5 guinea pigs in a row

Martha (nickname is Violet)
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Also used for my 365 photo, I kinda like it, i know the colours are slightly out, but I think i like it. I'm a bit undecided, though I'd like your input if poss!


Vi x
I like it, Although the crop is a little tight for my liking. A little bit of breathing room on the left and right would make a world of difference imo.

How long did it take to get them like that? Bet it needed a lot of patience!
I actually like the crop because all the guinea pigs are very tightly together with the large one central, the only thing I am not too keen on is the blown whites on the 4th head but apart from that its a very good humorous shot well taken
I know where your coming from with the crop, but i had limited space to take the pic, so couldn't make it much wider.
as for the blow, yes i had noticed, just don't know how to avoid it... i had just 2 desk lamps on them with a flash gun pointing at the ceiling, ISO 400, think it was 1/100th sec. Would having a faster shutter have helped? I'm still learning really, but it's no excuse!!

thanks for the input so far, all noted!

oh, and they are very well behaved Kingbling! They need no telling, they're very good girls!

Vi x
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I like the capture looks very good :) just the colour could do with a bit of editing.
Nothing wrong with the crop at all , it shows a tightly packed photo which goes with the pets squashed together.

Agreed about the blown bits though
Superb! :LOL:
no seriously, they're very well behaved :p this bunch get held an awful lot. They were starting to fall asleep they were that relaxed LOL.

Thanks all :)

Vi x
surprising how well guinea pigs learn to sit still with a bit of blue tac and a piece of string!


some good crit from the others but still a good fun picture. id like to see some more of these.
If i was being picky i would say that to even things out a brown one on the left (instead of a white) would have created a more even, flowing pattern. However, its a bloody good image and they look beautiful. Well done! :clap:
Try moving them further away from the backdrop to prevent them getting blown out and blending with the backdrop as being further away will bring the exposure down on the backdrop by a stop or two.

I love this shot, I know people who would go nuts over it, I bet you could make sales from it, especially once the blown highlights are sorted and maybe a different cloth for them to stand on (Tartan style maybe?), get your watermark on there ASAP

Thanks, as I said, didn't have a lot of space else I would have used the advice about bringing them forward.

I took a few more shots of individuals today, had much the same problems, I'll try and sort out the BG, don't think the white is a good option with them having white on them. I'm finish editing a couple and post them up later.


Here we go, added a water mark this time, first time i've done it.



only difference is that i used a towel as the BG rather than fabric. I may invest in some more fabric, what colour do you suggest?

Vi x
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