Amazing Canon Ixus

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Over 15 months ago I lost my 5 year old, carry everywhere, shirt pocket sized Canon Ixus 800.

I just went to get it and it wasn't there. Hunted high and low. Checked everywhere twice, hoping to find it after missing it the first time - no joy at all.

Went through all my drawers at work, checked twice under the car seats and in the boot, went through various camera bags - twice - no sign at all. My trusty old friend gone without a trace. I even tipped the wheelie bin out onto the patio - nothing

To drown my sorrows, I bought a Canon S95 heavily discounted, last Christmas. Fab little camera but I always wondered what had happened to the Ixus.

This week - I found it.

I had wrapped up a very large, delicate item in bubble wrap and somehow the little Ixus had been caught up inside the bubble wrap, boxed and placed in storage - until now.

I was stupidly happy to have found it after all this time.

I pressed the "ON" button, not expecting anything to happen at all - the green light came on, the lcd screen flickered into life and it was immediately ready to take some more photos again after over 15 months of storage and inactivity, just waiting to be used.

I've taken another 10 photos since finding it again and it's still going strong.

What an amazing little camera and incredible battery life.

It's bruised, battered and scratched.

It had never let me down at work - where it was used nearly every day for 5 years plus it was always in the glove box of the car or in my pocket.

It goes on holidays, nights out and gets taken to the beach or on long dog walks. It gets used and borrowed by all the family because it is so easy to use and the kids treat it heavily and clumsily and they still get a snapshot memory out of it.

I'm glad to have my old friend back.

It's not an S95 but it is a reliable, battered and dependable old comrade - never to be out of my sight again. :LOL:
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Good anecdote and I am glad you have been reunited with an old friend, :love: it's like a new pair of shoes, they may look great but those comfy,tatty old boots just take some beating. (y)

I bet you haven't used the S95 at all this week. Lol
Good anecdote and I am glad you have been reunited with an old friend, :love: it's like a new pair of shoes, they may look great but those comfy,tatty old boots just take some beating. (y)

I bet you haven't used the S95 at all this week. Lol

Funny you should say that. The Ixus is in my shirt pocket, next to my heart, as I type ;)
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Still a better love story than Twilight

ROFL and so true.

Thank God (or should that be vampire?) - it's not just me then.

A good 2 hour story dragged out and padded with bad acting, angst and pouting to a 10 hour marathon :puke:

The wolves are best of all ;)
...I pressed the "ON" button, not expecting anything to happen at all - the green light came on, the lcd screen flickered into life and it was immediately ready to take some more photos ...
I buy little Canon compacts for this battery-life reason, and nice colours and nice sharp lenses and ... sensibleness.
I find them really reliable but don't stretch to Ixii (Ixuses?) I get powershots with tiny little viewfinders in them. Bargains!

As for Twilight : I hate it when people swing around on cables and pretend they're jumping. Really, really hate it. Nuff said.
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I get powershots with tiny little viewfinders in them. Bargains!

As for Twilight : I hate it when people swing around on cables and pretend they're jumping. Really, really hate it. Nuff said.

My "lost and found" Ixus has a tiny little viewfinder too!

As for Twilight - you'll be telling me there's no Santa next...................
I bought an Ixus 900ti on launch around October 2006, mine is still going strong too :D

On reflection, mine has been heavily used and probably abused and it has withstood far more than it should have - and its still going strong.

It will be treated with more respect from now on - now that it has returned home to the fold.
I loved my Ixus 65. Got it in the first half of 2006. In the following years it was bashed around, dropped, rained on, spilled on, died once and resurrected. In mid-2010 it finally bit the dust though - sand managed to get inside the lens mechanism.. a grinding noise was the last it ever made :(

Since replaced with a tiny Ixus 120 IS.
My Ixus 800 has also had a hard life but it still goes on. Can't believe how long the battery lasts either. I'm sure there are better compacts out there now but I won't be swapping anytime soon.
Now that was a lovely little story, even though I predicted the ending :)
I buy little Canon compacts for this battery-life reason, and nice colours and nice sharp lenses and ... sensibleness.
I find them really reliable but don't stretch to Ixii (Ixuses?) I get powershots with tiny little viewfinders in them. Bargains!
I don't get Canon's numbering/grouping system. I thought Ixus was the lowest in their range.

I have an Ixus 115, as does my sister after her Ixus 70 finally gave up the ghost. Cracking little camera.
I don't get Canon's numbering/grouping system. I thought Ixus was the lowest in their range.

Mine is not heavily featured - but it takes great pics, is very user friendly and is built like a tank.

So glad it reappeared after being placed in storage for over 15 months - it's on my desk with me at the moment :love:
I've just realised that my little compact is an Ixus 80 IS. I have had it for years, it is battered and scratched, has been dropped and abused at parties and balls, and is still going strong - a great little camera.
I love my old Fuji F31 for just this reason. It can gather dust for months and months, but when I grab it to take some quick shots, it just works :)
I've just realised since getting my Ixus back how much I take her for granted - glad to see others are the same
I have a Canon Ixus 860 IS and it rarely gets used, it powers up every time and shoots first time! Great little P&S.