7d mk 2


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Can anyone advise on how the 7d mk2 handles high ISO's. I do a fair bit of white collar boxing events where lighting is very poor. Currently use 5d mk3

Don't have one but it won't go anywhere near the levels capable on 5d... All research I've done on it seems to suggest ok upto 1600.

Hope that helps.
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Don't have one but it won't go anywhere near the levels capable on 5d... All research I've done on it seems to suggest ok upto 1600.

Hope that helps.

That rule that out if that's the case, thanks.
I have used a 5D3 but not at high ISO but much prefer the 7D2 in general for sports. I own a 7D2 so I can tell you that personally I have no problems going up far higher than 1600, I shot a rugby game this weekend and ended up at 6400, the shots were very much useable. I think people get confused when they are shooting things in dark conditions, they under expose things, then blame the ISO when they have a crazily noisy shot.

I guess it's a bit subjective though, what I think is fine and useable, you might not.

If you're seriously thinking of buying one, why not hire one for a day and test it at an event along side your 5D3, if you then buy it they might knock the days hire off the cost. If not, worth the cost of hire for one day to avoid buying a camera you wouldn't be happy with.
I would be suprised if a 7dmkII comes anywhere near a 5d mk3 at high iso.. plus the 7d is crop bringing you closer than the 5d which is quite important at boxing..

I dont think tintins advice is based on dark horrible lighting and the subject of boxing.... to be honest i would expect noise on boxing shots as too clean doesnt look good

the only camera i would reccomend over the 5d3 for boxing is of course the 1dx
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I've been shooting some football this season at a local club, the lights are awful. Typically shooting at 1/500th, f2.8 and ISO 12800+. The 1DX is my primary camera but I used to use a 5D3 and now I use a 7D2. The noise is worse on the 7D2 but not as bad as people make out, plus there are other benefits such as better AF (just my opinion), faster FPS, larger buffer and anti-flicker. I've attached a couple of poor images with similar Lightroom settings for comparison(both RAW conversions, both have same sharpening and NR settings):

5D3, Canon 300mm F4 IS, 1/500th, f4, ISO 12800

7D2, Sigma 120-300mm Sport, 300mm, 1/500th, f2.8, ISO 12800
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