Where do people store their photos online?

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I have seen a lot of different places that people store their photos on line?

i.e. Photobucket, Flickr etc.

I've also heard of Zenfolio and that looks rather good.

What do people suggest and do you have to pay a fee?

Once they are on the internet is the any need to keep them on your computer/hard drive?
I have 85 thousand pictures on www.fotopic.net

You MUST keep a copy on your hard drive as well.. also on cd/dvd or external HD or something? if you can.. unless your not bothered about the possibility of losing them and never being able to recover?
I store my photo's on my hard drives.
I share my photo's on photobucket, but that is at a reduced filesize and resolution for web display only.
I have 85 thousand pictures on www.fotopic.net

That is a phenomonal amount of pictures! Wow!

I have a mere 5 on flickr - the only ones I am prepared to exhibit in public! (So far) Tend to keep a backup on CD and keep meaning to keep a duplicate of these off site... Damn it must must do that!
That is a phenomonal amount of pictures! Wow!!

Sports events.. so its on avaerage about 100 pics from every game over about 6 years.. and I currently do around 6 games a week of football and/or cricket

then theres games like last night that i am not allowed to put on website as paid for by paper :)

General Football 19,699
Shows and Events 4,057
Accrington Stanley league 15,731
Accrington Stanley None league 20,152
Accrington Stanley Media 70
Womens Football 14,338
Cricket 3,915
Miscellaneous Sports 3,462
Hockey 2,475
Rugby 1,224

Totals: 85,123 images
Ok, i dont keep my photos on my computer because i think this slows my computer down as its getting abit old now.

I keep everything on the harddrive, Might make a few cd's of them just incase the HD fails at some point.
Ok, i dont keep my photos on my computer because i think this slows my computer down as its getting abit old now.

I keep everything on the harddrive, Might make a few cd's of them just incase the HD fails at some point.
??? :thinking:

I burn a disc with whats on the camera then copy onto my H/D and also onto an external H/D.

The ones i upload to flickr are low rez only and for friends and family to look at and also
to post on a few forums i'm on..

You can use an online back-up service such as carbonite. This costs $55 p.a. ( I think) for any number of images. My back-up at the moment is 70GB. It will back-up any files of any type, I think.

HOWEVER, Carbonite does not backup an external hard drive. A similar service called MOZY apparently does and is similarly priced. So that would be a better bet.
I keep a copy of my photos on my HDD and a copy on my nas server which itself backs up once a week onto another HDD, then i keep a copy of my best photos on my website.
Flickr. Easily share with friends. Great interface. A pro account might be useful for showing off the full resolution but most times that will be unnecessary. Tagging, groups, search...all good stuff.
I've used Flickr for a while, getting a bit fed up with it though to be honest. It's fine for storing though.

Just started using Zenfolio as well. Really great interface, looks smart. You have to pay for even a basic account though, although that's only $25/yr IIRC.
Yes i'd seen Zenfolio and a few others i know also use it. so once i get abit of spare time i might set up on zenfolio.
Both images and video are put on PhotoBucket (albeit as-above - at a reduced rez), and I keep all the originals on me 1TB ext' drives (y)
Yes i'd seen Zenfolio and a few others i know also use it. so once i get abit of spare time i might set up on zenfolio.
Well if you decide to go this route, please drop me a PM and I can get you $5 discount.

I store my photo's on my hard drives.
I share my photo's on photobucket, but that is at a reduced filesize and resolution for web display only.

Ditto, although I use Flickr rather than photobucket. I also back up onto CD or DVD.
I really need to work on this. At the moment I have a selection of pictures stored on my external hard drive which is attached to my PC upstairs but I also have some on my laptop hard drive which I could do with transferring to an external hard drive really. I've been thinking of getting a wireless one which I can access from anywhere in the house.

I have a Flickr account which I upload certain pictures onto, not all of them though. Again this needs a bit of tidying up as I was looking through yesterday and realised a lot of the pictures on there could do with pruning down a bit.
Flickr for the win.
I just wish the front page would show only the albums and not necessarily the latest uploads. But it's great.
I have over 4000 on fickr, most are for family and friends and is a great way for them to view the photos and download what they want to use, I have givem the family my paswords and they can upload a few of theirs, so a win win situation.

All the photos are stored on:
1. External HD
2. PC hard drive externally connected through a docking station as back up to 1
3. Burnt to discs

Bit OCD but you can never be too etc etc
Im going to be using flickr for the shots I think are worthy of the public eye.

Everything will be stored on an External too.
Another site to look at is smugmug. Very good support. They also have a photo community called "Digital Grin" www.dgrin.com.

I have not found one perfect online hosting site yet. The closest I have come so far though is Zenfolio. So now I have ended up with 3! Smugmug for online storae and sharing family only pics. Zenfolio will be expanded and developed for my personal pics. Flickr I use for the communitiy.
Flickr is also great if you want other people to easily find your images. I find it always gets indexed by Google very well, and shows up in Image Searches quickly. So long as you tag your photos properly (which I'm sure most TP members do), you'll get a lot of people looking at your photos.
I have been using zenfolio for over a year. For the annual cost it is a nice looking site with various options to customise. Also, there is no upload limit. Downside is that you can't store images with them being viewable via the site.
everything is stored on hard drives
i dont need the internet to access my work