35mm body suggestions.

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Well I'm not enjoying using this spotmatic, the meter is off, I'm not really 100% on the focussing either, it feels great but the user experience and results aren't that good, might have to move to the zenit or cla the fujica, or better still find a body free from the ravages of time...:(.
First out and about anything roll was a dustbin job, not sure it was entirely the cameras fault cos my Rodinal has gone poop, so I had to shoot another in a controlled environment to see how far out the meter actually was.
On a brighter note, the glass is great, reading between the mis-focus over exposure lines.....:thinking:
So I'm looking for suggestions for a 35mm body, I've had my fill of sticky shutters, light seals and dodgy meters, the glass is m42 but besides a Bessa everything with M42 mount will likely be at least 25+ years old.
Its probably gonna be a m42 conversion ring job.
Nikons & Canons are out and anything that is 99% plastic, I want to shoot some Kodachrome on the hoof and need good metering.

Over to you collective film gods of TPF, all suggestions will be gratefully received...:)

FP4 ID-11...:D

How about the yashica FX series camera - FX3 super for example with a m42 adapter. Very reliable; and metal chassis
Have you considered one of the 'M' series Pentax SLR's, such as the MX or ME-Super? The MX was a manual only mechanical camera and I've used one myself for years when I started out. The ME-Super was manual and aperture-priority, but the only thing I didn't personally like about that were the push buttons for changing shutter speeds. I prefer a traditional dial which you get on an MX. There is also the K1000, which was mechanical again with match-needle metering. I'd imagine these would be fairly cheap to obtain.

Pentax stopped making the MX in the mid-80s, so obviously they'll be fairly old. They also used to make M42 adapters, so you could use your existing lenses.
M42 mount or any mount?

Pentax S1 series
Good old Zeniths

Any mount

As Carl suggests the M series Pentax's, MX, ME Super
Olympus OM1 or OM2 can be had for small amounts of your English pounds
Canon AE1, T90 or A1
Two more K-mounts: the Pentax KX (like the K1000 but better, and more sought after) and the P30 (plentiful and cheap, but possibly too plasticy).

Agree about the ME Super's push buttons, and their reliability doesn't improve with the passage of time.
M42 mount or any mount?

Pentax S1 series
Good old Zeniths

Any mount

As Carl suggests the M series Pentax's, MX, ME Super
Olympus OM1 or OM2 can be had for small amounts of your English pounds
Canon AE1, T90 or A1

Unless you really are set against Canon, I've really been enjoying using my new AV-1 recently as a wee carry around camera.

Ooo, thanks guys, but I think they're all too old, so a definitive re-cap -

Nothing before 1990, and that's pushing it.
The mount must accept M42 or there must be a ring available to convert to M42
Nikons no good, and Canon has no cool factor at all.
Must have good metering, which is to be expected I suppose from modernish tech.
I have at the moment a Spotmatic, a Zenit XP, a Fujica 605n, all M42 mount, I'm trying to get away from that era of tech, but still be fairly mechanical.
Budget - a quid to £200.
I know its a toughie, I've researched, but I just though you guys might have a better understanding of what's available in 35mm..:)...if anything.
This is a tough one. I can only think of Praktica, however I don't really know very much about them if I'm being honest with you. I know they made the B200 and I'm sure they had one called BX-20, but if I'm not mistaken they stopped making these in the late 80s / early 90s. They had bayonet-fitting mounts, but would have accepted M42 adapters I would have thought, seeing as their earlier models were screw fitting. Sorry I can't be of much help.
Minolta xd7 seems fit


Definatly better built than my canon a1 :) super cheap and good glass can't go wrong(y)
Just as a matter of interest, why is Nikon - one of the most respected brands - "no good"? Why does Canon have "no cool factor"?
I have a Pentax MX, but always found the body to not really make much of a difference.



Look at that for a bargin! I may even buy that and use those lenses on my DSLR!!

Edit: I have a pentax film + digital SLR camera, which means I only need one set of lenses and I can take both bodis in my camera bag. I can shoot film or digital easily, without having to pay for two sets of lenses!
I have a Pentax MX, but always found the body to not really make much of a difference.


Look at that for a bargin! I may even buy that and use those lenses on my DSLR!!

It is a bargain Luke, you're right. I had an MX for about 12 years or so before changing for a Nikon and they are well made, reliable cameras. However, I'm having difficulty trying to think of any camera with a metal body that was made after 1990 - apart from Nikon. The FM2's, for example, were in production up until around 2001.

Ricoh SLR's had a Pentax-K fitting so M42 adapters would be available, but the only Ricoh's I've seen, such as the KR10 Super and XR-P, both had plastic bodies if I remember correctly. Plus they ceased production around the 1990 mark as well, and I don't know what has replaced them.
I'd also recommend a Minolta XG series, though an XD7 (or XD11 as it is in the States) would be the definitive Minolta SLR to get. There's a reason Leica paired up with this company to help make some of the best SLRs ever made...

Picked my XG9 up with a 50mm f/1.7 MD mount lens for a tenner :)

EDIT...though it's about 10 years older than what you're looking for
It is a bargain Luke, you're right. I had an MX for about 12 years or so before changing for a Nikon and they are well made, reliable cameras. However, I'm having difficulty trying to think of any camera with a metal body that was made after 1990 - apart from Nikon. The FM2's, for example, were in production up until around 2001.

Ricoh SLR's had a Pentax-K fitting so M42 adapters would be available, but the only Ricoh's I've seen, such as the KR10 Super and XR-P, both had plastic bodies if I remember correctly. Plus they ceased production around the 1990 mark as well, and I don't know what has replaced them.

For the price of the body + lens deals on ebay, you can pick up about 400quids worth of lenses and 100quids worth of body for only £50, you may as well buy that and sell your current kit.

The MX that I now have is my dads old one, that he has been using for 23years I think and its in the same condition of when it came out of the factory!
If you want to keep the M42 mount, a Mamiya/Sekor DTL 1000 is a good choice. It is switchable between spot and average metering and is solidly built.

I used to have one but I gave it away a few months ago as part of my camera collection trimming down excercise.

Minolta xd7 seems fit

I think Minoltas are the bargains of the 35mm manual focus SLR world. Last year, I couldn't afford any prime lenses for my Nikon so I bought a Minolta XE-1 and three prime lenses.

The Rokkor lenses are between a quarter and a third of the Nikkor price and are equal in optical and build quality.

Pentax MX -cracking little camera!!

Hmmm... I think you'll struggle to find what you're looking for in a later vintage Joxers, but I know where there's a Canon A1 outfit with lenses and motor drive well within your budget. ;)
Take the spotty in for a CLA (Clean, Lube, Adjust). I have 2 and they're fine, but they can have shutters that drag.

A simple job for a tech. And you'll have a great camera that will outlast you.

If you want a camera with more features, try to find a Chinon CE-3. It's M42 mount. Big, bright viewfinder with lots of features and has full manual and aperture priority. I have one with a power winder which gives it a chunky grip in my shovel hands.
Looks like there is nothing then, maybe I'm gonna have to compromise.
I looked at Minolta but the only one that turned my head was a Maxxum 9 and they are flippin expensive.
Nikons and the Nikkormat are out because the conversion ring to M42 has to contain an optical element, putting a bit of Chinese plastic before some bodacious m42 glass is not good.
Canons from the 80's onwards have all the coolness of a broken pelvis, I dunno why, they just aren't running with the cool kidz (I don't expect Canon owners to agree or understand this)....but if needs must, I might have to be uncool..:shrug:.
The OM10 needs a ring with an optical element like the Nikon.
Pentax MX, Praktica, Richo, Minolta XD's, DTL1000 and CE-3 are all too old.

I guess this thread exists because after Nikon and Canon, nobody made 35mm cameras of the age I want.
Can't make my mind up about the A1, its cool....retro cool but.....ugly, if it said Nikon on it I could balance that out, but ugly and Canon...:shake:...bridge too far..:LOL:
Just kidding CT......chuck the winder away and I'd buy it an engagement ring..:D
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I dunno what to do, maybe I'll buy that Bessa...:shrug:
Looks like there is nothing then, maybe I'm gonna have to compromise.
I looked at Minolta but the only one that turned my head was a Maxxum 9 and they are flippin expensive.
Nikons and the Nikkormat are out because the conversion ring to M42 has to contain an optical element, putting a bit of Chinese plastic before some bodacious m42 glass is not good.
Canons from the 80's onwards have all the coolness of a broken pelvis, I dunno why, they just aren't running with the cool kidz (I don't expect Canon owners to agree or understand this)....but if needs must, I might have to be uncool..:shrug:.
The OM10 needs a ring with an optical element like the Nikon.
Pentax MX, Praktica, Richo, Minolta XD's, DTL1000 and CE-3 are all too old.

I guess this thread exists because after Nikon and Canon, nobody made 35mm cameras of the age I want.
Can't make my mind up about the A1, its cool....retro cool but.....ugly, if it said Nikon on it I could balance that out, but ugly and Canon...:shake:...bridge too far..:LOL:
Just kidding CT......chuck the winder away and I'd buy it an engagement ring..:D
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I dunno what to do, maybe I'll buy that Bessa...:shrug:

Canon ftb manual camera................... with fd/m42 adapter for £3.
I don't want match needle metering or led's, or stop down metering.
No sticky shutters dodgy light leaks or anything else that comes with 30 year old cameras.
The spotty is out because it has all these things, the Zenit and Fujica are the same.

I want app priority, ttl, reliable 1/1000th minimum and no plastic....:shrug:

That Minolta is growing on me...maybe if I kick its zimmer away, it might still be stood up..:cool:
So I bought a Canon...

and it came with a cough..

bladdy old stuff....mumble mumble.....:shake:
Its an Olympus, it needs a ring with an optical element...

pass me the Buttercup Syrup..

so its your fault.......:LOL:

damn, I like it though, loads of mechanical buttons, clicks whirrs and bangs..(y)

How much is a CLA, I like it so much, I think its worth doing..:)
Sheesh Joxers., I have the nicest A1 in the Western world. :shrug:

I'm not really surprised though - when you start specifying metal build in that era, your options are narrowed right down and the A1 is probably THE classic Canon camera - a real landmark camera for Canon.
I didn't realise it was for sale CT, besides, I didn't need the winder or the glass.
This one was 16 miles under budget, so I probably deserved it..
Struck a deal with the seller because the listing said no Canon cough..:cautious:
Anyway, its in at Dales for repair now....£65...
excellent choice fd L glass is cheap cheap! and its probally the easiest to focus manual slr i've ever owned hardly get any duds!
Its never gonna see fd glass.....:LOL:
This thread is about a body to use m42 lenses on....:D
Funny you mention the spottie, I have just bought one and a minter it is and just got a converter ring to use the 1.4 50mm in my nikon ..........what problems did you have out of curiosity
With the Spotty ?, err....the meter is a long way off and match needle metering is annoying me, it appears to change depending on how close your eye is to the viewfinder...:thinking:...that's about it really.
My first roll was terrible but it wasn't too scientific, I was thinking maybe the spotty couldn't shoot at 1/1000th any more, I was shooting everything wide open so 1/1000th & 1/500th were the most predominant speeds on the first roll.
Anyway, I shot a proper test roll and its the meter, not an inaccurate 1/1000th shutter speed.
All this talk of Spotties, I just found my old Spotti F, must be 1965ish vintage, looks in good nick still, maybe I will run some film through shortly, if I can still buy the battery for it.
I never did really use the inbuild meter, prefered to us my high tech western master V, light meter.. which I have just checked and seems to work ok still. Oh bliss, takes me back to when photography was more simple.
I have 2 SPii's and an SPF. I prefer the SPii and it's used as much as my Chinon CE-3 (which is a very nice M42 camera with AP). The SPF is mid 70's not mid 60s though.

Spotties may have slow shutters though. They are nearly 40 years old. A CLA would see them through another 40. Light seals need replacing on all cameras at some point. THe 1st thing I do when I buy an old camera is replace the seals.
Sheesh Joxers., I have the nicest A1 in the Western world. :shrug:

I'm not really surprised though - when you start specifying metal build in that era, your options are narrowed right down and the A1 is probably THE classic Canon camera - a real landmark camera for Canon.

Hey Cedric,

out of interest how would the A1 compare to an OM1? I'm missing my fully manual old 35mm...