A....errrmmm...Tigger Straw!

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Bizarre I know, but this is a Tigger Straw. I took this completely by accident! I needed something long that would stretch across a large container of water, so I could pre-set the focus when photographing water droplets hitting the water. I opened the cupboard, saw my...I mean someone else's :whistle:...Tigger straw and mounted it across the container. I set the focus and took a photo too, in order to get the lighting right. Well I was amazed at how good it looked!

Moral of the story - Buy lots of Tigger straws. No, not really, I mean that you should never dismiss a photo you've taken before having a good look at it! :)

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That works very well. I like it. :agree: with LL. (y)
I like it!

Perhaps you should do a straw poll? :nuts:
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i really like that, good colours and lighten, well composed and lovely reflection if these are shots u take by accident im in big trouble!
I'm very flattered with all these great comments, thanks so much everyone! Just a few replies to specific comments...

'King of the Groove' - A straw pole? :) Be careful, I wouldn't want the quality of your jokes to up-stage my photos! ;)

Toothie - I'd love to claim that I've taken lots of good photos by accident, but this is the only one I'm afraid.

Animal168 - Ah yes, the drop shots. Hmmm. Well I do have some but I'm not too happy with them to be honest. I may post one or two of them at some point. Drop shots is something I've tried several times but my lenses aren't really up to getting great results. They always tend to need huge amounts of sharpening despite setting everything as idealy as my lenses allows.
Animal168 - Ah yes, the drop shots. Hmmm. Well I do have some but I'm not too happy with them to be honest. I may post one or two of them at some point. Drop shots is something I've tried several times but my lenses aren't really up to getting great results. They always tend to need huge amounts of sharpening despite setting everything as idealy as my lenses allows.

check out my attempt at weekend
Animal168 - I just took a peek at your droplets and made a comment in that thread. Very good, I like them. I'll post some of mine soon. :)