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Sorry if this all seems a basic, but I generally shoot football matches and have the camera (Canon 30d with a 70-200 L lens) set on aperture priority on f4 to get a nice narrow depth of field. But sometimes I've noticed although the ball may be in focus the players are slightly out. If I change the aperture to say 5.6, more is in focus but the shutter speed drops. Is the only way round this to raise the ISO?
Yes it is ...It is then that you will start to look at your camera body and the way that it handles the noise at higher ISO's...Then the craving for better kit starts to creep into your thoughts. lolo good luck
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Thanks for the advice, I must admit when I start to push the 30d up towards 800/1000 ISO it's a bit noisy, dear santa can I have a 7D..............

Thanks for those links, I'll have a trawl through them
If the ball is in focus, then why???

Focus on the players chest area, it really doesnt matter that the ball is out of focus, the ball in footy can be a fair few yards away from the players so trying to get both in focus just isnt going to happen.

If you do focus on the players and youre getting them OOF and the ball in focus then its your gear not being able to keep up with the action, im assuming youre shooting in AI servo for the tracking.

A Crop camera like the 30d and an f/4 lens will give you more than enough depth of field for shooting football so i would think its more down to your technique, your settings or your gear just cant keep up.

Post a few pics with whats happening and let us know where the focus point was aiming on those photos.

Is your lens f/4 or do you choose to shoot f/4
Gary, thanks for the advice, I think the problem is with my technique, I do tend to get quite a few shots where I haven't kept with play and not focused on the action. The lens I'm using I choose to go to f4 which is as wide as it goes.

Got to admit I find it tricky to keep up sometimes with play.
Gary, thanks for the advice, I think the problem is with my technique, I do tend to get quite a few shots where I haven't kept with play and not focused on the action. The lens I'm using I choose to go to f4 which is as wide as it goes.

Got to admit I find it tricky to keep up sometimes with play.
Footy isn't easy mate, the action can shift very suddenly.

Been a while since i shot with Canon but are you using AI servo, centre point with assist points selected.

Keep at it, you'll get there.
I'm using AI servo, focusing just on the centre point. What's assist points?
I'm using AI servo, focusing just on the centre point. What's assist points?
If player moves away from centre focus point a surrounding focus point (assist point) takes over the tracking and focussing, like i say, long time since i shot Canon so cant be of more help than to raise your awareness of the subject, some good old canon shooter will proibably be along soon.
We're going back a few models but from memory the 30D didn't have assist points