Advice please on taking a team photo of 45 American football players and coaches

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I've been asked to take a team photo that will comprise about 45 american football players and coaches.......... something that I've never done before.

On researching around, the biggest problem seems to be getting everyone organised and behaving themselves, especially as I will have a limited time (15 mins) before the warm ups. I will have an ace up my sleeve for this however. My partner will be able to help and she is one tough taskmaster, if ever there was :D

My initial thoughts are to try and have the team as close to a 3x2 shape as possible to fill the frame with players as much as I can. For this, I'm thinking 3 rows of 15, first row sitting, second row kneeling on one knee, third row standing. My thinking is that this would be better than 2 rows of 20 odd with the resulting void top and bottom of the team and having to take the shot farther away to get them all in :shrug:

The shot will be outdoors, at around 1pm, with unknown weather conditions at this time, so another challenge. Sun, if any, will be pretty much directly above at that time.

Equipment will be a 7D and probably my 28-70 f2.8 for flexibility. Will flash (580EXII) be of any use and will it improve matters any?

Any tips and/or thoughts would be very much appreciated
get there early and pick a suitable background

even 3 rows doesn't fit the 3 x 2 format that well, you will still have wasted space above and below the group, so you'll probably have to crop in PS afterwards.

Try not to have the team looking into the sun or they might be squinting
I'd go with

17 sat on benches on front main row
15 stood behind then
13 stood behind them on benches

I'd have thought big chaps sat on small benches would look a little odd (we talking 'school benches'?)

I would have them kneeling.

Standing on benches.
All set up team pics ive ever done have used benches for front row to sit on and we are talking big hulky Rugby players.
Big fellas find it remarkably unconfortable sitting on the floor in a lotus style position, some will lean to the left and some to the right, most will not be able to sit perfectly upright