A Film Meet For Us Northern People (because we feel all left out)

I'm heading to a friend's leaving do in the evening but I should be able to have a decent sesh in York first! I just need to make a plan of which film camera to bring, I'm slowly hoarding Hooley's gear so I need to bring my own to avoid the possibility of him repossessing his own...
ok, sounds good. I may have the current. Mrs Snap with me to begin with but she will soon leave if we are being at all geeky
Enjoy the day chaps if you get chance look up the bar
Trembling Madness
Huge range of Belgium beers :)
Got my train tickets booked, and a bump to the top for any last minuters.
I've been staying schtum because I wasn't sure, but it now looks very likely I'll be driving the OH around different parts of the country. If tht changes I'll let you know and be there! Have fun, guys.
Sounds good (y)
I'm still OK, be there at about 10.15.
Rob, what train are you catching, assuming you are going from Manchester.
I'm going over from Leeds Andy, I'm heading home for the weekend.
Ok mate no probs, where are we going to meet? My train should, given a fair wind and a favourable tide, be arriving at 10.35 of the morning o'clock, is there a suitable watering hole we can meet at?

A watering hole? That early? Start as we mean to go on, as they say! :D

Do we have any kind of vague plan or are we making it up as we go along? A visit to the NRM might be nice if anyone's up for it?
I get in at 10.45 ish. There's a cafe at the station which could work?
I was thinking more of a coffe at that time of day, a bit early even for me so the station caff is ok with me and a quick visit to the NRM would be excellent as well.
darn you guys. My day off is friday and sunday this week, and you go and have the film meet on a flipping saturday don't you! :p
Looking forward to seeing images from inside York's many drinking establishments ;) How many turned up in the end?
Just the 3 of us and we did pop into a pub, but only for a bite to eat.....oh and a pint....or two. But after that it was all photo related, oh, except for that time that we went to another pub...

It was a good laugh and we did take some piccies.
Pint? Naaaah, we didn't do any drinking, we didn't even go to a pub. Not us... Honest gov...



I know I know, naughty digital images! I had my 5D2 with me as I was heading elsewhere straight after York, it needed a bit of loving as well as it was feeling left out with the RB getting all the attention! Digital cameras have feelings too, poor things...

Thanks for a very enjoyable afternoon Rob and Andy! Just one last pic - Mr Andy Grant and his chocolate otter!


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Looks like a proper film meet to me, apart from the chocolate otter obviously. Sometimes you worry me Mr Snap.
No need to worry Nick, I'm fine. The chocolate otter was purchased at great expense from a certain Betty by the current Mrs Snap, to our consternation and hilarity it also appears that the aforementioned current Mrs Snap also bought a chocolate beaver which she then showed off to the whole pub, cue guffaws, laughter and much pointing.
Its no 1 in a list of things you don't expect to hear in a pub as well.
Leaving Mrs Snap's Chocolate beaver aside here are a few shots from the mini-meet. All on the F100 and 24-85mm lens on Kodak Ektar 100

Tunnel Vision

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Travelling Light

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Love Machine

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Box Camera

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

I'll post a few more in the big thread later.


Just a lovely set of images, could have been taken in another time!