100% horse meat in some Findus beef lasagne!

Did I hear someone mention supermarkets? They are poison, yes they may save you a few ££s but,,, poison, pure poison to all uk industry is what they are. grrrrrrr
Short of literally following a carcasse from killing to cutting, there's no way we can know for certain that what's on our plate is what we believe it to be. I use a Spong mincer to reduce steaks to mince, although I do on occasion buy pre-minced lamb from Sainsbury's.

In markets on Crete, whole rabbits are sold skinned but with the skin left on the feet to show that it really is rabbit and not a means of reducing the feral feline population... Some other beasts are left headed and butchered to order, leaving the head for soups. Not easy viewing even for a carnivore, although my (veggie) wife finds the sights fascinating!

Yep, and meat is regularly hung in markets all over the world with out the local population dying in mass outbreaks of food poisoning. Granted there are cases but we get them here too!

Like I said a few posts back.....we are too soft!
Many moons ago, when I worked in the cattle industry,this is how it worked.

Farmer raises beef cattle in the UK.Barley fed Angus in Scotland for example.

They reach a certain age and go to market,internet selling was just taking off back then.

Wholesale butcher/abbatoir owner buys cattle.

They get collected.

Back to abbatoir and slaughtered.

Some are butchered for wholesalers,some left as quartered carcasses for local butcher.

Local butcher takes the cuts off, left overs make burgers and sausages etc.

End of trail.

Some supermarkets bought container loads of minced beef from Bulgaria.

See the difference?

For the record.Morrisons own their own abbatoirs and the meat is UK sourced.
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Short of literally following a carcasse from killing to cutting, there's no way we can know for certain that what's on our plate is what we believe it to be. I use a Spong mincer to reduce steaks to mince, although I do on occasion buy pre-minced lamb from Sainsbury's.

my local butchers minces meat right before your eyes so you can be sure of whats in it
my local butchers minces meat right before your eyes so you can be sure of whats in it

But can you be 100% certain that what he picks up is what it's labelled as? Can the butcher? You can be sure that your mince is what he's minced but unless you've followed the meat all the way through the process, you can't be certain.
to be honest both will look pretty much the same , they're similar sizes and have the same muscles, a piece of topside of horse for instance will look more or less identical to a piece of topside of beef to the untrained eye
If you eat meat (and I do...sometimes), why do you give a rat's where that meat comes from? I mean seriously, what makes one source of flesh acceptable above another? Does it have to have a cartoony conotation to be unacceptable?

Seems to me that not paying attention to our meat source and, in particular, what was being fed to our meat caused us serious health problems before - remember BSE.
Food needs close scrutiny.
But can you be 100% certain that what he picks up is what it's labelled as? Can the butcher? You can be sure that your mince is what he's minced but unless you've followed the meat all the way through the process, you can't be certain.

It was more about what goes into the beef. I know it's the same animal at least!
Seems to me that not paying attention to our meat source and, in particular, what was being fed to our meat caused us serious health problems before - remember BSE.
Food needs close scrutiny.

I think we had a mahoofsive (see what I did there) thread on vCJD many moons ago...that too was a fascinating read.
how about a frozen findus lasagne dumped on friday and cooked on sunday - would you go for that rich?

No problem :D Not tonight though as it is Tripe and Onions for me (y)
No problem :D Not tonight though as it is Tripe and Onions for me (y)


Latest reports say Findus blame French suppliers for the problem ... French suppliers blame its suppliers ... presumably they will blame their suppliers ... wonder where it all came from?
Out the starting gate no doubt Gramps :shrug:

Would probably be ok if that were true Rich, sadly much more likely that the deplorable 'horse trade' is the source and there is so much about parts of that that no civilised society should entertain.
Seems to me that not paying attention to our meat source and, in particular, what was being fed to our meat caused us serious health problems before - remember BSE.
Food needs close scrutiny.

I agree with you in part.
When the whole BSE thing kicked off, I was working for a company called Fairfax Meadow and although thier practices were visible and good, the "product" really hit the fan. Working in the legal department kept me busy day in day out :LOL:
So far as actual cuts of meat went, beef was safe for consumption throughout. The BSE problem was caused by less reputable firms using spinal cord products in thier processing.
Now I moved on towards the end of the furore, but I believe it was decided that meat cuts - the flesh, if you will - was, and is, safe, but the offal of spinal origin most certainly was not.
Please understand this is from my memory, with no serious current research involved.
I currently still maintain that the presence of horse meat per se in products is not a threat. Afterall, we have yet to hear otherwise, do we not?

As I said....happy to be proved different, but having worked in the processing industry the subject does interest me :D
The supplier of the meat to Findus says that there is no risk to health. That's fine - we'll just accept that ............ that'll be right !
Aldi have just had to withdraw some of their meat products due to horse content.
A bit of horse would be the least of my worries in those pre-packed processed meals :puke:

nah, they're great , low in fat, low in preservatives, low in salt - its just unfortunate they are high in shergar :LOL: :coat:
I think Channel 4 got it absolutely right tonight...........

.....nobody is testing for rats, dogs, cats etc. etc.

The bottom line is, if you pay money for beef, that is what you expect to eat!

I have eaten horse meat in France and didn't like it.
I think Channel 4 got it absolutely right tonight...........

.....nobody is testing for rats, dogs, cats etc. etc.

The bottom line is, if you pay money for beef, that is what you expect to eat!

I have eaten horse meat in France and didn't like it.

But did you like it in your lasagne here?
If this had all come to light a few weeks earlier, Armstrong would have had the perfect excuse I suppose.
They actually found meat in them... that's a start I suppose!
And now, my own take on it . . .

I have no problem in eating horse meat, and IMHO that's not the real issue in this story, the big story is that these companies don't seem to know what is going into the food they are selling, how many other ingredients are not what is says on the package.

Oh the humours side, just wait till it comes out that Quorn is really horse meat.
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I have no problem in eating horse meat, and IMHO that's not the real issue in this story, the big story is that these companies don't seem to know what is going into the food they are selling, how many other ingredients are not what is says on the package.

Oh the humours side, just wait till it comes out that Quorn is really horse eat.

No no...testing will confirm that Quorn is still carpet backing :D
What's happening to all the products removed from the shelves? I can think of a few people/charities that would take them regardless of horse content.
Never again will I use the phrase "I could eat a scabby horse" whilst rummaging through my freezer :puke:
As they lay frozen in the lasagne Shergar turned
to Black Beauty and said "Bloody great hiding place
but I always knew they'd findus"

What's happening to all the products removed from the shelves? I can think of a few people/charities that would take them regardless of horse content.

Good question. Seems no-one cares.