A SpidersEye View: A picture a day


Typical bank holiday for me - i.e. I did close to nothing (except going out to get milk so I could drink tea all day) :D

This is my one of my 4 model Land Rovers. I've wanted one since I was 7 and my dad had a Series II, and I've been very close to buying one recently but have talked myself out of it yet again. I just realised after I took this pic how much dust there is on it - that's because I've been away from home so much recently, and I'm going again tomorrow! We have new people starting at work soon so hopefully I'll be able to spend more time at home then.

The next update will be on Friday when I get back - hopefully the weather will be better for me this time! :)
Loved that fantastic sunset...:love:

and the Land Rover is a great fun shot...:D

Oh and drinking tea all day...(y)

All nicely done :clap::clap::clap:
Loved that fantastic sunset...:love:

and the Land Rover is a great fun shot...:D

Oh and drinking tea all day...(y)

All nicely done :clap::clap::clap:

Thanks very much :)

I wasn't sure what to photograph on Monday as I never left the house, but I really like my Land Rover so thought I'd share it with you :)

Glad you like the sunset too - I might get that one framed :)

It rained today. A lot. It was dry when I left Edinburgh at 7.30am, it started raining an hour later and didn't stop all day, hence I didn't take my camera out with me when I was surveying. I was going to take a picture through the skylight in my room at the b&b to try and show how bad it was, but I don't think I could. Instead I noticed some bits on the glass that had blown off the trees so got pics of those instead.

It hardly stopped raining that day either so took a picture when I stopped for lunch, watching the trees being felled and chopped up. The guys knew I was photographing them but they didn't seem bothered. I quite liked this one because I caught the moment the tree was dropped.

I spent ages trying to get an interesting picture of a weather mast on top of a hill I climbed and this was the best one I got. I did get one with the whole mast in frame but it went all bendy :LOL:

I've an extra picture for Thursday aswell, taken through the window at the b&b that night, because if I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed it:

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A sculpture by Andy Goldsworthy. I didn't think this one turned out too badly considering it was taken through a dirty windscreen!

Taken around 2.30 am (30 sec exposure). I think it's an improvement on my last effort, and I quite like the colours in the trees in the foreground :)

I was out tonight in town as my friend is moving up to Inverness and we were having a farewell do, hence I haven't taken any pics so far today :)

A bit of a cheat from me today. I had planned on going to a little glen not far from here to look at plants but I haven't been very well today so never left the house :( I'm feeling better now but really tired and lacking inspiration.

This was sent to me by my mum earlier on; it's 2 pictures I got printed and gave to them as Christmas presents last year. They've just decorated and the pictures went up for the first time today. I quite like bold black frames. I made the mounts myself; it was getting late the night before I was due to drive south for Christmas (they live in Nottinghamshire) and I realised I didn't have any bits of cardboard to use, so I drove to Asda, bought an enormous box of cornflakes, cut out the mounts and spray-painted them satin black. It worked quite well I think!

Unusually, I got to spend the whole day in Edinburgh today. I didn't get time enough out the office to take any pictures, so took this in the park on the way home with my p&s. I was trying to frame the long shadows of the trees on the grass, but it didn't turn out as well as I'd planned. It does show how nice the sky has been all day today though :)
Seems like we had great weather in N Ireland, England & Scotland, just need someone from Wales now to tell us if it was nice there too ;)

We had another great day weather-wise here today. I sat in Princes Street Gardens to eat my lunch, and took the only picture of the day (another p&s day). I'm not very happy with this one, it looks noisy to me but I like the colours.

I had a bit of a play with the work camera today (a Nikon Coolpix). I don't really get on with it too well, but today I was determined to get a picture out of it that I liked. I was looking at an area of grassland this morning and there was a raised curb between it and the spot where I parked, so I thought a low-level shot was called for :)
Oh, I like that, I normally try these type of shots when I'm out exploring, Not bad for a wee Coolpix!! (y)

Thankyou, I like taking low-level shots. I was quite pleased with how sharp this turned out, because most pictures I take this camera end up fuzzy :)
Love that low level shot, it's something I plan on doing too ;)
Great quality from the little coolpix

I opened my curtains about an hour ago and found him staring in at me.
Not really wanting a pigeon staring in at me, I tried to think of a way to make him go away. So, I started photographing him :LOL:

About 5 seconds after taking this, he left :D
I like the composition of day 68 Kay, and as said works very well for a compact.

Sometimes i find the compact better that the DSLR's in situations like this due to the DOF advantage they have.
I like the composition of day 68 Kay, and as said works very well for a compact.

Sometimes i find the compact better that the DSLR's in situations like this due to the DOF advantage they have.

Thankyou, I like taking low-level shots because I like converging lines and changing the scale of things. I have had better results at doing these with the compact :)

I've been standing in ponds all day rescuing newts and tadpoles. The newts especially would've made a great subject for today, but there was too much of a risk of camera damage so it stayed at home :(

I fitted new plates to my car yesterday so tody I attempted an abstract picture of the old ones. I found them quite tricky to photograph so this was a bit more of a challenge than a filler shot. My SD card died aswell when I was uploading them; this wasn't the best picture I took but it will have to do :(
I like day 68, good choice of perspective and todays abstract is quite eyecatching too.

I used to like it, until a jar of it fell out the cupboard and did this to my favourite cereal bowl :crying: :crying:

The European Drifting Championship came to Knockhill today. It was a great day. I took about 1200 photos, which is a record for me, but I think if I'd gone solely to take pictures I would've thrown my camera away when I got back! I took some shockingly bad ones. This one's just been cropped, but most others that aren't binned will need a bit more work than this!
Thanks, glad you like it. I was quite pleased with this one. I'll post some more pictures up in the motorsport section when I've finished sorting through them - I've just deleted over 600 of them :LOL:
It's harder than normal motorsport isn't it Kay??

I like it. (y)

Thanks Jonny. Yes it is quite tricky!! It's funny really, I went to this event last year and got some great results, but I didn't know my camera as well back then so I'm now putting it down to beginner's luck :D
Just catching up - Nice shots Kay (y) Oh, and Superglue is your friend! :D

Thanks Dave, That's what I'll do i think! The bowl broke clean in half so it should be easy to fix :D

Interesting abstract, what is it, supension springs or something?

Yep :)
I've had them for ages and I'm hopefully getting them fitted to the car on Friday. I've been slowly making changes to my car over the last year, and when it's been lowered I think it will look finished. It's at a show over the weekend so you might even get a picture of it ;)

I'm away again this week until Thursday evening, so I will add 3 new pictures then :)
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