woof woof week 27 - Dappled Light.

Thank you Bill. I'm glad you like the picture.

It's been a difficult time but hopefully the worst is over.
Great take on the theme :banana:
You've produced a good, on theme image Alan. all families seem to have "issues", seems more common these days.
Lovely - an uplifting story and touching shot.
That's a really good interpretation on the theme Alan with a touching story behind it.

Thanks guys and gals.

It's no exaggeration to say that the last 16/17 months have been the most difficult in my life as it's been a rollercoaster of life changing events over the care of our mam. I've done it for 12 years, I asked for one day a fortnight from two family members and that lead to a split in the family as they just wont help. Without the support of Mrs WW and in her good moments my mam the issues I've struggled with for decades and then this new trauma on top may have been overwhelming.
Saltburn is one of my favourite places and I like the Pier there...

You get a nice walk to the end.


The view is nice to each side.



If you like you can look down.


The view back to land.


On the beach you'll see many pebbles, that's me too.

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I like the patterns the light makes in your chosen shot. No. 1 is the one that makes P spring to mind most for me. I like the leading lines. Looks like a gorgeous day.
It is a lovely day today but I only had a few minutes so I couldn't really enjoy it for too long. I did nearly choose a straight pier shot and No.1 could have been it but in the end the drama of the view down grabbed me :D

The Chinese girls we can see in No.1 took about a million pictures but strangely all in the same place. Still, I think they enjoyed themselves.
Thanks Peter.

As I'm sure you can tell these are processed, processed a bit more than I normally would but I just fancied going for a slightly different look.
Saltburn is one of my favourite places and I like the Pier there...

You get a nice walk to the end.


The view is nice to each side.



If you like you can look down.


The view back to land.


On the beach you'll see many pebbles, that's me too.

Great series of shots Alan, I especially like No1 and the view back.
Is that a pully car going up to the buildings in the distance?
I think I like #3, the shot of the beach, the best Alan. I struggling a bit with the processing of your chosen one with the three segregated colours. Maybe it's the heavy shadow in the middle being too blue? Not sure what it is...
Great series of shots Alan, I especially like No1 and the view back.
Is that a pully car going up to the buildings in the distance?

Yes, it's a water powered funicular but I don't think it was working today. If you don't use that you can drive down or go by the steps. I don't know how many steps there are but I think it's more of a challenge than the steps at Whitby.
I think I like #3, the shot of the beach, the best Alan. I struggling a bit with the processing of your chosen one with the three segregated colours. Maybe it's the heavy shadow in the middle being too blue? Not sure what it is...

Yup, all have been much more heavily processed than I'd do normally do but I just fancied something different. They have moved away from reality but so be it as something different was what I wanted :D The wave shot did have challenging lighting and the right hand third has been pulled back 2 stops of exposure and then a 2 stop grad with added saturation pulled in from the RHS to just passed the first post. I didn't do anything different to the colours though, the three sections just evolved like that with that increased saturation from the RHS and global adjustments but no changes to the WB the camera set.
No1 for me!

No4 is a great example of how white balance shifts with sunlight and shade :)
No1 for me!

No4 is a great example of how white balance shifts with sunlight and shade :)

People seem to prefer No.1 but as I have about a zillion shots like that but not in such bright light I prefer the wave picture because of the colour shifts. I have a lot of pictures of the waves hitting the pier but the lighting on the day, the in camera WB and the processing have produced a picture unlike the others I've taken so whilst it is a little further from reality than I'd normally go because it's different I will remember this picture. I think sometimes a WB or other issue can work and for me this does not as an accurate capture but more as a picture, but I'm happy if people like the others better.

If I'd had the nerve I'd have snapped those Chinese girls taking endless shots of each other on the pier as it was a joy to see young people so happy and just enjoying the moment :D but as I was by myself maybe they wouldn't have taken too kindly to a lone guy taking pictures of them.
Thanks David.

I wasn't sure how people would take the different processing but when you've been to a place and taken basically the same picture hundreds of times something different can be a nice change :D
Nice set of pier pictures Alan

The processing make it look like the Caribbean.

I like your choice.

Nice set of pier pictures Alan

The processing make it look like the Caribbean.

I like your choice.


Thanks Pete.

I thought I might have overdone the processing and moved too far from reality but I went back again today and it was equally lovely and I took note of the colours and although I have gone beyond reality I'm now convincing myself that I haven't gone too far. I've rarely seen this place look so lovely. Anyway, a little artistic licence is ok now and again in photography.
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It's been a difficult week for me and I've only been able to get out of the house once so I have limited choices this week.

The lilies are dying off but I still have a couple of days to enjoy them.


I always enjoy the fuchsias, just starting to flower now.


My one outing was a necessary walk to the shops today. I like to walk here as it's quiet and I can listen to the birds and chat to whoever I meet. My trousers suffered when I said hello to an excitable and lovely dog who didn't realise she had very muddy paws and jumped up :D

The pathway to the shops, alternating light and shadow and a canopy of branches and leaves above and... for me a few minutes of peace.


It's not the greatest picture I've taken of this place but as it's one of my favourite places this one must be my snappers choice.

Thanks for viewing and taking the walk with me :D
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i have a few similar shots from my dog walking
however they usually contain a view of my dogs rear end!!
i have a few similar shots from my dog walking
however they usually contain a view of my dogs rear end!!

I always look forward to meeting dogs (and their owners) even if it means I have to arrive at the shops with mud all over my trousers :D
All good Alan.
I like that lilies shot.
Thanks. I'm using a different device at the moment and they all look over saturated on this screen. I'll look into that tomorrow.
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Some great shots Alan, the fuchsia is the one that works the best for me.
I rather like you last P shot... with the shadows - a thinking out of the box shot.
Some lovely snappers choices. I think my preferred option would be the fuchsia.
Some great shots Alan, the fuchsia is the one that works the best for me.
I rather like you last P shot... with the shadows - a thinking out of the box shot.
Some lovely snappers choices. I think my preferred option would be the fuchsia.

Thanks guys.

I'm always just happy to get anything as it's difficult to get out at the moment :D

I did enjoy the visit to the seaside. I didn't stay long but it was lovely weather.