A late starting 365 :-(

Nic Clifton
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So here I am finally starting an attempt to take a photo a day. I only got the idea from the site at the end of February thus the late start. There will be no theme apart from an attempt to fit the photo taking into my life without too much impact and also to improve through the year.

1. Day one and it rains all day - to cap it off I got home late! So playing around with the tripod indoors - looking at the house opposite through a wet window.

2. I stopped this morning at the Sempachersee to take some photos of the waterbirds - I am not that happy with the photo really but it is the best that I got. I will go back again sometime and try to get some better ones.

3. I went back to the lake to try and improve on the ducks from yesterday but there were none there! The rest of the day was work so back home and practice with some still life and macro...

4. I aim to show a bit of what is going on in my life as well as just photos so here we are the first barbequeue of the year hmmmm!

5. Tired today! I tried to get some action shots of the boys jumping on our bed but nothing came out usable. So this is one of them outside in the garden. "Daddy why do we have to stand here"

6. One that I thought was going to be thrown away - I was trying to catch a crow flying past but the camera focussed on the twigs closer to. Changing it to black and white and really playing with the contrast gave this.

7. Taken at my photo course yesterday. A puddle lying in the entrance to the hotel Schweizerhof in Lucerne.

8. Tanja got a new kettle!

9. It was foggy on the way to work today so I stopped to get a picture of this 'lonely' tree. Actually it is not all that lonely at all but the fog makes it so.
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nice start, but perhaps try numbering them and a bit of the old blogging to explain the thoughts behind and what was involved?

welcome to the forums:wave:
good luck, will check back regularily
Hi and welcome to the forums.
You have got off to a good start - it doesnt really matter the date you start.
I do like number 3 quite a lot. I bet you rope your kids into planty of shots, they do come in useful - well I end up taking lots of shots of mine anyway.
Hi Nicnok
Some great shots so far, really like the puddle (I like abstract stuff like that) :)

Wish you the best of luck, in my first 2 months of my 365, I've gone through various high's and lows. Sometimes you really wish you did not have to think about taking a shot, other days I have taken so many shots I can't decided what to use.
10. Double figures and a triptych to go with it! I thought today that I would try out my IXUS 80 IS, my D40 (with the kit 18-55 lens) and my E65 camera phone alongside each other (the images are in that order). A not entirely fair subject as it was pretty dark where I was shooting (but I want the D40 to 'win' ;) ) - then more or less no processing and here is the result stiched together...

A higher res image is my flickr site (link below)

I find the last image(s) interesting, because I also have the 80 IS and D40 and I've meaning to do the same thing for ages! :)

Good variety of images in your first post too :)

Best of luck with your 365 (y) I keep toying with the idea of starting one but I know I wouldn't make it!
12. Out skiing today - acres of untouched perfect powder snow but also fog so that we could hardly see, so no photos of that :crying: Instead the first snowdrops growing on the meadow outside the house. I am not that happy with the shot but it was the best that I had.

I missed a day - well I took a photo but didn´t get around to posting it - so here we go with the next two.

13. Another "spring is on it´s way" photo. Walking along the river nearby I saw these catkins.

14. Since I have been strapped for time recently I got this sunset on the way home from work (I didn´t even leave the car to take the photo). I think that the processing is also not that great. I might take time tomorrow to have another go...
how many people tell you the answer isnt at the bottom of a glass!!!:LOL:

really like that last one, nice colours and a interesting subject and lighting, well done(y)
15. I was on the way home and the sun was shining through the clouds. I tried to get this house with the light shining onto it with the clouds behind. A car just out of shot right disturbed the whole thing so the shot is a bit too cropped.

16. The little man.
17. I was out at a friends place last night - he has his own bar in the attic with a great selection of whisk(e)y. I took this with the camera sat on the shelf so the composition is not as good as I wanted, the back wall is too in focus. Still I think it looks OK :)

18. We were out walking with the boys and encountered this quizzical chap.

18 days in already (ok for those of you who started in January that probably seems like an age ago but I am proud of myself) - things are going OK, there haven´t been any real "oh *****" what am I going to shoot today days so far (and I have a few ideas in reserve for those days as well). I am not 100% happy with all the photos but that was the idea - to learn as I go, not to get a perfect photo every day. So roughly 5% of the way to the goal :eek:
18. Today I was at a lesson with the photo course that I am attending - we were out to practice "movement" and "landscape". For movement we took photos of a class member on a bike, not the most exciting content but good to get the hang - slow moving, willing to turn around and try again (a lot :D) and so on. We also played around with some more effects including this one:

Again the composition is not really very exciting but something I will be trying again in the future. We were also given homework for the next lesson - 4 or 5 photos with the theme "colour" and in my case blue. Expect some of the results here over the next couple of days.
wow! I can't look at 18 without feeling dizzy! What a shot!

Some great images in here I really like the black & white tree/crow shot in the first post.

Don't worry about starting late, it doesn't matter when you start as long as you carry on for 365 days! :) Good luck and well done for starting!
19. Finally I went past the lake again today on the way to work and the weather was better and there were some birds waiting for me - including these two dancing beauties. They were a bit far away and with my Sigma 18-200 that is asking a bit much so I had to try and get something that shows them in the lake rather than a close up showing the two of them on their own. I have a similar one but in landscape which is on my flickr photostream below (and some mallards to keep them company). I was not sure which one to post here but the grebes won on the basis that they are a bit more exciting and that the shot is not just a close up (though the flying mallard is almost as nice I think. :shrug:)

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20. I had the morning off and spent some time wandering around the village on the way to picking Benedict up from play group and saw these crocuses:

19a. I mentioned that I have the theme "colour - blue" from the photo group that I go to. I was playing with a blue glass paperweight last night. It has bubbles in the glass and I perched it on top of a torch and came up with this
Like the last 2. The paperweight looks like a comet entering the atmosphere (well how I imagine a comet to look, having never seen one that close)
21. Time to order a load of photos for the photo course on Monday (I am late as always and not sure that I will get them on time :bang:) So I am spending the evening in front of the computer getting it all ready - so what is the photo of tonight...

22. We are expecting number 3 in August - and want to get a series of photos to chronicle the growth of the tummy, tonight was the first try and here are the results:




To be honest they are not as good as I hoped - does anyone have any C&C to help? :thinking:
You obviously didn't use flash, but you could light the backdrop in some way to avoid the windows showing through. Maybe a seated shot on a stool??

Scratch that, I actually like the second one. (y)
the first one looks like a custom white balance would help;P
23. Today was a crazy weather day, I was out early for a quick jog and it was pretty clear and still, as I drove to work it was driving snow that was over pretty quickly and then we had a really cold north wind for the rest of the day but it was really clear. I have been hoping for really clear weather for a while as on the way back from work there is a superb view right down into the alps. It is a short detour from the direct way home so I left early - frustratingly it was not as clear as it looked - there was still some haze and cloud into the mountains. I took the shot anyway, but for a really good version I think it will have to wait :(.


For anyone who is interested that is a town called Sursee (and the lake in the middle distance is called the same) and the mountain on the far left is the Rigi. I will also have to remember to take the 18-200mm with me next time as well.