Recent content by nickshek

  1. nickshek

    Which Nikon Macro Lens

    105 for sure! I use it for babies too. It also doubles up as an awesome portrait lens. It's relatively slow at focussing but you just can't argue with the IQ, sharpest Nikon glass I own.
  2. nickshek

    See that pedal near your left foot?

    Guilty! So long as you're reading the road properly and at the correct driving distance, you shouldn't need to rely on the person in front to brake in order to know that you have to slow down. Unnecessary braking...that drives me nuts!
  3. nickshek

    Anybody swapped a Nikon 24-70 for primes?

    I predominantly use 35 and 85 primes but I do have the 24-70 as well. TBH I've only kept my 24-70 because I do not have a wide prime but if it's speed and flexibility you need, I would keep the zoom. I guess it's down to preference too, personally I prefer to shoot and move-shoot and move...
  4. nickshek

    Removing hair from a lady's face

    How much time have you got? :D I would attack it with the old dodge and burn but it really does take bloody ages!
  5. nickshek

    How to achieve this...

    That image looks like it was shot wide open on a fast lens. The orange/red bits are "light leaks", quite a popular look at the moment. Various ways of going about it but one of the most simple (imo) is by using a curves adjustment layer. Raise the midpoint of the RGB curve so it overexposes...
  6. nickshek

    Spider Pro - single or double anyone use this system?

    I use a single Spiderpro on a Think Tank Steroid belt. Other camera is on a Black Rapid. Ive also attached a short quick release to each camera which attaches to the Black Rapid strap serving as a backup...can never be too safe haha! It's taken me ages to figure out something that I'm...
  7. nickshek

    Nikon D3s rear LCD cover

    Yup, hoodman for me too.
  8. nickshek

    How to smooth blemishes in a sky?

    I have no idea which tools are in Elements 9 but if there is a Patch tool, it might be useful here. Low opacity cloning removes "texture" which is usually something you want to retain. Nice shot btw, lovely colours :)
  9. nickshek

    Have Nikon shot themselves in the foot with the D4?

    Didn't like the idea of two different card slots when the rumours first emerged, bit of a strange one. I'm sure Lexar announced a CF card that could match the speed of the first gen XQD cards not long after the D4 announcement...can't seem to find anything now though :S
  10. nickshek

    Lee big stopper.

    I ordered mine from WEX in July 2010. Received it about 4 weeks after ordering. I gather there's even less stock hanging about now...prices have inflated hugely - some going for near £200 on ebay :/
  11. nickshek

    Meet Gemma Newman

    nice work! some clean retouching too :)
  12. nickshek

    2011 Wedding Favourites

    Super stuff! I think the music suits your style of imagery. You've captured some great moments there, I hope there'll be more in 2012 :)
  13. nickshek

    Which Pocket Wizards?

    Yeah, they're transceivers so can work as either a transmitter or receiver. That's right. The PW card for the L358 basically turns your light meter into a trigger. It's pretty expensive for what it is but hey, you want convenience, you gotta pay for it ;)
  14. nickshek

    Which Pocket Wizards?

    If it's just a triggering function you need, then the PW Plus II is your answer. I use an L358 with these, nothing to complain about!