7 sins of photography!

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hi guys, need a bit of help/inspiration from my other fellow toggers! i have set myself a brief of showing the 7 deadly sins other than what can be found on google images etc! I had a few ideas of a theme with different strobe lights to help portray each sin! I ws thinking either studio or possibly outdoor work with some set ups in the form of reflectors and softboxes to help get a defined edge to my work!!

any inspiration, hit it this way!!
Deadly sin #1 - Using the term 'tog', 'togging', or 'toggers'.

The 7 sins of photopraphy, or
Photography of the 7 sins?

Your title says one thing, but your description is suggesting the other..
i like the words tog, togging, toggers, :eek:

snappers, clicky clicks, clickers, :cautious:

Sin number whatever

Dressing like your on a hike, boots, rucksacks, funny hats, spray-way coats, and looking like an advertising billboard,

Calling images 'piccies'. I really hate that.

Never go to a dinner party and tell anybody you're a professional photographer - you'll never hear the last of it and your hosts will proudly get all their holiday pictures out so you can admire them, and you will have to be really polite over it. Then all the other people round the table will insist they know as much as you do, since all it takes is a decent camera of course, and you'll spend the rest of the evening trying to defend your place on the planet.

Do not walk around trade shows wearing your camera, especially not with a flashgun attached to it, that looks really silly. (Focus in Birmingham is terrible for that kind of thing).

Thinking it takes a BIG camera to make decent images. Tut.

I could go on and on .....
photodrew said:
hi guys, need a bit of help/inspiration from my other fellow toggers! i have set myself a brief of showing the 7 deadly sins other than what can be found on google images etc! I had a few ideas of a theme with different strobe lights to help portray each sin! I ws thinking either studio or possibly outdoor work with some set ups in the form of reflectors and softboxes to help get a defined edge to my work!!

any inspiration, hit it this way!!

firstly don't try an use strobes with your camera better using a flash since it will sync with your shutter
Lens Cap
Not resetting to defaults after a shoot
Not correcting horizons
Learning that less is more in PP

that should do for at least one of them.
Hearing " Here comes David Bailey" god that makes my ****** itch. :bang:
ye the title is a bit misleading!!

i meant i want inspiration for the brief... the 7 deadly sins, as in greed, pride, lust etc!

thanks for the literature talk toggers;) that was last time i use it lol i promise
Pointing and laughing at your mates best efforts/ holiday photos... Thats a sin... Isn't it? ... I think.:thinking:
Is coveting thy neighbours camera equipment one of the seven :shrug:?

If so, half of this forum are going straight down to the hothouse :LOL:.
using Nikon?

oh go on!.. someone had to :)
i like the words tog, togging, toggers, :eek:

snappers, clicky clicks, clickers, :cautious:

Sin number whatever

Dressing like your on a hike, boots, rucksacks, funny hats, spray-way coats, and looking like an advertising billboard,


Man after me own art!! (except I wear Paramo and Craghoppers :razz:)
i like the words tog, togging, toggers, :eek:

snappers, clicky clicks, clickers, :cautious:

Sin number whatever

Dressing like your on a hike, boots, rucksacks, funny hats, spray-way coats, and looking like an advertising billboard,




To hit someone that tells you your'e not allowed to take photos ere!!!
Usually some old ******wit with nothing better to do.
1. Using automatic mode because its "good enough". I have a mate that still does that after a year with his D90. Somehow the concept of ISO, aperture, shutter speed etc hasn't sunked in yet.

2. Using direct flash for people shots.
Are you trying to take the shots all in-camera? Or are you going to PP?
If it is all in-camera, I can understand the strobes idea for the movement.

Lust should surely be easy, unless you are intending on not using the obvious.

Greed, perhaps multi-shot with a person hoarding around lots of items.
Pride, got any certificates or trophies? You could do a similar idea/multishot pointing to the trophy/certificate
Whats it for? Can you twist it and use sins relateing to photography? Use the wonky horizon but over do it. Burn out a protrait with a flash. Put a finger over the lens. Just few off the top of my head?
Chimping every shot.
Saying 'No, Ive had this for ages' when she asks if that is another new lens on your camera?
Saying 'No, Ive had this for ages' when she asks if that is another new lens on your camera?


(also relevant for expensive paintball equipment and av equipment)


Also, on subject. Your 7 images need to have a common theme, whether it be a person, location, object, style, whatever as it sounds like the images should have a link in some way?
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The 7 sins of photopraphy, or
Photography of the 7 sins?

Your title says one thing, but your description is suggesting the other..

Yes, Alastair is correct! :plus1:
- Using the onboard flash/direct flash for people shots (as said already)

- Cropping the top of peoples heads off, this just REALLY bugs me

- Agreeing to shoot a wedding when you have NO clue what a big task it is

- Not understanding why a pro charges what they charge

- Thinking you are good enough to be pro becuase you can shoot people in a studio setup
i really have created jus 2 different convos just from the title havent i? what it was meant to say was how to photograph the 7 sins! bit confusin i know, but still good to see what others think the sins of P are lol!

anyway, focus, how should i photograph the 7 sins?!