16mm (and now 9.5mm) frolics

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I'd posted on the "new toys" thread my Minolta 16 II and my 135 to 16mm film slitter. I also bought cheaply a Minolta 16 QT.

It had some issues. The foam/felt had gone so out with the isopropyl alcohol to remove that and cut some felt to replace. Also the original battery for these is obsolete but online suggested a a modern lithium. It's in there somewhere between the small change.

That got the (uncoupled) exposure meter working. The film counter doesn't work but a test film showed the camera was pulling film through.

I previously butchered a film spiral (tank and reels generously given me by a forum member - the reason he gave it me was for taco deving 4x5 which the tank will still work for). Had to put chems in and out in complete darkness but light on when tank lid on.

My first attempt at deving 16mm had failed (detailed in "101 ways to ruin a film" thread). However this time...
Success! 19 images from the QT - 13x17mm size I think. On Kentmere 400.

22 images from the 16 II - 10x14mm neg. On Kentmere 100 using Sunny 16.

The negs look better with the naked eye - I know they will be fairly grainy due to neg size but a zoomed in phone shot doesn't do them justice. 1st time I've used a developer other than Suprol. These were done with ID-11 at box speed with times as given by Harman/Ilford.

My darkroom was built a year ago (in shed) and I've hardly used it. However doing this 16mm has got me used to the darkroom set up and will give me some impetus to get back into 120 and my hardly used Intrepid 4x5. I've solely been shooting 35mm P&S that has been commercially dev'd and printed.

1. What's the best way to scan these 16mm negs on my V550? I don't have a specific 16mm scanning mask, just those that comes with the Epson.
2. Length to cut the negs? I was thinking 5 or 6 images. Would give me approx 6 inch strip which seems reasonable.
3. Wet printing. Assuming some are worth trying I'm kinda thinking using The Meopta Opemus enlarger - one of the neg holders has 2 glass plates. Would a 16mm neg in those work then either mask on the easel and/or the blades on the enlarger? I suppose I could just expose onto printing paper then trim the finished print.
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1. What's the best way to scan these 16mm negs on my V550? I don't have a specific 16mm scanning mask, just those that comes with the Epson.

You could buy some 1mm thick card sheets and cut out a mask wide enough for the negative strips. 1mm seems to be approximately the correct height above the glass for correct focus. You might have to use pieces of masking tape to keep the negatives in place - especially if they are curled.

I did something similar when attempting to scan 4x5 large format negatives on my V550
I scanned directly onto the glass of a canon 8800f which kinda worked.

Never attempted to wet print 16mm negs.

You’ve done a neat job of your spiral.

When I butchered mine it looked like it had been…….

.. erm, butchered!:wideyed::LOL::LOL:
All images as straight off the scanner.

From the 16 QT

From the 16ii
Both above shots taken through glass window

16 QT:


16 QT
The images are what I expected grain wise. I like the QT as it's got a built in light meter but on some pics (family snapshots) I'd not got the zone focusing correct. Also the QT has put a scratch line on the film (evident in pics 1 and 3) - I'll try another film through it to see if it's a permanent issue.

As for the 16ii a lot of the shots were overexposed - the joys of trying to use Sunny 16 I suppose. I could take out a light meter with me but the meter is bigger than the camera!!

Overall I've enjoyed playing with both Minolta 16's and have already got more film in them. I think part of it is they are fun looking things and there is no great expense as a 36 exp film gives 3 x 45cm (18" in old money) filmstrips which using Kentmere is about £1.40 per strip.
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Wow, that Spitfire has seen better days, I've seen better looking ones after an MG meet.
Wow, that Spitfire has seen better days, I've seen better looking ones after an MG meet.
There is quite a bit of backstory to it. It lives under lime trees so all the sticky goo falls onto and it is never, ever washed. The body work is fibreglass with no kind of finish to it. There was also a similarly rough Porsche next to it at one point.

The owner used to take it to the local village show (well Borough Council equivalent) as an exhibit. The roof would be taken off and inside was absolutely grim and full of rubbish. That's where I 1st saw it then a couple of years ago my mum moved about 5 doors away from the thing!

Because of its age it's MoT exempt...
So I spot a Minolta 16 EE on an auction site. Not much money but coming from the EU, value well under any customs duties. It arrives, great and all seems to work inc selenium cell/meter.


Now the main reason I bought it is because on the single ad picture I've spotted an unused box of slide film in the Minolta 16 cartridge. Ooh aren't I clever boy, me thinks, another cartridge to re-fill! If the camera works, bearing in mind it's 55 yr old selenium cell, then that's a bonus.


Not so clever now am I . Not a cartridge at all, even I'm not going to slit an E6 film!!!
A selection of 32mm waste pipe and fittings purchased

Crude(ish) baffles made

Cable cover/conduit butchered

A complete film holder with film inserted

Partially and then fully assembled. The baffles are in the "up periscope" end.



What is it? A 16mm ( for 2 x 45cm strips) developing tank of course!! Maths indicates an interval volume of 400ml without the film holders so I estimate around 350ml required to dev the film's.

Off into the darkroom later to try it for real.
A selection of 32mm waste pipe and fittings purchased
View attachment 362187

Crude(ish) baffles made
View attachment 362188

Cable cover/conduit butchered
View attachment 362189

A complete film holder with film inserted
View attachment 362190

Partially and then fully assembled. The baffles are in the "up periscope" end.

View attachment 362192

View attachment 362193

What is it? A 16mm ( for 2 x 45cm strips) developing tank of course!! Maths indicates an interval volume of 400ml without the film holders so I estimate around 350ml required to dev the film's.

Off into the darkroom later to try it for real.
Im a little confused as to the method of loading the film , but assuming it works, you could patent it and go mass production :p

Édit:….. having studied the images a little closer, i now understand better.

Simple design but potentially effective. (y)
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Nowt wrong with that!

Only slight issue is filling isn't quick. I reduced the 7 min dev by 30 secs due to this. Next time I'll pour the dev in with the periscope removed (in complete darkness) then re-attach the persicope so I can be sure of the dev time. Stop and fix time variances concern me not a jot.

Most of the images are friend and family snapshots so I won't post those. There might a couple of others suitable for posting but I'll see. Back in the darkroom later to slit a film and reload the cassettes and cameras.

Having the darkroom is great for my film deving. I always struggled in a dark bag loading spirals etc. Having the extra space without constraints of the dark bag is liberating.
I've bought a Minolta 16 P (the most basic, I think, of the Minolta 16 range).


I paid slightly more than they can be bought for but it has the manual, case, strap and chain and an attached UV filter but more importantly a further original Minolta cassette I can reload. The camera seems to be fully working

The available ASA settings for the camera are 10, 32, 40, 80, & 160. Would I be ok using 50 ISO film at 40 ASA, 100 ISO at 80 and 200 ISO at 160?

The film box states 20 ASA expiring in 1973 (or 79, writing not clear). The partially exposed cassette states 100 ASA so the film isn't the one that came in the box. I may as well shoot the remaining film - what ASA would you suggest being the film is of unknown age, 40 ASA?

I'll stand develop the film but only have 2 developers, a fresh stock solution of ID-11 and Suprol Universal. Any suggestions of dev solutions and time? I was kind of thinking ID-11 at 1+ 5 for 30-40 mins or the Suprol at 1+ 49 for an hour. Do these sound realistic?

I'm not expecting to get much or anything off the film but I may as well dev it just to see.
Your getting yourself a large collection of small cameras , imaging the room needed if they were all large format ! Some really interesting stuff.

The available ASA settings for the camera are 10, 32, 40, 80, & 160. Would I be ok using 50 ISO film at 40 ASA, 100 ISO at 80 and 200 ISO at 160?

A couple of my cameras ( point and shoots in 135) are able to use the DX code system but only recognizes 100 and 400 ASA films, As Kodak Colourplus 200 was so cheap I always used to run it through these cameras where such film was seen as 100 ASA I could never tell any difference between them and the correct film ! So I think such small differences you have will be fine !
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Your getting yourself a large collection of small cameras , imaging the room needed if they were all large format ! Some really interesting stuff.
I think that's it now for Minolta 16 purchases. I have a 16 II, a 16EE, a QT and now the Model P. I don't fancy the MG mainly due to modern battery compatibility and P-S doesn't have enough variance over the P to tempt me

I'm keeping a look out for a cheap replacement QT. My current one has some issues including non working film counter and it puts a scratch on the film. Although battery adaptation in post 1 works for a while the modern lithium doesn't seem to last very long. It is probably just as easy to take a light meter out with me.However the QT is my favourite of the Minolta 16's.
I am properly impressed with your efforts and determination. My hat off to you
It seems the Spitfire in post 7 and also post 10 (now my avatar) may not be long for this world. Apologies for the phone cam pics. I'll have to start carrying a Minolta 16 with me or at least in the glove box.



Although the kerbs on this road are v high it seems the NSR suspension has collapsed. The owner is a mechanic apparently. As the car is MoT exempt you can tax it for £0...
I can see the eBay advert now , Just needs a gentle restoration ! S Maybe they just forgot to apply for the free tax !
It seems the Spitfire in post 7 and also post 10 (now my avatar) may not be long for this world. Apologies for the phone cam pics. I'll have to start carrying a Minolta 16 with me or at least in the glove box.

View attachment 372937

View attachment 372940

Although the kerbs on this road are v high it seems the NSR suspension has collapsed. The owner is a mechanic apparently. As the car is MoT exempt you can tax it for £0...
according to vehicle check it's taxed till feb 2023 and mot until mar 2023 (h'mm bought a fiddled mot?) and the vehicle is insured. Could be cloned No plates from a good Spitfire.
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@Flighter has posted about using his dad's Mamiya 16 Automatic. It's prompted me to do an update on my 16mm shenanigans.

My Minolta 16 P, works ok-ish but you have to be v gentle winding it on as it can click past the shot.

I've made a third film holder (as described in post 13) so can now develop 3 films at a time.

A 16mm scanning mask is on order from Camerahack. The card neg holder (post 6) works but is a faff so hence trying something more robust & hopefully easier.

Of the 4 Minolta 16s I have it is the QT and the 16 II that get used the most.

Although I've done some 16mm contact sheets (not successfully, the ancient paper was fogged) I haven't done any 16mm wet prints as yet.

My most recent 16mm purchase (and most expensive ever in that format) is this:


I'm very nervous of opening it and having a 100ft unravel in the darkroom!! Each cannister - it's fresh stock- has enough to make 67 x 20exp strips. That may keep me going for a while :) :)
Yes, having 100ft unspool itself would be a nightmare!

I was looking at prices of 16mm film the other day and given that my Mamiya and I guess your Minoltas only need 1.5ft for 20 exposures the prices per load were crazy compared to current 35mm films.
Yes prices for a 45cm film strip can be crazy. That's why I've been slitting 35mm Kentmere. You can get 3 strips out of a 36exp so it works out at a reasonable £1.50 per 20 exposures. There is a hell of a lot of wastage though - 2 x 8mm-ish sprocket hole strips as well as leader plus other bits and bobs.

The 16mm cine film obviously doesn't require slitting but is difficult to find in the UK currently. Overall the price isn't much different to slitting Kentmere but I fancied a different film speed and emulsions. Just need the courage to break the seals on tins now!!
I've just dev'd the 1st film - approx 28cm length so 12ish frames - through my new Minolta 16 PS. Negs are drying currently but I have images on the Delta 100.

The camera looks in good condition. It has these weather symbols which move when the ASA is selected on the thurled disc.

I've only just realised the symbols aren't actually connected to anything in the camera so using a light meter, like I did today, I can use any film speed I like. The camera has a 1/100 shutter plus 1/30 for flash. The weather symbols were broadly in line with the light meter so that's good.

I also bought a couple of neg holders from https://www.camerhack.it/product/penso-scanner-mask/ inc the 110/16mm


It is loads better than my home made cardboard effort but I still need to secure the neg to the holder with a couple tiny pieces of tape. Will certainly help with my 16mm scanning.
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I've posted in the new toys thread about my Minox B. I've also got loads of accessories with it (some I don't even know what they are) including 8 Minox cassettes about 50:50 metal: plastic.

Before I bought the camera I got the 35mm to 9.2mm cutter blades for the film slitter from here https://www.camerhack.it/product/create-your-135-film-cutter-kit/

Some short lengths of Kentmere 100 have been slit tonight to 9.2mm and they are in 2 cassettes in this steel tin


I'll blast through some shots tomorrow whatever the weather. Then it's onto deving them. I'm hoping I can find some suitable conduit to use in the device in post 13 above. If not I may need to look at butchering a deving reel.

Oh, I've taken the plunge and opened the 2 x 16mm 100' cans to cut some lengths for the Minolta's which was a lot less daunting than I feared.
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Yeah, scanning should be interesting! It’s enough of a fiddle for me with 16mm, using the 35mm strip film holder with the 16mm strip along one edge to try and keep it reasonably flat.
I've just put an advert up in the classifieds with various 16mm and Minox 9.2mm films for sale along with 3D printed Minolta 16 cartridges. Have a look if you are interested.

In Minox news I've shot 2 short lengths of home slit Kentmere 100. It took me a few days to get my brain to click that the Minox doesn't have any form of aperture control. Its f3.5, so basically feels like shooting wide open all the time! However the ND and green filters do a good job - without them and even on a cloudy day you can easily exceed the maximum 1/1000 shutter speed. I've got a roll of 35mm Ilford Pan F so I may slit that and give ISO 50 a try. Apparently the old Agfa 25 was great for Minox but of course its not been available in a very long time.

The 16mm "periscope" (see post 13) has been extended in length to accommodate up to 60cm length Minox film in narrower cable conduit. I'll do a better write up of the new system another day. Its currently loaded for film developing tomorrow but I'm not that hopeful as there was an issue with both the metal and plastic cartridges used so |i'll have to wait and see.

Whatever happens with those 2 films the Minox B is a truly stunning example of design, manufacture and quality.

My Minox scanning mask from camerahack.it has been posted so when I do get some useable 9.2mm negs it will make scanning easier. Of course I'll have to try a wet print too :)
First Minox successfully developed!


Images appear better than in the above cam pic.

I adapted the periscope in post 13
A selection of 32mm waste pipe and fittings purchased
View attachment 362187

Crude(ish) baffles made
View attachment 362188

Cable cover/conduit butchered
View attachment 362189

A complete film holder with film inserted
View attachment 362190

Partially and then fully assembled. The baffles are in the "up periscope" end.

View attachment 362192

View attachment 362193

What is it? A 16mm ( for 2 x 45cm strips) developing tank of course!! Maths indicates an interval volume of 400ml without the film holders so I estimate around 350ml required to dev the film's.

Off into the darkroom later to try it for real.

I added a 4" inches in length to the waste pipe to allow 60cm lengths of a smaller, narrower cable conduit (Screwfix mini trunking 12x8mm).


I developed a short length of 16mm Delta 100 as well and I have images on that.

There were also 2 Minox fails. I struggled to get the metal cartridge out the camera. I put a torch on to make sure I had the camera opened correctly to get the cartridge out. The top of the film recieving side popped off and the film fell out and was then exposed by the torch light - film length in pic 2 above. The other fail was me trying to process a very old C41 film in B&W chems. There was a v slight outline of images but the film was fogged, ah well, ne'er mind.

I was well pleased overall. Think I'll slit Pan F to try a 36 exp length but will probably stick to plastic cartridges for now.
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Minox B, Kentmere 100 home slit. Dev'd in ID-11. Wet print on MGIV, enlarged on a Durst 504 :). Print size 4.75" x3.25" scanned at 300dpi.


Although there are some dust spots (I dropped the neg strip on the floor before doing the wet print!) I'm very pleased overall. I was expecting a lot more grain especially as I am using Kentmere.

(Note The sculpture is at Nottinghamshire County Hall. There are 4 in total - 1 boarded up currently to protect it from building works. They represent the industry in the County at the time).
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A good result, well done. This is a fascinating adventure you have embarked on.
I've posted on a fair few threads this weekend but to round it all off here are a few 16mm from various Minolta 16's taken over the last 3 months. All home dev'd and scanned. All Kentmere 400 unless stated otherwise.

Nottingham train station x 2



M5 service station (plus defects....)

Sidmouth Beach (no idea why the scan resolution is so low...)


Make it Easy Lab (Nottm community darkroom)

Busker - Delta 100. Cropped image.