27" iMac woes.

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I was formatting my mac hard drive via command R at start up and the mac utilities that show up post boot.
It was on it's second erase pass of 3 when I inadvertently interrupted the power supply.
Now the stupid computer won't reinstall the os.
I can't even figure out how to start formatting the drive again as it is greyed out.

Any suggestions for a home fix?

OS High Sierra.
Have you tried starting in safe mode?

Don't think it's fair to blame the stupid computer...
Do you get safe mode on a burger computer?

Or fries for that matter
Yes, one can boot a Mac in safe mode. They have lots of chips inside, but hopefully no fries... ;)
Another option might be to download (using another computer of course) a copy of the OS onto a USB memory stick and boot from that. Then use disc utilities to recover your system. I'm only guessing about this as I've not had to play this game myself.

Good luck.
Command R works as the original small partition is still on the internal HDD.
It brings up the utilities bit and has the "Install a new copy of Sierra.
It gets far enough to ask which drive I want to install it on but can't see the internal HDD

I despair at my incompetency some times.:banghead:
You may need to reformat the original HD. Does Disk utility show the original drive?