2013 Slimming Thread

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On the hit list !!!
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So last year one was posted up but doesnt seem to be one for this year so i popped on in now

so currently i have popped back to 19st 1.5 lb and my next weigh in is tuesday which is my official start date for this yeat
well wednsesday is tuesday is just the weight in on a night , only reason is our class is a tuesday night not a thursday so it is the 1st tuesdsay that i can be weight in for 2012

im currently a member of slimming world , and there is alot of male's now joining so dont be scaredto go you will be suprised

ill update this thread with my current weigh in and also some reciepe's when i do a meal
All the xmas junk is eaten now so i'm on a diet too. bread and butter is my biggest vice. I've started using low fat humus instead of butter in my sandwiches. Today was roast chicken humus and grated carrot and very nice it was too. I also like a little something to nibble on the side i've substituted crisps with olives.
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Not dieting as such, just eating less and better as well as taking some exercise now and then.

Last weigh in was 30th Dec and I was 16/7, quite a drop from the almost 21 that I was about 9 months ago! Had a couple of wake up calls that have prompted me to be a bit healthier - a Type II Diabetes diagnosis was the major one and my current diet/exercise regime seems to be keeping the blood sugar under control - down to 500mg Metformin per day, to be reviewed in Feb. The brain tumour was almost certainly not weight related, although a lot of the weight was tumour related - it removed all motivation and practically all motion... Now I can do some walking, I do!
I'm game for this!

I'm type 2 diabetic and have never taken it seriously! Ive had it for years and never bothered to sort myself out! Sugars are always high, I avoid the doctors and its starting to take its toll! Enough is enough! I'm 27 and take 10 tablets a day and there still not enough!

I'm currently 18 stone 3 and a quarter pounds.... Weigh ins will be Friday mornings and I hope I can bore you all to death with my weekly loss!
diets dont work without an increase in exercise. trust me on that one.

Exersise definitely helps but you can diet and lose weight.

My mate has a serious heart condition and can't walk far (maybe 20 mtrs) before stopping to catch his breath.
He was 19.5 stone about a year ago and now weighs just under 14 stone. All through changing his eating habbits.
I lost 1 1/2 stones on Weightwatchers last year, I've put half a stone back on since the beginning of December because I couldn't be arsed. Start again Sunday.

Did no exercise so that's obviously not a must in my case, just healthy eating.

Blood pressure gone back up a bit so time to get back on the wagon.
fatmarley said:
Exersise definitely helps but you can diet and lose weight.

My mate has a serious heart condition and can't walk far (maybe 20 mtrs) before stopping to catch his breath.
He was 19.5 stone about a year ago and now weighs just under 14 stone. All through changing his eating habbits.

Granted if you're eating crap all of the time then eating healthier will work.

But temporarily (on these so called 7 day diets etc) dieting to return back to what you are eating previously is pointless. As soon as you start consuming your normal amount again the weight will go straight back on.
Granted if you're eating crap all of the time then eating healthier will work.

Problem is he didn't know he was eating crap (as a lot of people don't) He used to buy all the low fat foods not knowing the fat was replaced with suger.
Things like pure orange juice and fruit smoothies are like drinking liquid sugar.

But temporarily (on these so called 7 day diets etc) dieting to return back to what you are eating previously is pointless. As soon as you start consuming your normal amount again the weight will go straight back on.

With all of the knowledge that's available today, you'd have to be pretty stupid to "Yo yo diet" but it wouldn't surprise me if people still do it.
2013 is also a diet year for me, but I'm going to be raising money for a charity called Bliss, as I go along.

I weighed myself on Tuesday 1st Jan, and I was 19 st 10 and 3/4 lbs.... My heaviest ever!!

Hoping to lose 5 stones this year :0) Looking forward to my next weigh in on the 8th Jan!
Stickied for you
I started on slimming world at the end of last year.. got 1 stone off before Christmas, missed last 2 weigh ins as was away so have to wait till next Thursday to see where i'm up to officially.. Have lost a further 6lbs according to Boots scales but will wait and see.. Had flu so that probably accounts for the loss :)
Has anyone got any tips for what to eat when your peckish?
A guy on another forum said rice cakes with crunchy peanut butter and honey. I said that peanut butter is full of fat and honey is like liquid sugar, so surely that's going to make you pile on the pounds. But he seems to think it would be fine.
Popcorn (not toffee or sweet!) is a good low fat snack. Salted or you could find somewhere that sells crisp flavouring and sprinkle that over it.
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I did think popcorn maybe a good low calorie snack. It's got a similar consistency to rice cakes (polystyrene).
Thin sticks of celery, carrot and cucumber are quite tasty and ideal as quick snacks. Not very satisfying though! I've found that diversion tactics work best - rather than a quick trip to the fridge, go for a longer wander round the block (or upstairs to use the floor above's karzi!).
Ok, so I weighed myself this morning after my first 7 days of dieting, and I've lost 1/2 stone :0)

Very pleased!!
Ok, so I weighed myself this morning after my first 7 days of dieting, and I've lost 1/2 stone :0)

Very pleased!!
well done nick my official start is tonight so will keep you all updated

when i come back from spain for 2 weeks i put on 9 lb but lost 8lb the week after :thinking:

but well done 7lb is alot to loose keep up the good work
Thin sticks of celery, carrot and cucumber are quite tasty and ideal as quick snacks. Not very satisfying though! I've found that diversion tactics work best - rather than a quick trip to the fridge, go for a longer wander round the block (or upstairs to use the floor above's karzi!).

I did try carrots a while back but it gave me terrible jaw ache for the next day or two.
Not dieting as such, just eating less and better as well as taking some exercise now and then.

Last weigh in was 30th Dec and I was 16/7, quite a drop from the almost 21 that I was about 9 months ago!

excellent, similar for me I am over 5 stone down since August but I was alot heavier than you to start with, a whopping 23st6lb.. eating less and better has been the major factor for me but I do a fair bit of muscle/toning/yoga exercises..

feels blooming great though, even simple things like going down the high street and having a choice of clothing not just whatever fits.

Ok, so I weighed myself this morning after my first 7 days of dieting, and I've lost 1/2 stone :0)

Very pleased!!

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I had a go at doing a workout from the David Haye-Box and Tone DVD this morning. I was absolutely shattered, and felt like a complete tit jumping around in my front room.

Unfortunately, as well as being completely unfit, it appears that I have absolutely NO coordination!

It's going to take some practise...
wegotitugetit said:
Got weighed tonight my official 1st weigh in even though last week I was weighed on Thursday and in five days lost 2lb

So 19st dead at min

Nice one! Keep going. :0)
excellent, similar for me I am over 5 stone down since August but I was alot heavier than you to start with, a whopping 23st6lb.. eating less and better has been the major factor for me but I do a fair bit of muscle/toning/yoga exercises..

feels blooming great though, even simple things like going down the high street and having a choice of clothing not just whatever fits.


I suppose I should start doing some yoga - after all, my wife does own her own yoga studio!!! Running out of excuses now I'm fitter than I have been for ages (better than fatter!) although anno domini have taken their toll, as have too many years of overweight.
I had a go at doing a workout from the David Haye-Box and Tone DVD this morning. I was absolutely shattered, and felt like a complete tit jumping around in my front room.

Unfortunately, as well as being completely unfit, it appears that I have absolutely NO coordination!

It's going to take some practise...

pmsl thats me all over

jsut got the nike + for kinect now this is going to be funny
Has anyone got any tips for what to eat when your peckish?
A guy on another forum said rice cakes with crunchy peanut butter and honey. I said that peanut butter is full of fat and honey is like liquid sugar, so surely that's going to make you pile on the pounds. But he seems to think it would be fine.

fresh fruit not tinned
salad like celery sticks
certain type's of seafood cant remember which one's exactly
if you fancy crisp's go for something like quavers or french sticks alot less calories then walkers

look for a book i think they do it by slimming world go on ebay snacks on the go or smething similar
I suppose I should start doing some yoga - after all, my wife does own her own yoga studio!!! Running out of excuses now I'm fitter than I have been for ages (better than fatter!) although anno domini have taken their toll, as have too many years of overweight.

I just thought I would try a bunch of stuff and see what works and certain yoga stuff does so I kept at it, been ribbed a bit by mates but all in good fun..

even a simple one like Bikram half moon pose has done wonders for my toning, at first I was a little doubtful but a week or so later I could see and feel the difference and the angle I can stretch to now is pretty impressive..
weigh in night for me tonight will let you know how i go, i won't say how much i have to loose ( a lady never does :LOL::LOL::p) what i will say is its a lot,
Half moon pose? Is that the one all the yoofs adopt when they emulate prisoners who've had their belts confiscated?

My wife gets a few male students, most of who reckon that it'll be a breeze since they do x hours in the gym every week. She delights in tying them in knots and sending them away aching while her more established ladies shrug it off! To be fair, they do tend to come back for more.
weigh in night for me tonight will let you know how i go, i won't say how much i have to loose ( a lady never does :LOL::LOL::p) what i will say is its a lot,


Come on people!! We can beat this together!! :annoyed:
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