A Snap On The Street

Cute model and pose, think it may be better with a wider aperture and/or longer lens to blur that background?

I've also tried adding blur in post processing to some of my shots, although often it doesn't look real.
Who is looking ab the background?

Nice shot..............

Well, she's got bike in her armpit, double vertical stabiliser just behind her knees, tree sticking out of the butt and few other bits. Nice looking lady, can't take that away from her, but that background is just too busy.
You obviously had good interaction with the subject, and she has both responded well to you and made contact with the viewer through the camera. A question to ask is whether this was a 'street' shot of a passing stranger or a session with a model?

If the former then, as pointed out, a shallower depth of field and a little more care over background clutter would have helped. If the latter, then you needed to find a better place without all the junk behind to photograph your model - it looks like moving just a couple of feet to the left would have given you a lighter backdrop with less junk in it, and would have made her the subject instead of part of the scenery.

In general, more careful processing might drop the background away, leaving her more prominent in the frame with less distraction.
Well, she's got bike in her armpit, double vertical stabiliser just behind her knees, tree sticking out of the butt and few other bits. Nice looking lady, can't take that away from her, but that background is just too busy.
... and an itchy left leg. Should have had a good scratch before posing.