Yes another 1, err 365 that is "Still going... sort of"

Hey Sean, just catching up (again!). Good self portrait - I think it works well. Some good light trail shots there - I'm gonna have to do some of these at some stage. I like number 4 - the entrance to the trading estate. Great shot of the dog too - love the DOF.
No mate I took one shot yesterday then my flash batteries died this was at 11pm last night, usually have my spares charged but they were also dead. :( I'll post the shot later didn't quite work using self timer didn't have time to get where I wanted to be :LOL:
Damn looks like I messed up and formatted the memory card with out realising I hadn't transfered the image to the computer :bang: big fail on my behalf missed a day :(.

Todays shots will be up soon just sorting them out now.
Well eventually got around to having ago with my interfit kit thankfully it didn't blow up. Not had much experience shooting portraits so would like some C&C on these if possible, didn't have a background to use and not much room to play with as these were shot in my mum's living room which is currently full of suit cases as my sister, brother in law and niece are packing to go to Australia next week.

Anyway this is my niece Bethany who loves to be in front of the camera.

#1 Had my sister acting as a background stand holding a white towel behind her :LOL:


Thanks for looking

Nice portraits Sean.

If I have to give critique, I'd say the white balance may be a teensy bit off in the first, skin looks a little reddish to me. In the second, thbackround top right is a little distracting.
I like the way your hands have framed your face on that one sean - helps to isolate the face from the blackness

nice shots - I like the first (her eye is bloodshot though :() and the second is really nicely framed by your hands.
Ooh, very moody. Well if there's one thing I've learned, a bad day is often followed by a good one (Gawd I hope so!)

Thanks Marc had a slightly better day today wouldn't say it was good though :LOL: it involved work which is somewhere I really don't like :razz:

I like the way your hands have framed your face on that one sean - helps to isolate the face from the blackness

Thanks Chris :)


nice shots - I like the first (her eye is bloodshot though :() and the second is really nicely framed by your hands.

Thanks Kitten, she had a sore eye at the time hopeing it will clear up by Sunday as she is going to Australia for 3 weeks.

Bit of a snapshot today did have something planned but it didn't work out, I will try it again when I have a bit more time.

Anyway here's Naughty Charlie he decided it would be fun to remove the quilt from my bed and use it to lie on :LOL:


Thanks guys :)

You may have seen this model in a couple of shots I've posted on the forums before thought I'd try and find a different way of lighting it. Not the most interesting of subjects I know but I'm running out of things around here and Im not to keen on self portraits, not keen on being on the otherside of the camera as it is but it's even worse after looking at the couple I have posted this cold has made me look like crap :LOL:.


Was looking forward to today since I had the day off work, hoped to get out and shoot something but after looking out of the window this morning I changed my mind probably the greyest, dullest day I have ever seen bloody horrible and it was like that all day. So inside with the lightbox again.


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Those are awesome models Fett, love the Skyline... LOVING the robot!!! Where'd ya get him from?
Picked it up at a comic fair a few years ago when I use to sell collectable's can't even remember what it's actually out of.. some comic or other I would imagine, just thought it looked cool at the time used to have quite a few but think I sold some, only got a couple left now.

Well didn't matter how hard I tried or how many treats I tried to lure him with I couldn't for the life of me get him to look at the camera :bonk:


Well first month done surprised I've gotten this far, must admit Im really struggling lately I just don't get the time to get out and about after work, so am ending up either shooting stuff in the lightbox, or Charlie. It's getting a bit disheartening to be honest I don't think I'm really getting anywhere since I started this to help me improve, still going to keep it up hopefully things will pick up.

Anyway on to todays shot no inspiration again today so decided to shoot my kit (thanks cyclone), no camera in shot, taken with my 40D and a cheapo Cosina 100mm lens which was given to me when I got my first DSLR.

Pretty crap picture really used the SB-800 on optical slave mode to light it and the onboard flash which didn't quite give the reach I needed to light the whole box due to the distance needed with the 100mm. Didn't realise how bad that lens actually is image looks terrible.


Kit starting top left, Canon 100-400L, Nikon SB-800, Nikon SB-600, Canon 430EX, Marumi Ringflash, Sigma 14mm EX F2.8, Canon 100mm F2.8 Macro and Sigma 24-70mm F2.8.

Not shown Canon 40D, Interfit EX150 Kit, Interfit background stand (no background yet), Velbon Tripod and about 5 camera bags of various sizes.

Just wish I had more time to use it all :(

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Just catching up again Sean. Those are good portrait shots there - well lit. I like the model ones too. I know what you mean about lack of inspiration - I've been feeling the same this last week due to a busy work schedule, but don't give up, you've got some great shots so far - it's just a bad few days - I expect we all have had them or are going to have them. :)
My sister's dog Bess shot with Canon 100mm Macro onboard flash and Nikon SB-800 above to the right. She's getting on a bit but sh's a lovely natured dog very friendly loves to be stroked keeps barking at you if you stop stroking her :).


Well you have 2 proper bits of kit there mate :D
Seriously, wish I could get something that would stand up against the Canon 100-400, probably the one thing I wish Nikon did that Canon do.
Yeah love the 100-400 mate just wish I got more opportunity to use it, out of interest what would you say was the second proper bit of kit.
Ahhh lol had the sb-800 for a couple of months just picked up the 600 very cheap the other day just the flash and the case no stand, so looking to pick one up and a set of triggers, and some flash/umberella brackets so I can use them.

some really good shots over the last few days. Especially like the naughty doggie stealing your duvet :LOL:
Here's yesterday's shot, was trying a few things out las night when my camera decided to go mental, it started by constantly pre flashing and trying to autofocus, none of the buttons would respond. Turned it off took the battery out hoping that would sort it ... put the battery back in and it was still trying to focus constantly after about 10 minutes of panicking and messing about I figured out what it was, seems my shutter button is sticking I can unstick it by pressing it a little to one side but it sticks after pretty much every shot bit of a pain in the arse. Chances are it going to have to go back to Canon to get repaired, Im going to pop into Jessops on Saturday and see what they say as I have 3 years accidental damage cover on it with them. This is the 2nd 40D Ive had since may last year the first one gave error 99 after about 6 weeks, now this Im a bit dissapointed to say the least.

Anyway heres yesterday's shot still trying to think of something for today.

The Battle
Ive honestly got no idea Dave had them for about 7 years. I used to run a business selling collectible cards etc. at comic fairs I picked them up from one of them, just liked the look of them.

Well seems the shutter button on my 40D is rather knackered bloody thing has only done about 4500 shots or so :(, it will only shoot in manual focus and even then it's hit and miss if the shutter actually fires just took me 15 minutes to shoot 5 shots so looks like its going back to Canon. So probably going to be no shots for a while as I sold my mate my old 350D, not sure how long it will take to get it repaired so I think for now I will reprocess some old shots to get some photoshop practice in and post one of those per day. Will start tomorrow.
