400d user or canon dslrs. quick!

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so im used to using my 400d on P mode and AV
switching to manual. i can change iso, shutter speed, aperature.
but all my photos come out very very dark
i think i know the problem.


that wee thing next to the m sign is the exposure compensator maybe??
anywhoo thats down at negative 2 which i believe is giving me the darkness. but i dont know how to change it. the wheel changes shutter speed and av+wheel changes f stop. how to move this wee scale thing?
Push the AV+/- button at the same time as turning the scroll wheell?

EDIT: Duh! didn't read the post properly.

Just looked at the manual for 350D, you can't adjust the exposure in M, you'll need to adjust aperture / shutter speed / ISO to get the exposure correct.

If you are in full manual then the only way to change the wee scale is by either adjusting your aperture or more likely changing your shutter speed. Try decreasing your shutter speed more and more and eventually you'll see the scale thingy move towards the centre.
Put the camera back in to AV mode, and then the AV+/- and scroll wheel will adjust the exposure compensation.

Return the pointer to zero and then go back to manual, where there will be no exposure comp in play.
If you are in full manual then the only way to change the wee scale is by either adjusting your aperture or more likely changing your shutter speed. Try decreasing your shutter speed more and more and eventually you'll see the scale thingy move towards the centre.

yea, if its anything like the Sony this is your light meter, which gauges the amount of light needed for a correct exposure, and adjusting your aperture and/or shutter speed accordingly will bring this to zero (or to where you want it because zero isn't always desired). Buy 'Understanding Exposure' by Bryan Peterson, fantastic book and I've learnt so much and I've only read about 40 pages.
The problem is that you don't actually know what you are doing and unlikely that you've read the manual on this which is why your pictures are dark. There is absolutly no point in going to manual 99% of the time so stick to AV/TV and you'll not go wrong most of the time.

the exposure compensation gauge was down at -2 because your exposure selected in manual was 2 stops under what the camera thought it should be. if its flashing then its way under.

so im used to using my 400d on P mode and AV
switching to manual. i can change iso, shutter speed, aperature.
but all my photos come out very very dark
i think i know the problem.


that wee thing next to the m sign is the exposure compensator maybe??
anywhoo thats down at negative 2 which i believe is giving me the darkness. but i dont know how to change it. the wheel changes shutter speed and av+wheel changes f stop. how to move this wee scale thing?
There is absolutly no point in going to manual 99% of the time so stick to AV/TV and you'll not go wrong most of the time.

I disagree... If you understand shutter speed and aperture then Manual is the only way to shoot.
If you were referring that statement directly to the OP based on their apparent lack of understanding, then (y)
Have you tried taking the lens cap off? :D

I'll get me coat.:bonk:
I disagree... If you understand shutter speed and aperture then Manual is the only way to shoot.
If you were referring that statement directly to the OP based on their apparent lack of understanding, then (y)

I (now) agree, and understanding exposure makes it very clear on why this is. I haven't had chance to test out the techniques explained in that book but from now on I'll certainly be shooting manually most of the time from now on