70-300mm lens. Canon IS or Tamron VC?

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I am hoping to invest in a longer zoom lens for my 40D. My fairly limited budget means the two main contenders have been narrowed down to the Canon 70-300 IS (non L lens version unfortunately) and the Tamron 70-300 VC lens.

What I would like to know is, which lens produces the better IQ (image quality) at the long end (the 300mm end) of the lens?

Any advice/help would be very much appreciated,

Heres a pix I took this last November (Thansksgiving day) at a friend's house.
The Camera is a Nikon D300 AND the lens a Tamron SP 70-300mm F/4-5.6 VC. The lens & camera combination weigh in at 3 lbs 15 3/4 oz !
Good photo and weight training combination.

I've the Canon 70-300IS lens and am very pleased with it. Accurate focusing, good colours and I get good results throughout the focal range.

I'd def recommend one.
I doubt you'll beat the Canon 70-300 IS USM in its price bracket.


Best value tele lens you can get for a Canon and not just value, it is actually pretty good.
I have the canon as well. I'm very impressed with the IS, I've hand held at 300mm all the way down to 1/30!

Many thanks to all who have replied, very much appreciated (y)

The links for the sample photo's have been especially helpful. Very interesting to hear all of your opinions too.

Heres a pix I took this last November (Thansksgiving day) at a friend's house.
The Camera is a Nikon D300 AND the lens a Tamron SP 70-300mm F/4-5.6 VC. The lens & camera combination weigh in at 3 lbs 15 3/4 oz !
Good photo and weight training combination.


J Bruja, a little off topic I know, but I noticed one of your photo's (NOV_5890A) was taken with a Tamron 18-270 VC lens, that looks like it produces good image quality too. I had originally been interested in this lens as it covers a very wide range, but as I understand it now the lenses with 3 or 4 times magnification only, give better image quality. Would you agree?

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I've had the Tamron 18-270 much longer than the 70-300. The 18-270 is a much better all around lens mostly because of the 18mm focal length. I believe that prime lenses offer the best image quality but are not as versatile as a multi focal length lens. I think it's a shame that so much importance is placed on image quality alone. What ever happened to the 3 Cs': Color, composition, content ? In the studios of the Art Institute of Chicago in the early 60s we would place a piece of women's nylon stocking over the lens to soften it for portraiture. Wollensak lenses in the early 1900s were valued as soft lenses for just such work.
Modern lenses with 3 -4 magnification may have an advantage over extreme zooms but the improvement is not so great that it would prevent me from using a lens such as the 18-270. That being said, the 18-270 is a good everyday lens.
I've had alot of experience on the Canon and only used a sigma/tamron equivalent a couple of times, i'll hold my hands up high and say that the Canon is a far greater lens than the Tamron. The image quality is brilliant, the IS is super fast and smooth and the zooming feel is very natural.
Ive had the canon 70-300 a good lens...heres a snap taken with it..

Many thanks for the further replies (y)

I've had the Tamron 18-270 much longer than the 70-300. The 18-270 is a much better all around lens mostly because of the 18mm focal length. I believe that prime lenses offer the best image quality but are not as versatile as a multi focal length lens. I think it's a shame that so much importance is placed on image quality alone. What ever happened to the 3 Cs': Color, composition, content ? In the studios of the Art Institute of Chicago in the early 60s we would place a piece of women's nylon stocking over the lens to soften it for portraiture. Wollensak lenses in the early 1900s were valued as soft lenses for just such work.
Modern lenses with 3 -4 magnification may have an advantage over extreme zooms but the improvement is not so great that it would prevent me from using a lens such as the 18-270. That being said, the 18-270 is a good everyday lens.

I believe prime lenses offer the best image quality too, but as you say they are not so versatile with their fixed focal length.
I'm not sure exactly why image quality seems to be so important today, all I can say is, if you look at a photo on the net where the IQ is sharp it stands out. Of course I realise other things such as the 3 C's will need to come into play for that to work well.
Your reply has renewed my interest in the Tamron 18-270 lens :LOL:, meaning I now have to decide between three lenses rather than the original two I'v elisted :)

I've had alot of experience on the Canon and only used a sigma/tamron equivalent a couple of times, i'll hold my hands up high and say that the Canon is a far greater lens than the Tamron. The image quality is brilliant, the IS is super fast and smooth and the zooming feel is very natural.

This is what I'm trying to find out, which is the best at the long end of the lens, because this is the main reason why I would like to invest in one. Do you find the Canon 70-300 IS lens soft at the long end?

My opinion so far is that the Canon 70-300 IS lens has a 2nd stage image stabilization setting for panning (I'm not sure how good this is though) which the Tamron does not, but the down side of the Canon lens for me is the front of the lens turns when focusing. This would mean if I wanted to use a graduated ND filter attached to the front of the lens not very practical IMHO. The Tamron lens however has IF (internal focusing) so the front of the lens does not turn when focusing.

Ive had the canon 70-300 a good lens...heres a snap taken with it..


Liking pets, especially dogs myself, that is a cracking shot (y) No doubt that your 7D has something to do with that, that I won't get with my 40D.

Many thanks to everyone who have replied, very much appreciated and helpful (y)
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Sadly I've not tried the Canon 70-300IS, but do own the Tamron 70-300 VC, here are a couple of shots I've taken.

Hope that helps a little.
John, many thanks for adding the photo's you took using the Tamron 70-300 VC lens.
I have the Canon 70-300 IS and a 40D and I am very happy with the results I get. This is a shot taken with this setup.

I hope he survived the recent Turkey cull.

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I have the Canon 70-300 IS and a 40D and I am very happy with the results I get. This is a shot taken with this setup.

I hope he survived the recent Turkey cull.

Thanks for the reply Andrew, very helpful too, as yours are taken with a 40D (y) I also hope the Turkey survived.

The canon is fantastic for the money I used one for a while and it was great especially the is the head shots here were taken on a 40d and the canon http://www.alextoze.com/2011/10/20/nutters-hair-shoot/

Excellent, more shots taken with a 40D. Thanks you for posting the link Alex (y)

Have a look for both of these: Tamron VC - Canon 300 IS (non L)

As well as images there will be all sorts of discussion, bit be sure to put aside an hour or so!!

WOW :cool: I see what you mean about putting aside an hour or two, brilliant links, thanks John (y)
Have you decided yet ? , I have been researching both and the Tamron at £265 ( after cash back ) from Amazon looks tempting .

another vote for the canon, got mine second hand from MPB and am very happy with it
I really wish I'd tried a Canon because then I could truly compare, my worry is that often people will buy Canon and never even try third party lenses due to (mostly undeserved) bad press.

In many ways I'm impressed that the Tamron is getting the good press it is - you try adding a poll and I bet it will swing 80% at least to Canon for no other reason than its a Canon and people who have tried neither would say Canon too... Its annoying but the way I see it.
Have you decided yet ? , I have been researching both and the Tamron at £265 ( after cash back ) from Amazon looks tempting .


Julian, this isn't going to help you very much I know, but I'm still have the Tamron 18-270mm VC lens in the frame with the other two. I've been reading plenty about all three from the link JohnN kindly posted (the 18-270mm VC lens topic I just found on that site from a search). So at the moment no I have not yet decided. I realise time is running out for the cash back offer.

I'm assuming you mean the one for sale at exactly £294.80. That is a good price I agree. I'm not 100% sure if Amazon are included in the £30 rebate scheme as they're not listed as Authorised Tamron Super Stockists going by the list in the camera mag Tamron promotion adverts, but they have included it in the advert I agree. Even if you didn't get the cash back it's still a good price IMHO.

**EDIT** I've just been in touch with Amazon, it would appear the warranty is for 12mths only.

I really wish I'd tried a Canon because then I could truly compare, my worry is that often people will buy Canon and never even try third party lenses due to (mostly undeserved) bad press.

In many ways I'm impressed that the Tamron is getting the good press it is - you try adding a poll and I bet it will swing 80% at least to Canon for no other reason than its a Canon and people who have tried neither would say Canon too... Its annoying but the way I see it.

I'm certainly inclined to agree with you on that.
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**EDIT** I've just been in touch with Amazon, it would appear the warranty is for 12mths only.

The 5 yr warranty relates to registering the lens on the Tamron site , as long as its a legally ( non grey import ) to a UK dealer then should be fine.

you try adding a poll and I bet it will swing 80% at least to Canon for no other reason than its a Canon and people who have tried neither would say Canon too... Its annoying but the way I see it.


Id go with the Tamron and did. Its very sharp and the VC is very good.
Used both and I preferred the Tamron well built, vc is very good and excellent colours. For some Eason I did not like the canon's feel. 2 of me friends had them for less than 2 years and both had developed a rattle and ad became noisy.
The 5 yr warranty relates to registering the lens on the Tamron site , as long as its a legally ( non grey import ) to a UK dealer then should be fine.


Yes that is a very good point, you could be right there, it certainly makes sense.

I've had another look at the Tamron cash back offer advert in my camera magazine. Although Amazon is not listed by name in their list of official Tamron stockists it does say under that list "Plus Other Fine Camera Stores", so I think you should be OK if you go for that lens.

Used both and I preferred the Tamron well built, vc is very good and excellent colours. For some Eason I did not like the canon's feel. 2 of me friends had them for less than 2 years and both had developed a rattle and ad became noisy.

Good to hear from someone who has used both (y)
After considerable deliberation, I've made a decision and decided to go for the Tamron 70-300 VC lens, as Julian has too. I purchased mine from Amazon also, this morning.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread in helping me to come to a decision (y)
After considerable deliberation, I've made a decision and decided to go for the Tamron 70-300 VC lens, as Julian has too. I purchased mine from Amazon also, this morning.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread in helping me to come to a decision (y)

Nice one (y)

Spoke to Intro 2010 this morn who said the lens provided by Amazon UK should be ok for cash back and 5 yr warranty , soon find out when entering lens serial number on online registration . Mines on its way.

Nice one (y)

Spoke to Intro 2010 this morn who said the lens provided by Amazon UK should be ok for cash back and 5 yr warranty , soon find out when entering lens serial number on online registration . Mines on its way.


I tried to get the serial number from Amazon on my lens to check this, but no such luck. I can't really see Amazon advertising the cash back deal if it was not available.
Lens arrived this morn , put serial number in on Intro 2020 online registration and it would not have it , paperwork inside box indicates it is sourced in Germany and in that language.
Spoke to sales at Intro 2020 who confirm they will honour the 5 yr warranty as the lens was bought from Amazon UK. They are aware that Amazon sometime source lens from Germany .
Had to down load postal claim form from site and send off , worth ringing Simon in sales at Intro 2020 if anyone has probs with registering lens.

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Just put it on camera replacing Tamron 17-50 f2.8 , initially noticing the extra 11 ounces or so weight , fired a few off in house to to see if it works ok and steady shots achieved with VC on at low shutter speeds.
Makes a bit of a noise when VC kicking in but didn"t see a big jump in viewfinder as some have indicated.
Looking to try it outside later in week to give it a workout.

Lens arrived this morn , put serial number in on Into 2020 online registration and it would not have it , paperwork inside box indicates it is sourced in Germany and in that language.
Spoke to sales at Intro 2020 who confirm they will honour the 5 yr warranty as the lens was bought from Amazon UK. They are aware that Amazon sometime source lens from Germany .
Had to down load postal claim form from site and send off , worth ringing Simon in sales at Intro 2020 if anyone has probs with registering lens.


Thanks for the information Julian, that could come in very handy.

Good to hear yours has arrived already (y)

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Just put it on camera replacing Tamron 17-50 f2.8 , initially noticing the extra 11 ounces or so weight , fired a few off in house to to see if it works ok and steady shots achieved with VC on at low shutter speeds.
Makes a bit of a noise when VC kicking in but didn"t see a big jump in viewfinder as some have indicated.
Looking to try it outside later in week to give it a workout.


I can hardly believe it, I have the Tamron 17-50 f2.8 lens too :cool:

It'll be interesting to hear what you think of it when you get the chance to try it outside later in the week.
