Adobe Monthly Choices

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Good Evening All.

As being brand new to this whole scenario, i am now going to rent Adobe products per month.

Myself and daughter are both into photography but my son is trying to get into video editing.

Am i able to chose Photoshop and Elements pro per month

Probably best to go for the Adobe photographer's bundle. This will get you photoshop and lightroom cc.
Or do you have a particular reason for needing Elements?
I do this, it makes it affordable and you don't notice the monthly amount
There is another benefit which I unintentionally discovered the other day.
After making a total mess of Win 10 while trying to be cleverer than my computer I ended up having to reinstall LR and PS, with Adobe CC its a lot easier than feeding discs into a m/c and then downloading and installing updates.
BTW I think there is an offer on at the moment which is a few pence cheaper than normal
I'm thinking of getting this but wondered if it would work on a netbook or whether I need to update my slow laptop
I think you will find that a netbook as well as not having the processing power will not have the screen resolution to allow the programs to load , I could not even load the Canon DPP software on mine
Thought that would be the case guess I'm probably looking at an i5 or i7 processor ar least 4gm ram and 500gb memory.
Thought that would be the case guess I'm probably looking at an i5 or i7 processor ar least 4gm ram and 500gb memory.

Double the ram, hard drive size depends on what it's in and how much storage space you need. 500Gb is quite small for a desktop, ok for a laptop, but you'll probably need more for photo storage, especially if shooting raw. Don't scrimp on the OS drive, chose a fast one, ssd etc
Would be looking for a laptop and back photos up on Flickr and an external hard drive. Looks like I know what I'm looking for at Christmas! !
I use the photographer's package and I think it represents fantastic value. Like many people, I simply couldn't afford/justify the full cost of the standalone products (PS and LR). Which meant that I resorted to 'other means', which cost Adobe money.

The CC package is great.