Advice Please First dslr

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Hi all, Ive had my Nikon P510 for a few months now and love it! it's taken time but got some ok shots and had fun zooming in on the moon!
Now I want to take it to the next level, I want a dslr so I can shoot in raw and see a huge change in picture quality. Now Ive been looking online and so far the Nikon D3200 as caught my eye as a good starter dslr, but what do you lot think?
My budgets around £500 and what lens would u reccommend ? Very new to dslr so sorry for all questions!
think about buying a little used dslr they come up now and again in the classified section as you will generally get a better lens than the one that comes as part of a starter kit. You can get a new canon 600d for just under £500 with the 18-55 kit lens and it is a good camera then you can save for lenses but you will have a body you will not need to upgrade for a long time.
Hi Emma

As you're used to Nikon, presumably you want to stay with them - is worth a look at others just to make sure though.

I'd pop along to a local camera shop, see which Nikon models they have in and have a try with them. I presume they are like Canon where the entry level bodies are smaller. You need to make sure it feels right to you.

Once you've decided which model feels best, you can then look at what's available and decide if you want new or 2nd hand.

Hope this helps, don't forget, it's a very personal thing, so what 1 person likes another dislikes.
Thanks for the advice I did actually pop in to my local Jessops and ask about what's the best dslr, Im quite drawn to Nikon so only viewed those, I love the feel and controls on the D3200 so Im quite in love with that lol
Do you think I will notice a big difference moving to dslr?Im about to start an 18 module course in photography and thought it would be better having a dslr to get full benefits from the course
Yes I would say since you want a Nikon and have £500 get a Nikon D5100 that's about £430 and with Nikon you have nothing to lose cause if you register your dslr with them you get an extra 1 year warranty. Canon 600d ok but when it comes to pictures Nikon D5100 wins hands down it's the best choice. And the amount of awards it won is a proof of this.
Thanks for the advice I did actually pop in to my local Jessops and ask about what's the best dslr, Im quite drawn to Nikon so only viewed those, I love the feel and controls on the D3200 so Im quite in love with that....

Then that is the one for you Emma

With your budget of £500, then you should be able to get this with the kit lens, memory card and possibly a bag as well.

Good luck and enjoy ...
nufflovetola said:
Yes I would say since you want a Nikon and have £500 get a Nikon D5100 that's about £430 and with Nikon you have nothing to lose cause if you register your dslr with them you get an extra 1 year warranty. Canon 600d ok but when it comes to pictures Nikon D5100 wins hands down it's the best choice. And the amount of awards it won is a proof of this.

I would tend to agree and there are some double kit lens bundles to be had for not much more than your budget
Thanks guys! After even more comparing and endless youtube videos Im going for the Nikon D5100 I might aswell as its the same price as the 3200 I was also interested in.
Should I get the standard lens with it (18-55) or do u reccommend another starter lens?
cyberchickgeek said:
Thanks guys! After even more comparing and endless youtube videos Im going for the Nikon D5100 I might aswell as its the same price as the 3200 I was also interested in.
Should I get the standard lens with it (18-55) or do u reccommend another starter lens?

The standard kit lens is a good lens to begin with. Yes there are better lenses, better built, faster etc but also more expensive. For your budget, I'd opt for the kit lens and see where you end up with your interest. You may want something wider or longer ?

Be careful you don't get sucked into the "do I need one of these" etc routes or it will become expensive, as most of us have found out :-D
Now you have decided I would buy something that offers a bit more than the standard kit lens especially if you are happy spending the £500 or close to, you could for a little more get the twin lens kit or the body and 18-105 lens
if you have not seen this site its a starting point for price comparison

plus if you save tesco clubcard vouchers you can double the value to use at Jessops or go to top cashback or quidco Jessops have 4% cashback at present if you order online through the link.
good luck and enjoy
I have recently bought a D7000 with kit lens which is a 18-105. You can also get this as a kit lens with the d5100 for close to your budget (518 at pixmania)

If I am being honest, so far it would be nice to have a little more reach, so 18-55 wouldn't have been a good start point for me

As mentioned up above, why not checkout that double lens bundle of 18-55 and 55-200? If you think you'd use it there is also the 18-55 plus 55-300 option.
I would say get it from Amazon it's about 425 also get a Sandisk Extreme 16GB Class 10 45MB/s for £11
Have a look at prices on Panamoz. I've bought from them twice in the last couple of weeks and it's been a good experience both times.

If you decide to go with Amazon, think twice about using any of their Marketplace sellers and buy from Amazon themselves.
Wow panamoz prices are excellent! Are these not shipped from abroad though?! Have you bought a camera from these?
The D5100 + 18-55mm + 55-200mm VR for £557 from Jessops is also a good combo, if you can stretch to the extra ££s (don't buy from Pixmania though) or as has been said, the 18-105mm, also at some point in the future try and pick up a 50mm 1.8 great little lens, which can be had for around £65ish used, this will give you a chance to be that little bit more creative :)
Your probably all going to get annoyed lol but I've changed my mind !! I'm getting a canon, I didn't keep my options open and never researched canons because Ive already have a nikon bridge, but the canon as won me
Would love the 650D but a bit over budget so 600D it is :D
Shipped from Hong Kong. I've previously bought a camera and two lenses, and have a third lens on its way.

The third lens was ordered and paid for on Tuesday evening and has now left Hong Kong. Delivery is 'by end of day' Friday.
Lol gosh isn't android VS iOS not a big enough battle now we have Canon VS Nikon lol

Would of liked the 650D but a bit over budget as I want a certain lens too
Make sure you handle all your options, ergonomics can play a huge factor and you may prefer one over the other.

It won't matter what you get if you don't like how it feels in your hands, because you won't use it.

Edit - I see you've already handled some Nikon options, unsure if you tried any canons. If you go back to handle the canons, have them side by side next to the nikons you like so you can switch between them and compare more easily.
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The Nikon/Canon war is one that has been raging, and will continue to rage on for a very long time ;0)

I've always been a 'Nikon' person, but the important thing, is that the camera you buy feels right to YOU, and that you go out and enjoy your photography as much as possible.

....and of course that you post lots of pictures on here for us to see ;0)

Good luck!
Make sure you handle all your options, ergonomics can play a huge factor and you may prefer one over the other.

It won't matter what you get if you don't like how it feels in your hands, because you won't use it.

Edit - I see you've already handled some Nikon options, unsure if you tried any canons. If you go back to handle the canons, have them side by side next to the nikons you like so you can switch between them and compare more easily.

the important thing, is that the camera you buy feels right to YOU

Yes all of the above. From what you say, it sounds as if this is going to be a long term investment, as your first DSLR, so it has to be right first time, or else you won't want to go out and use it, so as has been said, go and look at the Nikon's and the Canons side by side, get the feel for them, and play around in the menus, to see which interface you like best, once you've decided, ENJOY :D
I'm getting to test the canon 600D today, I have friend who's a professional photographer he used to use the 600D before getting a 5D Mk3 now but used to use the 600D and thinks its a great device so I can't wait to have a play today and compare with nikon
Just wanted to say a big thanks for all your wise comments and advice in helping me choose my first dslr, Im so glad I tested both brands first, and now I know I made the right choice! The canon 600d was a pleasure to use! tested a friends at the weekend with a 50mm 1.8 and fell in love lol . Ordered from Amazon, all should arrive tomorrow can't wait to get in to using it :-D