Amatuer alert!

Edit My Images
Can anyone help?
When we got married we decided to spend our photographer budget on the honeymoon, so we brought a Sony cybershot and gave it to my brother in-law to experiment with and then take our photos on the day.
We couldnt work out why none of the photos looked sharp when expanded, until recently we were at the grand canyon and I found a setting was set to "small shots for email attachments", I changed this to the other option which is "for HDTV" and the quality of the shots has increased dramatically.
Would anyone know if there is anything I can do to improve the quality of the wedding shots as 6x4 wedding shots just look sad!:bonk:
Re-stage the wedding, :shrug:you can't make detail that isn't there, have you tried getting them printed larger to see what they come out like
Can't see that you can recover detail that hasn't been captured in the first place I'm afraid. Some software may do a better job of resizing upwards than others but I'm not sure you'll get an effect you'll be happy with :(
The news is not good Im afraid they are just to lo-res to get a decent large picture printed out without image degredation. There are ways to get around this but it will probably be a bit hit and miss solution it might work if your images are 6x4 and sharp at that size.That is to print them out and then to scan the image at a hi resolution say 600dpi to 1200 dpi that might give you ok pictures but you will have to see yourself.
Theres probably other ways around this and im sure someone else will offer other alternatives.
Best introduce yourself before asking for help ;)
As Photek says, if the detail's not there in the first place there's nothing you can do. A harsh lesson learned I think, and sadly too late to do anything about.
Similar happened to me with my first digital camera (a Sony Cybershot 3.2MP jobby in 2003) - I didn't understand how low quality the images were at the lowest setting and fired off 170+ odd images of view round Orkney and Shetland ... they didn't even print up to 6x4 without pixelating.

A lesson learnt ...
Could you gather up photos that the other guests took, and perhaps process them in PS so they look like they came from the same batch??
Ouch, sorry to hear that.

It's been said before but unfortunately there's not much that can be done, if anything. You could have a go at interpolating the images to try and make the shots a little bigger but anything more than a few % on a small image won't work well at all so it's of limited use but worth a try as you've nothing to lose.
Ouch a painful lesson there. I doubt it's any consolation but you're not the first and won't be the last that something like this has happened to. Without actually having a copy of one of the files to play with it's a bit difficult to say for sure, but I'm 99% sure that there is nothing you can do to improve them. :shrug:

The only thing I can suggest is that if your wife still has her dress you might like to consider a session with a professional photographer so she can get dressed up and feel splendid all over again. Not only that, you will at least get some great shots of your wife on the wall in her wedding dress (y). If you decide to go down this route this type of shoot is commonly called "Trash the Dress" (as some brides like to wander through very muddy field, paddle in the sea or other such activity in the dress) although of course there is no obligation to "trash" anything or even get it slightly creased :D

P.S. Whilst it won't help you, please tell everyone you know what happened so that the message can spread and may be some other couple will think twice before deciding to spend the photography budget on something other than a professional photographer. When you consider we spend all day with the couple and the hours of preparation and editing afterwards we really do earn our fees (often a pro tog will charge less per hour than your mechanic or plumber) and as you've unfortunately discovered, photographs are surprisingly important.

P.P.S. I suspect that the "for HDTV" option still isn't the best the camera can produce either.
Thats why you should always hire a pro to do the wedding photos.
Get a copy of genuine fractals, if anything can do it can.
Thanks for all the feed-back guys,most appreciated.
Can anyone elaborate on "genuine fractals",I have no idea is this software or a magazine or what, as my original post shows I'm a complete dunce with the technical stuff.:wacky:
Also how can I learn more about my camera,simonTALM suggests I still don't have my camera set to its optimum which is probably true as on my pooter it shows to have less pixels in it pics than ones taken by a (supposedly) more basic, cheaper fuji camera:bang:
Thanks again guys
My brother done this on his holidays (never bothered to ask me), it is a real pain particularly if you have some great shot's i think the likes of places like QVC and other non photography shops don't help, when they come out with statements like " and you can get get 3000 photos on a 1GB card" not mentioning it's in email resolution, what makes it worse the guy who normally promotes the cameras on QVC is supposed to be a very keen photographer :bang:
I'd go with SimonTALM's suggestion, Pay for a photographer to shoot you guys in a setting that you wish, t doesn't have to be in a church, You can go anywhere!

Studio, With white backgrounds
Outdoors in a nice park or even on a dramatic landscape
You can have fun and "Trash the dress", There are some great Idea's out there but as you deffinatly only have one attempt at this sorta thing you NEED to make sure the Photographer has DONE THIS BEFORE. You dont want to fail for a seconded time.
Go Black and white. The grainy look is "in" right now.
Go Black and white. The grainy look is "in" right now.

It may get you a little bit larger images but TBH there is a big difference between grain and blockiness.

Could the davelowe could post an image on Flickr or Photobucket so that those of us with Genuine Fractals could see what is possible. Alternatively perhaps some kind soul would PM the chap with an email address he can send a couple of files to them to play with.

@davelowe - Please remember this is a very long shot and I'd be really surprised if you got a a good 7x5 out of it :(. P.S. Where in the UK are you?