Ajophotog's 2010 macro 52 (Chemistry #210) week 10

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really great effort on this , i would have no idea how to shoot "people" in macro. like others have already said , love the starburst at the back. top stuff :D
Thanks all, some interesting tips for me to try out but in general you seem to like, so thanks again ;)
I love the colours and vibrancy of the shot, Alby. The lighting works well too.
Whilst Steve has some valid points above, they don't really bother me as my eyes are clearly drawn to the subject characters. Bright, vivid and perfectly captured. I was wondering how you'd macro in people, but I really like this.
like your people ... really good colours.

Oh and it was Miss Scarlet, in the library with the dagger who dunnit !!
Excellent Alby... which edition is it that you have ?
I was wondering how you’d get round doing people in macro this week . . . and you’ve done it brilliantly again! :clap:

Really inventive shot, good DoF and a nice bit of background interest.
Was that starburst really there or have you added it in PP later on? Either way it really adds a nice dimension to it.
I was wondering how you’d get round doing people in macro this week . . . and you’ve done it brilliantly again! :clap:

Really inventive shot, good DoF and a nice bit of background interest.
Was that starburst really there or have you added it in PP later on? Either way it really adds a nice dimension to it.

Thanks Sarah, it was just added for fun in PS.
Week 8 shot is a tyre valve, not much more to say really apart form a very useful little item found in all modes of transport, well almost all :LOL:
I have had this little box of valves for about 30years I reckon and never had to use one yet. :LOL:

Alby, I'd guess it's written on the box... We have the super sleuth edition, it has metal figures, but not painted.

As for mechanical, that's a great shot of the little valve... it looks a bit bent though :LOL: I'd wondered what the insides look like.
Thanks John, Here is my other idea, a musical box, not the easiest to get to as it was shot inside the jewellery box and I couldn't remove it. :D

Interesting olde worlde box that's stood the test of time well in your first image. Makes a nice background but the valve isn't holding my interest much I'm afraid.

Your music box is a much more interesting (IMHO) image. Lots of different lines and shapes and textures. Just a pity about the blown light in the bottom left corner.
I like the first shot of the valve, it reminds my of my father in laws shed :D. He had bits of everything to do with cars and all of it bought from car boots, looking very old but still unused in original boxes.

Much prefer the musical box, Alby. Has more interesting lines.
Just had a look through the whole lot.
You certainly have lots of talent. Not only in the taking but also in thinking each theme out. Been a pleasure looking. I like that tyre valve. Detail is superb.
The music box for me too alby... it seems to be more macro than the first. Having said that, I'm not too keen on the composition - the straight metal bits that are taking up a huge area of the image.
Music box for me too.
Technically the tyre valve is excellent and the colours in the box add some interest, but I'm just not finding it a very exciting object :shrug:

The music box on the other hand has tons more interest. Good strong lines, lots of different textures and some interesting shapes in it. I like this one a lot :clap:
Damn! And I thought I got "up close and personal" with my 52 this week........... I will continue to watch, read and learn.
Like both of your shots for Mechanical Alby.

Whilst the first doesn't scream Mechanical to me it's a well executed shot (as if it wouldn't be ;)) and as Scott said it reminds me of my Dad's shed when I was growing up.

The music box seems much more fitting with the theme - an olde worlde mp3 player! :D
Just catching up Alby. Great stuff
Love the tired :D
tyre Valve (y)
Thanks everybody for your input, I found that one a little tough to say the least :(
My week 9 for play is sheet music, what else would you do but play it :D
All shot 1:1 with the Mp-e 65.

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First time I've managed to comment on your thread Alby.

Hat off to you for managing to get all these themes on macro. All very well done as well. I can't offer any C&C as they are far better than I could hope to achieve.

Tyre valve is my favourite so far although I seem to be in the minority.

I can't wait to see how you tackle "chemistry" :thinking:
That's excellent, simply and beautiful. Not much more to add, great work.
Lovely tryptych enhanced by the varied use of angles and the bevelled edges.

Crisp and sharp and a good variation of shapes. I like this a lot (y)
Ooo - this is very good, and I usually don't like triptychs. The border, the shots, the processing, the positions, they all seem to just fit in.

That's lovely Alby, looks like a nice piece of Art work that would hang on a wall. (y)