Dinnertime and now breakfast added. Supper now.

Mike Jackson

Billy Brownnose
Edit My Images
Unfortunately the dinner was me. I wonder if I take this hobby too far sometimes, my first impulse if something is biting me is to try and get a picture. This was the fourth horse fly to bite me but the first 2 were on the back of my right leg and I couldn't get a decent shot and the third one wasn't positioned very well and I couldn't get a decent background.

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Thats dedication to your art!

Great pic ***.... how did u get it so sharp when the blasted thing was biting you???
Ouch and double ouch, those things blow me up like a balloon, tis a good shot but one I wouldn't be prepared to take on due to the after affects. :D love the eyes too (y)
I'm lucky with horse fly bites (up to now anyway). I don't seem to suffer any ill affects at all. They also don't seem to hurt me as much as some people. You know what they say "no sense no feeling" and standing there trying to get a picture of something eating me probably isn't the most sensible course of action.
Crazy man! :wacky:

Seriously though I'm actually very jealous, I have a terrible reaction to bites.

Cracking photo, those eyes are just awesome (y)
I must be tasty I had a mosquito snacking on me this morning.

I can see a new personal project coming on, "being eaten". I'll have to make sure I don't get carried away with the theme at the WHF when I go back though.
That would be a very cool project mate and btw what lens are you using? and do you use extension tubes?

Keep up the good work

Ouch and double ouch, those things blow me up like a balloon, tis a good shot but one I wouldn't be prepared to take on due to the after affects. :D love the eyes too (y)

Ditto here with regards to the blowing up....some really strange reaction.....to the point now whenever I wear shorts I cover my legs with either Jungle Formula or Deep Woods depending if I have just come back from the US........first time I got bitten by a horse fly I ended up in A+E....not nice
Mike, you have a shot of you being eaten by a mossy in turn being eaten by a parasite. :D good one Buddy ;)
Thanks Alby

I hadn't noticed the parasite.

I'm now wondering if it's worth getting stung by a wasp to get a picture. Probably not a wise move as I'll may suddenly develop an allergic reaction.
Thanks Alby

I hadn't noticed the parasite.

I'm now wondering if it's worth getting stung by a wasp to get a picture. Probably not a wise move as I'll may suddenly develop an allergic reaction.

would make a great picture though!
If I happen to get stung with the camera in my hand I'll certainly try to get a shot. I seem to have lost the impulse to just brush things off now just in case it's something interesting.
Ouch ouch and F****** OUCH.

Great shots though :)

If you are adamant on being bitten, the try a few pints of ale first, seem that they are attracted by the alcohol in your blood.
You could have a photo shoot *party* with all the insects :LOL:
Great shots, but I do feel slightly queasy. I'm an abject coward on the subject of being consumed alive.