An idea for a Nifty Fifty thread

Raymond Lin

I am Groot
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Was thinking and told Pete on irc today, since the fifty is a very common lens (if you don't have one, why not? :p). May be we should have a 1 off, Nifty Fifty competition. Use any camera you like, and shoot anything you like as long you use a 50mm prime lens to shoot with. Thought it might be fun to see what kind of shots people would come up with. It would be a way to push the boundary out a little without the reach, macro of a more expensive lens, makes the competition a lot more even for everyone (of course you do need the lens in the first place).

What do people think ? And on top of that we can also have a thread to show only photos from a nifty.

I just shot this now of things on my desk (note to self, need to tidy the desk).


So get your nifty out and put it on our SLR :p

Thats a very good idea Raymondo (y)

And here's one I prepared earlier:

I've still got my 50mm this time :LOL: Take it with me tomorrow and see what I get :)
Excellent idea (y) I have a nifty (coz it was 50 quid from Kerso :thinking:) and I hardly ever use it :bonk: This is the perfect excuse for me to pop it on the front of my camera :D
I'll have some of that action!
Done one last year with my Nikon D50 and a Nikon AF-D 50mm F1.8.


The image had been cropped.

Will have to fish it out and give it another go...
sounds ace, if i ever remember what ive done with the camera and lens, its a date
sounds ace, if i ever remember what ive done with the camera and lens, its a date

Didn't know tou had a camera :thinking:

I'll give this a shot on my nice shiny new 30D (if Amtrak deliver it tomorrow :rules: )

Until then one from last spring :)

how about rather than people trawl their image archives for what they've got in the past, have people get one over the next week or so, keeping it fresh and recent rather than not...keeping in the essence of the original post that way of getting out 'the nifty one' and having a go...
yay or nay?
sounds good!
This is an excellent idea - I don't use mine half as much as I ought to really, in fact it went on holiday with us and the only one of us to use it was, I'm ashamed to admit, Ben!

As this seems to have developed into the "nifty fifty past shots" thread - here's one of my favourites using it.

I use my 50 f/1.4 all the time, don't know how I lived without it - here's one of the first shots I got with it:


Work schedule is crazy at the moment, 18 hours days until the end of the month but I do have a break to Luxembourg w/end of 18th as the missus is running a 1/2 marathon by candlelight so should make for some interesting shots...
Good idea for a thread, here is one I did a few months ago when testing the DOF.

My 1.4 is away to the calibration:thumbsdown: man at the moment. May I contribute from past stuff?:love:
I think we should (perhaps one of the judges should start a new thread regarding the comp - new photos only etc..) and then we will use this thread to talk about and show our nifty photos.
Oh, before I forget... :D


Those will do for now. I'll stick my nifty on and go shooting!
Couple of oldies for now with the 50mm 1.4. The second was stopped down a bit I think, but the first was wide open at f1.4 Wonderful bit of glass.


One I took of my lad yesterday with the 50mm 1.8

(a bit cooked but I quite like it! and I'm lousy at portraits :D )

Not on that showing you're not. ;) HDR? :D
Thanks and yes CT its HDR'd - I can find an excuse to use it anywhere - my lad's band are looking for some shots and I'm trying some ideas out! They were blown away by the Dave Hill stuff (not that I'll ever get to that level...!) so i thought I'd have a play.
new thread then, i will open one in competition forum called Nifty Fifty Fun comp...
A couple I took with my old Nikon FG-20 and Nikkor 50mm F1.8.


all photos here have been copied to the thread in comp forum, please post in there!