Acker Bilk - RIP

Well he was doing a Gig not far from me the other month,I was thinking I ought to go see him before it`s too late.Too late now :(
Very gifted man.
A sad loss indeed.
Great musician

Saw him play live a long time ago....

Don't remember him as a person but did apparently pee on him about 51 years ago!
I was with relatives the other day, and stranger on the shore was playing on the radio. A relative said is he still alive, and some of us yes we are sure he is. A lovely soothing tune..
I have sound engineered his band a couple of times. Not really my thing, but entertaining live.

I will be thinking of him and George Lewis when I play Corrina Corrina.
Back in the early '60s, my parents were involved in setting up a night club and Acker Bilk was one of the artists who played there when I was a new arrival. While being bounced upon his knee, the inevitable happened. (Apparently - I have no recollection of ever wetting myself in a night club!)
Back in the early '60s, my parents were involved in setting up a night club and Acker Bilk was one of the artists who played there when I was a new arrival. While being bounced upon his knee, the inevitable happened. (Apparently - I have no recollection of ever wetting myself in a night club!)
That's really cool, did they have any other big names play there?
In the jazz world, yes but not the likes of the Stones, Who etc.. Unfortunately, they're no longer around so can't ask them for other names. Chris Barber was one that I do remember since he also played at school once some years later.