for neighbours - yes, I am once again getting a little ticked off about this. Said neighbour has regular deliveries and I am often in the house, so take them in. Said neighbour now seems reluctant to knock on my door to receive deliveries, perhaps thinking that I am part of the delivery chain - the final link in the delivery service maybe.
At what point do I now refuse to take in deliveries for him? The previous neighbours were a complete PITA over this, even accusing me of holding on to a delivery for them which had been delivered over the road.
Where do some folks get this sense of entitlement from?

Isn't that just part of being a good neighbour, like lending a pari of pliers, or doing shopping if they are ill?
Isn't that just part of being a good neighbour, like lending a pari of pliers, or doing shopping if they are ill?

It is but what if you're the good neighbour time after time and they're not? When it happens like that it's only human nature to take it for a time and then just think enough is enough.
Taking in parcels for neighbours - yes, I am once again getting a little ticked off about this. Said neighbour has regular deliveries and I am often in the house, so take them in. Said neighbour now seems reluctant to knock on my door to receive deliveries, perhaps thinking that I am part of the delivery chain - the final link in the delivery service maybe.
Of course I’m not privy to the details but that sounds daft -- don’t you think the neighbour is embarassed about the trouble he’s causing you.? If you are actually happy to take in the parcels and for him to come round why not go round and chat to him about it? If not happy go and tell him you can’t do it any more or just stop accepting them!

i confess I’ve got exceptionally good near neighbours so maybe I cant judge.