A couple of hovers from the garden

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I have a Buddleia bush that I was hoping would be covered in butterflies, so far apart from a Dark green Fritillary, all I've had is hovers and bees!!

So, after a long break from macro, here's a couple from the other day. Taken with the 7D, 100/2.8 macro and MR14 ring flash.

Would welcome comments to improve - All things taken on board (y)

Hoverfly on Buddlea by swag72, on Flickr

Hoverfly on Buddlea by swag72, on Flickr
The first one for me Sara - nice bright and clear image showing some great eye detail - Our Buddleia bush hasn't got any flowers on it yet !
The eyes in No.1 for me:) A couple of thoughts, I find the dark corner is a tad distracting and maybe a lower angle could have got the mouth parts in focus too:thinking:
I'd be happy with them both(y)
Amazing eyes in #1, never seen a hover before with eyes like that.

There is a distinct lack of butterflies in the uk as well again this year. Hopefully they will come out later this summer.
Thanks for the comments folks - The eyes on that first hover really were odd. Unfortunately my Buddleia is past it's best now, and I think it's probably a little early for the majority of butterflies out here.

I would definately normally prefer a lower shot Rhod, but I was fighting the wind, so had to make do unfortunately!!
agree with the eye comments, very strange but great capture.:)
#1 is a fabulous shot. I am stunned. I shoot with a 180mm Macro and struggle to get eyes like that usually. You controlled that DOF so well, may I ask what aperture setting were you using? I can't access the EXIF from the plugin


Cheers (y)

Amin, I used f/11 and 1/250s shutter speed in manual mode as I was using flash.

I'm always rather pleased with this lens (it only comes out at bug time!!) as it is the older 100/2.8 macro lens. The pics I have seen with the newer L model do look good, but I am convinced this continues to shine alongside it. Not sure that if I changed to the newer model it would improve my pics :)
Very interesting eye pattern on the first one. (y)