Recent content by Tim Sainsbury

  1. Tim Sainsbury


    A sweet little moment caught, good spot Gerry. Some feedback! The red sign over on the right is super distracting and attention-grabbing. I wonder how this shot looks in a nice black and white treatment? The focus is on the background which also leads my eyes to the wrong place. Great snap...
  2. Tim Sainsbury

    Hedgehog (Piggsvinn)

    Fantastic shot, lots of detail to look at! I would just suggest that maybe a wider composition would 'add' to the image. It might give the hedgehog some environment and context to sit in. As is, the little fella is a little off-center and my eye is drawn to the right almost expecting there is...
  3. Tim Sainsbury

    spey bay

    These shots are lovely and bright and sharp. The last one is my favorite Ed. With the first one I would suggest the composition be improved to make everything a little more and interesting and appealing. Sticking the trunk in center frame with lots of empty and uninviting foreground isn't...
  4. Tim Sainsbury


    2nd one is really nice Michael, the reason why I prefer it to the 1st is because the whole flower is in focus. I would only suggest the composition could be a little tighter, the other flowers wandering into frame (bottom and right side) are a little distracting. The other shots are great, but...
  5. Tim Sainsbury

    Please assist

    You might have gone a tenny-tiny little bit overboard because the petals (yellow area) has that odd and distracting black 'halo' around them. It's hard to see what you could improve without seeing the original but the best tools for playing around with contrast are your traditionally burn and...
  6. Tim Sainsbury

    Blue tailed damselfly

    This is really cool, you've captured nature in its element Martyn. My quick suggestions would be to try and play around with the shot in post and give it some contrast and 'punch'. At the moment it doesn't really leap off the screen. It also feels a little lacking in sharpness, but I guess...
  7. Tim Sainsbury

    Rainbow Beach Sunset

    Beautiful sunset Adam, looks serene. I would only suggest the composition could be even better (IMHO) if you didn't include that bit of the shore (?) in the bottom left corner as it's distracting and doesn't add to the picture. I think it would be more visually impelling just to look out over a...
  8. Tim Sainsbury

    Cosford Air Show - Four Screws & One Blow-job!

    Heh, fantastic shots Si. 1st and last are my favorite. And I am intrigued as to what plane is in the last shot, I want to say it's a Vulcan or something similar but my aviation knowledge is sparse at best!
  9. Tim Sainsbury

    Early summer moors

    No. 2 works really well, lovely details in the sky and the composition really draws my eye across the landscape! The first one I think could benefit from a better composition. Perhaps you could preposition yourself to really try and isolate the focal tree against the sky. At the moment there...
  10. Tim Sainsbury

    Woburn Classic Cars

    1) I really like this but two things stand out to me regarding the composition which could be fixed with a little more care in the viewfinder. That chair towards the rear is distracting (especially considering its red aswell ;)) but then again you might not have been able to move it or compose...
  11. Tim Sainsbury

    Purple Flower Droplets

    These are really great Danny, I've never been great at macro so I'm jealous of the detail you have managed to capture here! No. 2 is my favorite :) I think the reason why no. 3 feels different, a little flatter and less 'interesting' (for me personally) is the lighting and perspective. It feels...
  12. Tim Sainsbury

    Two of my Faves

    No. 2 is a great capture of a fun moment Gary. I'm wondering whether you have a sequence of photos from this event. Perhaps you could create a really nice triptych or something similar which would be a great memory. Some feedback that comes to mind, the background of No.1 feels a little 'dull'...
  13. Tim Sainsbury

    A wander around the World SBK Paddock

    Number 1 feels like a great detail shot to me, I really like it. Things I would suggest, your shots feel very 'static', there isn't much story or context for me to connect too. This is especially enhanced with that last shot which could be straight out of the Pirelli AGM newsletter :P
  14. Tim Sainsbury

    Opportunistic Lighting

    I think you've done really well with some not so great lighting David. My feedback would be for you to try and work the composition to make the subject more appealing. Do you have any alternate shots in the bag? At the moment the subject is just sitting pretty much slap in the middle of the...
  15. Tim Sainsbury

    High speed pot luck

    No 2. has real allure for me and stands out from the set. I can see it printed big, on a wall in a gallery with a stupid large price tag. I'm rambling. I'm not a fan of vignette you've chosen on a few of these, maybe you could instead work with the levels, or some dodging and burning to give...