1gb SD card £11.99p incld p&p

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Card shown as 66x read 26x write & is actually made by Toshiba - been using one for a while in my D50 w/o any probs ...
Paul (y)
Don't believe em! order one and they'll say oops we made a mistake you can't have it ;)
Don't believe em! order one and they'll say oops we made a mistake you can't have it ;)
Steep - I know why you said that (I've seen that thread) but I ordered the card first & had the order confirmed by email BEFORE I posted here (still time for them to cancel the order I suppose but I'll give it a go anyway!)
Actually I only found this as I was comparing the price against the same card which Amazon are doing for just over £8 (when I went to checkout they wanted £4.50p postage - for something that weighs less than a gnat's wing! - that's taking the mickey) So for a bit more than £12 you could have one from Amazon (or the company selling through them)
Paul ;)