Advice to achieve this would be appreciated

Firstly, it's breaking the rules to post someone else's images. A link is fine. :)
My guess is that the background was created in PS. It would actually be easier to do it with lighting, and if it was done with lighting it wouldn't look false, but there you go - some people find it easier to learn PS than to think about light...

The top photo is just very flat overhead lighting. Is that really what you want to create?
Thanks Garry,

still trying to convince my boss to invest in some lencarta, after they were recommended in a previous thread I started. I know I'll only really understand lighting when I play around with it and achieve the different results to see cause and effect.

Reckon these are created with 2 or 3 head setup or other?
Getting this from a lighting pov: Think of it as books on a grey table which is a few inches away from a grey wall. Light coming across the table lights the wall, but fades as it drops below the top of the table. I may be completely wrong, but it's a guess :)

Do it right! You will understand lighting by attending a lighting course. Garry Edwards runs these for Lencarta and spending time on this will pay dividends. You could always spend the next 12 months messing around yourself, but without learning correctly, you will not achieve the best results. If your company are interested in perfection, get them to spend the £60 lighting course fee and then buy Lencarta lighting with a refund on part of the training. Logic makes sense!