Recent content by IanT74

  1. IanT74

    Mrs Kingfisher

    Lovely shot. I need to go and find these!
  2. IanT74

    Roe Deer

    Was standing watching a Buzzard's nest when this walked by... Roe Deer by IanT530, on Flickr
  3. IanT74

    Roe Deer

    Nicely framed with the ferns.
  4. IanT74

    Catching some rays

    Love the light reflecting on the wings!
  5. IanT74

    Grey Seals at Whitley Bay

    Fantastic shots. Love St Mary's - we go there every time we visit the parents in law at Whitley Bay.
  6. IanT74

    They're Here

    These are really great Les. Fantastic stuff!
  7. IanT74

    I.O.W Red

  8. IanT74

    Brown Hare & Leveret

    Not easy to get shots of these, so the hat is off. I usually see the a*se end as they run off!
  9. IanT74

    Dandelion Clock

    I like this! :cool:
  10. IanT74

    your garden bird photography setup?

    Great tutorial Phil!
  11. IanT74

    New bike advice..

    At your budget, JJB seem to have a few in. I dont know what Reebok bikes are like but some are half price there at the moment. Delivery is free too!
  12. IanT74

    now its either

    Agree with this!
  13. IanT74

    Why did the deer cross the road?

    Thank you all for your kind comments. Greenoak, I hope you enjoy your Glencoe trip!
  14. IanT74

    Why did the deer cross the road?

    Thanks for the kind comments Gerbstoke and Snipsnap! :)
  15. IanT74

    Why did the deer cross the road?

    To have his picture taken... Red Deer crossing road, Inchnadamph by IanT530, on Flickr