Recent content by dougturner

  1. dougturner

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    The main difference is probably going to be in the rolling shutter I think. Unless you're shooting sports or fast-moving wildlife, the X-H2 is likely a better camera, and a fair bit cheaper. Sony kind of did this as well though, with the FX3 and the A7SIII where one was marketed as a cine...
  2. dougturner

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I'm pretty sure the difference is going to be the dials and that's about it
  3. dougturner

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    It’s huuuuuuge and heavy. I personally wasn’t a fan when I tried it. Maybe it’s the rental version I had, but I had it twice and the Aputure rings were sticky. I suppose they travel such a distance to get that wide. The 56mm looks very nice though
  4. dougturner

    Critique Portraits in Chennai

    I was out in India for work in February 2020, just as Covid started. It was around the time I’d been spending enough time around a camera that I was beginning to gain some confidence in what I could achieve. It’s strange because Covid made it incredibly hard to keep up this kind of work and I...
  5. dougturner

    Horizontal autopole

    Yeah, this is quite a specific shot so not huge change and my hope would be for the Autopoles be semi permanent but one or two lights to be moveable With clamping, so there’d be some room for tweaking. Having to move out of a bigger studio to downsize because it’s not going to affordable to...
  6. dougturner

    Horizontal autopole

    Yeah, I worried about it bending, seeing as it's so reliant on friction. Very keen on the space-saving side, so I might try two auto poles horizontally with a cross beam attached to supers. It's a semi-permanent set up, so once I get the lighting right, it won't be moving so much
  7. dougturner

    Critique Leveret in the grass - new edit in post #4

    Gorgeous and super sharp. While the mush in the bottom right is super distracting, I think the empty field speaks volumes. It's not conventional framing, but what if you cropped out almost all the bottom right, so that the frame starts on the hare, keep that orange sun and the horizon, and just...
  8. dougturner

    Horizontal autopole

    I'm building out a studio at the moment and have seen a few people mounting auto poles horizontally across the ceiling, with some cardellini clamps or super clamps to mount lights and cameras off of. Wondering if anyone has any experience with this and if so, how much do you trust the pole to...
  9. dougturner

    Why hasn't mirroless taken over?

    Ooft sorry to screw the story, thanks for clearing that up
  10. dougturner

    Why hasn't mirroless taken over?

    It’s a cliche to bring this up, but some of the most impactful images are Robert Capa’s D-day images where he literally exposed glass sheets whilst under fire. The tools are just the medium. I don’t know if mirrorless has or hasn’t taken over. I shoot mirrorless everyone I work with shoots...
  11. dougturner

    Beginner Technical basics

    I want to definitely respect that the OP said that they've had enough advice, but would just clear something up here. While shooting at double the framerate is a good tool for half-speed video, and slow motion does reduce the appearance of shakes, I wouldn't recommend it to people starting out...
  12. dougturner

    Gold leaf in oil painting not picking up light?

    If you’re looking for a decent flashgun for the hot shoe, I would go for Godox TT 860 or the TT600 (make sure to look at Nikon based ones) they’re relatively cheap but they can be used off camera as well and be integrated into a larger system of multiple Godox lights (they make a lot of lights)...
  13. dougturner

    Gold leaf in oil painting not picking up light?

    Amazing explanation from @Garry Edwards If you’d want further knowledge on the subject, my go to is Light: Science and Magic by Fil Hunter Alternatively maybe Garry should write his own…
  14. dougturner

    Critique Greenfinch - MK II added

    More than happy to! I hope you’re pleased with the change too, this is all just personal opinion :)