Yongnuo RF-603 problem

The goblin

<span class="poty">POTY Winner 2015</span></br>
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I have a set of the Yongnuo RF-603 flash triggers which seemingly worked ok. But when I tried to use them a few nights ago things didn't quite go according to plan! I had one on my 7D and one on my Flash gun oposite the camera but behind a piece of white card.
When I was doing test shots it worked fine, but as soon as I was about to shoot my photo it all went wrong! The triggers seem set up correctly, they both have a green light on them and the second green lights come on when I test them, but they just don't seem to make the flash work!

Any ideas assistance greatly appreciated.

And if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move it.

stupid question but have you checked the batteries?
sometimes il find one drains quicker than another so creates 'issues'
Did you attach the trigger incorrectly i.e. back to front ?
The transmitter will generally use more power than the receiver, so yes they can drain batteries at a different rate.

Also, I second the suggestion about attaching the receiver to the flash the wrong way round - i've been caught out with this before (that's assuming that you may have detached things after the test shots - i've only just noticed that bit!)