60mm x 60mm negative scanner

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We have found some of my granddads unmounted 60mm negatives from 1950 could anyone recommend me a scanner that will take these, the only one I have found, a Praktica DS66 gets very mixed reviews.

60mm negatives = 6x6 = medium format right?

(well they are actually 56mm x 56mm but it's 6x6)

If so there are several Epson models currently still marketed that will happily scan medium format. What is your price range?

Also, the Praktica is terrible. It's essentially a box with a camera taking a picture of the negative, which is a terrible scanning compromise.
Hi Freecom
Not really sure on budget I will prob split the cost with my brother as a gift to my dad, so I guess 150 - 200 max really but less if possible as once we have used it I don't think it will be used again.
I did read about the Praktica being basically being a camera and was not sure about that?

Before you follow up the recommendation, please make sure that they really are 6x6 medium format. They should obviously be square, the actual image area should be about ~56mm on both sides and look something like this with the image in the white:


If you know what camera your grandad used, that would be the most useful indicator to confirm.

If it is indeed the film format I keep banging on about, the Epson V500 is a superb scanner that fits your budget and is a dedicated film scanner.


Good film scanners like the Epson hold their value reasonably well, so you could sell it after you have used it and not make too much of a loss on it. Or you could hold onto it for other film scanning, or general document/photo scanning :)
I am sure they are what you are describing, the actual image has a clear border around it, they look hand cut as they are not quite square, I will try and get a photo of one tomorrow when I am at my dads, the V500 looks just the job, thanks for the help on this it is very much appreciated as I have no idea when it comes to slides / negatives etc (they were what came in the front of the wallet when I picked my holiday snaps up from boots years ago :confused:)

No problem Ian - I'm sure either me or one of the other regulars in this forum will confirm when you get a picture. Just want to be 100% before you drop £130+ on a scanner, as I'm sure you'll appreciate.

Just for reference - a V500 will only scan 2 of the 6x6 negatives at the same time, so a lot might take a fair amount of time.
I guess we have about 200+ to get through so we were thinking it might take some time :)

I guess we have about 200+ to get through so we were thinking it might take some time :)


I reckon about an hour for a roll of 10-12 with the V500 (using this workflow). But I'm not rushing. And that's before tweaking and adjusting in Lightroom.
This is one of the negatives they have been kept in small wallets called "Langley photograph album" and are in really good condition, I hope I we can get some good scans from these, there are a couple of Sunderland flying boats landing on the Thames near tower bridge that look really good.
