Recent content by thorton

  1. thorton

    Me Epson Scanner has passed away

    I haven't. It does intrigue me but with the hassle involved I've just never bothered! I'll probably give it a go with large format when I get my Intrepid Camera if I get a killer shot that I want an amazing scan of, but for 35mm/120 work I don't think I can be bothered lol. Them scans from your...
  2. thorton

    Me Epson Scanner has passed away

    As far as I'm aware there is very little difference between the 700 & 800's. I've got a 750 and bought the betterscanning film holders and my god this thing is sharp. The Epson holders were rubbish. The betterscanning ones are so good in fact that I'm going to write a very positive review for...
  3. thorton

    Am I completely Nuts?

    I'd take the 645 over the RB especially if you're gonna be doing a lot of walking, your shoulders will be thankful for it.
  4. thorton

    What 6x9 folder

    The later Zeiss Ikons with a coupled RF are lovely cameras. I used to have one of the 6x6 ones.
  5. thorton

    need suggestions for a really good 35mm lens

    Check out the Voigtlander 35mm f1.7 Ultron & Zeiss 35mm f2 Biogon. They sound like they could fit the bill.
  6. thorton

    Show us yer film shots then!

    Few shots from a trek out to Ilkley recently
  7. thorton

    Pentax 645n

    Go get yourself the 105mm 2.4 for 67 mount and adapt it. You'll not be disappointed.
  8. thorton

    How big is a Box Brownie?

    They vary, a lot. I think the question is more like what size range do you have and whether there is a box camera to fit in it.
  9. thorton

    New website - test speeds please?

    Excellent, thanks all. Seems changing the images has made a massive difference. I like my horizontal scrolling sites, I feel it displays work better for photography. Just personal preference really :) It's called Fluxus. Heres the link which has a link to a demo on it with all the different...
  10. thorton

    New website - test speeds please?

    Resurrecting this because I finally got a couple of hours to cutting down the image size tonight, would be interesting to see how it loads for you all now in comparison? Beforehand a lot of the images were >1mb, and some even over 2mb, which I didn't notice at the time of uploading. I re...
  11. thorton

    Light seals

    We just use this stuff
  12. thorton

    Choice of film - high iso

    +1 to this actually, I didn't notice the CN at the end and just thought it was regular Neopan.
  13. thorton

    Choice of film - high iso

    Highest speed colour film available new now is Portra 800 or Cinestill 800T, although for the price and how well it pushes you're usually better off pushing Portra 400. You may be able to get some Superia 1600 too but it's expensive, although Portra is also expensive too I guess. I guess the...
  14. thorton

    Which film would you take to Iceland?

    Yup, you need a 24/a24 back to shoot 220 on a Hasselblad.
  15. thorton

    Might like a Leica-like...

    You definitely shouldn't be getting charged import taxes when buying from full-EU members. Where were these guys based?