Recent content by ClevaTreva

  1. ClevaTreva

    Help me clear closing down stock? All free to personal callers.

    No idea what I would say to myself. I have made some dubious choices in the past, even recent past. Eating too much, eating the wrong stuff. Would I change the past? No.
  2. ClevaTreva

    Help me clear closing down stock? All free to personal callers.

    To be honest, what I was eating was pretty over the top and bad for you, but my cholesterol level was normal. Junk food, sweets, crisps, cakes, and so on. But, my main focus here is to clear the house of this stock, before my wife finishes the job my heart attack started.
  3. ClevaTreva

    Help me clear closing down stock? All free to personal callers.

    I have lost 2 and a half stone in just 5 weeks!! Just change of diet (not dieting). Shocking how loose my clothes are. I am doing rehab as well (going there in an hour). But, the doc said whilst weight was a factor, stress was the main thing. Closing the business was the only option. I can't...
  4. ClevaTreva

    Help me clear closing down stock? All free to personal callers.

    (Hoping its OK to post this here) For those of you that know me (my name is Trevor), I used to run an eBay shop called CotswoldPhoto. Due to a massive heart attack a few weeks ago I had to close it all down. In my house (piled all over the place) are boxes of umbrellas, stands, cables, studio...
  5. ClevaTreva

    Umbrella adapters for the SB900

    But it was the screw in the cold shoe that came out? Because we had those made for us in a different factory (not happy with the ones that came with it, so we asked the US seller of the same item where they got them from and used them instead). I asked because we have sold literally thousands of...
  6. ClevaTreva

    Umbrella adapters for the SB900

    So, if I read this right, you have bought some of these from that eBay seller and the screw in the cold shoe pulled straight out???? Or did I read that wrong?
  7. ClevaTreva

    Parabolic umbrella?

    This site lets you check feedback for a particular product an eBay seller sells:
  8. ClevaTreva

    Taking a camera into Wimbledon

    No, they won't. Don't take it as you won't even get past the gates. You would need a photographer's pass (mucho money and no hope getting one). I have a friend who is a member who I asked.
  9. ClevaTreva

    ebay trigger problem...

    I'll chip in with a maybe. Both the 420 and the 430 are known to emit interference at the same frequency as the eBay triggers use (but PW's use a different frequency). The ebay triggers use the same frequency as garage Door remotes in the UK, so that also can be a problem. To remove suspicion...
  10. ClevaTreva

    Alternatives to Lastolite Ezybox

    It would appear so. Bum steer from them via the phone, sorted out by email. at least for 24" version. As to the legit route. I am inclined to do this having read the terms - I just need to get my new web site properly running. Folks. Much as I appreciate your positive comments, I think the...
  11. ClevaTreva

    Alternatives to Lastolite Ezybox

    Contact form used. :)
  12. ClevaTreva

    New softbox

    Glad you like it :)
  13. ClevaTreva

    Alternatives to Lastolite Ezybox

    On a side note, Lastolite have replied to my email and are sending out the 'missing' inner diffuser for my genuine 24" EzyBox. :)