Recent content by Boofle

  1. B

    Developing fault

    I can't really make up my mind because there seem to be two different things going on here... There seems to be solarizing on one hand, but the "double exposures" suggest that maybe the film has touched itself in some points, as the poster above me has pointed out. Nice effect in any case! ;)
  2. B

    101 uses for an empty film cannister...

    Glad to see I'm not the only one :D
  3. B

    Sister-in-laws wants to upgrade

    Exactly :)
  4. B

    Sister-in-laws wants to upgrade

    Good! Can we consider this solved then and go to the pub now? lol :D
  5. B

    Website help and Advice

    Right now I can't recommend a specific hosting service, but I can recommend one to stay away from: Mochahost! Seriously, don't even come near them. Although they're based in the USA, their customer service and tech department are outsourced to Ukraine and it consists basically of a series of...
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    Sister-in-laws wants to upgrade

    If I'm asked for advice, I won't argue. I'll say "this is my advice, use it or not", but I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince somebody who apparently respects my opinion enough to ask me what I think but then will make a decision based on a whim anyway. And it's happened to me a few...
  7. B

    Sister-in-laws wants to upgrade

    A waste of glass, in any case, if she decides to go the Nikon route... I'd definitely try to get her to stick to her original plan! :)
  8. B

    New laptop advice.

    I always recommend going for Asus... Their machines always seem to have that little extra quality/features compared with rivals in the same price range. Sonys are definitely overpriced, and Dells / Hewlett Packards are maybe a bit more niche, as in more business-oriented? As to Acer, this is...
  9. B

    Sister-in-laws wants to upgrade

    So she's ready to going to throw away THREE zoom lenses just because she "likes how the Nikon feels"? Oh, my... *facepalm*. Then what is she asking for advice for?
  10. B

    Anyone using a Plustek 7400?

    I do have the 7400! Haven't used it much since shortly after buying it I had to move and I'm still finding my feet and all that, but the few negs I've scanned with it have left me feeling VERY impressed. I made my decision to buy it after reading this review, which lays out its good and bad...
  11. B

    Tablet recommendations

    You could always go for a Windows tablet so you could install Photoshop and the whole shebang on it... But they're not as optimized for touch input as Android or iOS tablets, so if you go down that road you might as well consider getting a netbook instead. You can get an overview of things...
  12. B

    home portrait lighting

    I use a couple of these: Ghetto lighting FTW! :D
  13. B

    Please could someone recommend a suitable bag?

    I stand by this recommendation. Just got myself a Fastpack 200 (the only difference with the 250 is the laptop compartment) and I'm really happy with it!
  14. B

    Do you use Program or Manual mode?

    Touché :P But as you say, there's more than one way to skin a cat, and I personally work much faster using manual mode. I don't have to over- or underexpose on top of whatever settings the camera chooses and I don't have to worry about that pesky exposure lock button either. But hey, I never...
  15. B

    Monopod recommendations

    I've never used a monopod, just tripods, but there are some reviews here, maybe it'll help you with your decision: