Recent content by Shutter Bug

  1. S

    Still learning . . .

    So do I, keep it up mate!
  2. S

    It's all about the DoF

    I wish I could understand what you were saying in your original post, but the image is wonderful. Keep it up!!
  3. S

    butterfly, ladybird and a thistle

    beautiful shot of the lady bird, I love how it blurs into the background. Nice effect! Excellent work!
  4. S

    Dinnertime and now breakfast added. Supper now.

    That would be a very cool project mate and btw what lens are you using? and do you use extension tubes? Keep up the good work Thanks.
  5. S

    Beautiful Demoiselle

    this is a beautiful pic, keep up the good work mate!!
  6. S

    A couple from the garden today

    I really like the first one. The shadows accentuate the mood of the photo, keep up the good work.