Recent content by SimonF01

  1. SimonF01

    Distinguishing the great skill and creativity from the quality of the equipment of a photographer

    pjm1 " My question was not whether technically accomplished photographs can or cannot portray art, but simply whether they will be at a disadvantage. To elaborate further: I was really just wondering whether artists who use precise and accurate styles - whether that be photography, painting or...
  2. SimonF01

    Distinguishing the great skill and creativity from the quality of the equipment of a photographer

    Sorry to go back, but I have to comment on how good this set of pictures are.
  3. SimonF01

    My first attempts in my new garage studio.

    No5 stands out for me, loads of character and the background works well.
  4. SimonF01

    Portrait using a 15mm lens!

    Good portrait , I like the diagonal composition.
  5. SimonF01

    The Kelpies timelapse

    excellent stuff
  6. SimonF01

    More 30 year old Ektar 25

    Excellent !
  7. SimonF01

    A few recent urbex shots

    Great shots, really like No2 especially, where and what is it? looks amazing.
  8. SimonF01

    In praise of gaffer tape

    No, it means you aren't using enough Gaffa tape :)
  9. SimonF01

    In praise of gaffer tape

    Ah gaffa tape ! It repairs shoes too.
  10. SimonF01

    Interesting take on street photography

    An amazing set of pictures, I like that he engages with his subjects so they have some influence over how they look , as a contrast to a more candid approach. Like the more formal approach of this photographer too. It would be good to have the time and money...
  11. SimonF01

    Critique Some photos of mine.

    Love the pub cowboys picture.
  12. SimonF01

    First studio shoot. A cellist friend

    Like this a lot, good stuff.
  13. SimonF01

    Boudoir photography - exploitation or expression?

    Amazing, I have had hand models send pics of hands and hair and beauty models send pics of their hair and so on, and I met a guy who insisted he was a ' stunt willy ' in porn films, but even then it wasn't on his business card ! I hope it doesn't catch on as way of introducing yourself, :)
  14. SimonF01

    Boudoir photography - exploitation or expression?

    As someone who knows very little about this field can someone please tell me, do men commission such shoots for themselves or is it mainly women?