An update to my circumstances :(

Edward Bray
Edit My Images
Just a quick update to my current circumstances, due to a couple of unfortunate issues (1 family and 1 personal) I am having to give up traditional/alternative photography, certainly for the foreseeable future.

To this end, I will be listing some of my conventional/alternative equipment (camera, accessories, at good prices, initially to this forum). This is not an attempt to make money on the sale of the items but mainly to see it go to good homes where it will be appreciated and used to best advantage. It is also important that I clear space as soon as possible and this is another reason why my prices will be keen/low.

I will keep my Pentax digital kit as I cannot go completely away from photography and this will help keep my hand it, but will no longer have the facility for either a dark/dim room and even place to store the equipment to use elsewhere.

Apologies to anyone if this offends but I would like persons with whom I have had good experiences with to at least benefit from my unfortunate circumstances.

TIA, Eddie.
Echo that, as a relative newbie to film stuff, I enjoy reading what you say or show.
That's such a shame. Try and keep one film camera if you can as you never know.
+1. Life can be fickle sometimes, hope things turn around sometime soon.
Sorry I missed this Ed, I don't often venture out of the dusty halls of film & conventional.

Sorry to hear of your troubles and hope that we will continue to have your company on the forum, it's always been a pleasure to meet up with you and your advice and shared knowledge has been much appreciated, I hope you can get back to 'proper' photography soon :D
So sorry to hear this news Eddie...not enough Brays in Fillum...
Sorry to hear that Ed, I remember you from a few years ago, I also had to give up photography for similar reasons and only just starting to get back into after a few years break.
I hope things get better for you in time.
What a shame. One of the best bites the dust.
As my brother Trevor said " Not enough Brays in fillum"
All the best for the future.